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I always want to create and build - from Legos, cooking new recipes, languages, and now with products and technology. I have found programming as a great way to challenge myself and push intellectual curiosity.
I am working as a Ruby on Rails engineer and I have experience with:
Ruby programming, Rails framework, version control, rake/rails tasks for data processing, software troubleshooting, bug tracking, writing and code reviewing scripts, dev environment setup, monitoring CRON jobs, and figuring out best solutions to user needs.
Relevant Tools:
JIRA, Datadog, Logstash, PivotalTracker, Trello, LucidChart, Salesforce, Slack, and Zapier
Web Development:
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, HTML & CSS, Atom, Heroku, PostgreSQL, Github
Relevant Readings:
The Lean Startup, Inspired, Extreme Programming Explained, The Ultimate Question 2.0, InfoQ - Scrum & XP from the Trenches, User Story Mapping, Learn Ruby the Hard Way, Agile Web Development with Rails 4, Codecademy - SQL Course