This tutorial describes how you can create and run a new scenario using the ScenarioRunner and the ScenarioManager suite.
Let us call the new scenario NewScenario. To create it, there are only few steps required.
Go to the Scenarios folder and create a new Python class with the name NewScenario in a new Python file ( The class should be derived from the BasicScenario class. As a result, the class should look as follows:
class NewScenario(BasicScenario):
Some documentation on NewScenario
:param world is the CARLA world
:param ego_vehicles is a list of ego vehicles for this scenario
:param config is the scenario configuration (ScenarioConfiguration)
:param randomize can be used to select parameters randomly (optional, default=False)
:param debug_mode can be used to provide more comprehensive console output (optional, default=False)
:param criteria_enable can be used to disable/enable scenario evaluation based on test criteria (optional, default=True)
:param timeout is the overall scenario timeout (optional, default=60 seconds)
# some ego vehicle parameters
# some parameters for the other vehicles
def __init__(self, world, ego_vehicles, config, randomize=False, debug_mode=False, criteria_enable=True,
Initialize all parameters required for NewScenario
# Call constructor of BasicScenario
super(NewScenario, self).__init__(
def create_behavior(self):
Setup the behavior for NewScenario
def create_test_criteria(self):
Setup the evaluation criteria for NewScenario
In the NewScenario class, you have to define the following methods mentioned in the code example.
The initialize method is intended to setup all parameters required for the scenario and all vehicles. This includes selecting the correct vehicles, spawning them at the correct location, etc. To simplify this, you may want to use the setup_vehicle() function defined in
This method should setup the behavior tree that contains the behavior of all non-ego vehicles during the scenario. The behavior tree should use py_trees and the atomic behaviors defined in
This method should setup a list with all evaluation criteria for the scenario. The criteria should be based on the atomic criteria defined in
Note: From this list a parallel py_tree will be created automatically!
Finally the scenario configuration should be added to the examples/ folder. If you extend an already existing scenario module, you can simply extend the corresponding XML, otherwise add a new XML file. In this case you can use any of the existing XML files as blueprint.
If you want to add multiple ego vehicles for a scenario, make sure that they use different role names, e.g.
<scenario name="MultiEgoTown03" type="FreeRide" town="Town03">
<ego_vehicle x="207" y="59" z="0" yaw="180" model="" rolename="hero"/>
<ego_vehicle x="237" y="-95.0754252474" z="0" yaw="90" model="vehicle.tesla.model3" rolename="hero2"/>