The blockexplorer
package contains the BlockExplorer
class that reflects the functionality documented at https://blockchain.info/api/blockchain_api. It can be used to query the block chain, fetch block, transaction and address data, get unspent outputs for an address etc.
Example usage:
package test;
import info.blockchain.api.blockexplorer.*;
public class App
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// instantiate a block explorer
BlockExplorer blockExplorer = new BlockExplorer();
// get a transaction by hash and list the value of all its inputs
Transaction tx = blockExplorer.getTransaction("df67414652722d38b43dcbcac6927c97626a65bd4e76a2e2787e22948a7c5c47");
for (Input i : tx.getInputs())
// get a block by hash and read the number of transactions in the block
Block block = blockExplorer.getBlock("0000000000000000050fe18c9b961fc7c275f02630309226b15625276c714bf1");
int numberOfTxsInBlock = block.getTransactions().size();
// get an address and read its final balance
Address address = blockExplorer.getAddress("1EjmmDULiZT2GCbJSeXRbjbJVvAPYkSDBw");
long finalBalance = address.getFinalBalance();
// get a list of currently unconfirmed transactions and print the relay IP address for each
List<Transaction> unconfirmedTxs = blockExplorer.getUnconfirmedTransactions();
for (Transaction unconfTx : unconfirmedTxs)
// calculate the balanace of an address by fetching a list of all its unspent outputs
List<UnspentOutput> outs = blockExplorer.getUnspentOutputs("1EjmmDULiZT2GCbJSeXRbjbJVvAPYkSDBw");
long totalUnspentValue = 0;
for (UnspentOutput out : outs)
totalUnspentValue += out.getValue();
// get inventory data for a recent transaction (valid up to one hour)
InventoryData inv = blockExplorer.getInventoryData("f23ee3525f78df032b47c3c9be6cd0d930f38c32674e861c1e41c6558b32ee97");
// get the latest block on the main chain and read its height
LatestBlock latestBlock = blockExplorer.getLatestBlock();
long latestBlockHeight = latestBlock.getHeight();
// use the previous block height to get a list of blocks at that height
// and detect a potential chain fork
List<Block> blocksAtHeight = blockExplorer.getBlocksAtHeight(latestBlockHeight);
if (blocksAtHeight.size() > 1)
System.out.println("The chain has forked!");
System.out.println("The chain is still in one piece :)");
// get a list of all blocks that were mined today since 00:00 UTC
List<SimpleBlock> todaysBlocks = blockExplorer.getBlocks();