currentUser: {
endpoint: buildUrl('/current_user'),
class UserContainer extends Component {
render() {
const { currentUser } = this.props.nion
const { request, actions } = currentUser
const loadButton = <Button onClick={() => actions.get()}>Load</Button>
return (
{ request.isLoading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : loadButton }
{ exists(currentUser.data) ? <UserCard user={currentUser.data} /> : null }
The above example is a fully functional nion-wrapped component. Let's begin by looking at the nion decorator function, which wraps the child component in logic to create nion action creators and selectors, injecting the results in as props. The nion decorator takes a map of declarations - objects that declare what the data requirements of a component are and how they'll be managed.
The keys of the map correspond to the dataKeys
that will be tied to the component. Recall that the dataKey
is the key on the redux state tree on which references to the normalized data and the corresponding network request status is stored. So, in the above example, the dataKey
is currentUser
. The second piece of interest is the endpoint
property. This tells nion what API endpoint to fetch the data from. endpoint
can be either a pathname snippet (which will be automatically converted to a full url), or a fully-formed JSON-API url, including options such as include
and fields
The nion decorator passes in a nion
prop, with keys corresponding to the keys of the supplied declarations - This means that the above example passes in a nion
property with the shape { currentUser : {...} }
, which we'll call a dataProp
. The dataProp
contains a data
attribute, which is an object representation of the fully-denormalized data corresponding to that dataKey
, along with request
and actions
attributes. request
is an object containing all of the current network request information for that dataKey
, and actions
is an object containing all four REST method action creators (get
, post
, patch
, and delete
). This means that all relevant information and methods for managing data are passed in under the namespace of the dataProp
. If all this seems like a mouthful, let's take a quick look at what the currentUser
looks like in the example above (after the data's been fetched, of course):
currentUser: {
data: {
id: 12345,
type: 'user',
// ...denormalized attributes,
request: { // non-enumerable (private)
fetchedAt: 1481318710790
isError: false
isLoaded: true
isLoading: false
status: 'success'
}, // non-enumerable (private)
actions: {
get: () => {...},
post: () => {...},
Even from this basic example, nion is doing a lot under the hood. But remember, it's all just redux - the nion decorator is simply taking care of all of the necessary redux boilerplate: connecting to the redux store, selecting data, creating and action dispatchers, and passing these into the child component as props. The denormalized object on the dataProp
is just the result of selectData(<dataKey>)
, the request
object is the result of selectRequest(<dataKey)
, and the actions
object is a collection of curried nion action creators for each REST request type.
Using the nion decorator leads to a cleaner, simpler, more consistent, and more predictable interface with the underlying redux code.
@nion(({ userId }) => ({
user: {
dataKey: `user:${userId}`,
endpoint: buildUrl(`/users/${userId}`),
class UserContainer extends Component {
render() {
const { user } = this.props.nion
const { request, actions } = user
const loadButton = <Button onClick={() => actions.get()}>Load</Button>
return (
{ request.isLoading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : loadButton }
{ exists(user.data) ? <UserCard user={user.data} /> : null }
An extremely common pattern for managing data is fetching data from an endpoint that we don't know ahead of time, or that's dependent on data provided to the child component. The nion decorator, in place of a map of declarations, can also accept a function that takes in props and returns a map of declarations. In this way, we can manage data that's dependent on parent data clearly and concisely.
There are a few things to note about the example above - First, we're passing in a prop userId
into the nion decorator from the parent component. This prop is used by the nion decorator to create the declaration which determines how this component's data will be managed. In order to manage this data correctly, we have to create both an endpoint
corresponding to the passed in userId
, as well as a new dataKey
specific to the current user being managed. In the first example, the dataKey
corresponds to the key of the provided declaration, but this can be overridden by creating a custom dataKey
property when building the declaration. Remember, the dataKey
is the key on the redux state tree where the data and corresponding request will be managed, so it needs to be unique to the user data being managed. We'll use the convention <type>:<id>
moving forward, but this can be any unique identifier for the given resource.
Conveniently, the nion decorator passes in the dataProp
under the key of the declaration, so the component will access all data under the key user
, even though the underlying data is attached to the redux state tree as user:<userId>
currentUser: {
endpoint: buildUrl('/current_user', {
include: ['campaign'],
fields: {
user: ['full_name'],
campaign: ['name']
class UserContainer extends Component { ... }
Since JSON-API allows for us to manually request included fields and relationships, a nion declaration can use a fully formed JSON API url as its endpoint
property. nion exposes a buildUrl
utility function for creating fully-formed JSON-API urls, with all relevant query-string options provided as a second options
Note that since the declaration can also be constructed as a function of the passed-in props, we can easily add in dynamic query string parameters to our endpoint as well.
@nion(({ filterType }) => ({
stream: {
dataKey: `stream:filter:${filterType}`
endpoint: buildUrl('/stream', {
filter: filterType
class StreamContainer extends Component { ... }
currentUser: {
endpoint: buildUrl('/current_user'),
fetchOnInit: true,
fetchOnce: true
class UserContainer extends Component {
render() {
const { currentUser } = this.props.nion
const { request } = currentUser
return (
{ request.isLoading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : null }
{ exists(currentUser.data) ? <UserCard user={currentUser.data} /> : null }
Another extremely common pattern is for a component to begin loading data as soon as it's mounted. This can be achieved very easily by invoking the get
method for a given dataProp
in the component's componentDidMount
method, but the nion decorator provides a few handy lifecyle options to manage this automatically. The fetchOnInit
option tells the nion decorator to automatically dispatch a get
action when the component mounts, and the fetchOnce
option ensures that nion
only loads this data once, not every time the component is mounted. Note the default value of fetchOnce
is true
, it's only explicitly passed in in the above example for clarity's sake.
// Child Component
@nion(({ userId }){
user: {
endpoint: buildUrl(`/user/${userId}`),
fetchOnInit: true
class UserContainer extends Component {
render() {
const { user } = this.props.nion
const { request } = currentUser
return (
{ request.isLoading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : null }
{ exists(currentUser.data) ? <UserCard user={currentUser.data} /> : null }
In the above example, when we pass a different userId
prop into the nion-wrapped component, the component will automatically load the data corresponding to the new dataKey. This is because the fetchOnInit
parameter actually instructs nion to automatically fetch data when a new dataKey is instantiated (which can occur as result of either mounting a component for the first time, or passing different props into the wrapped component).
currentUser: {
endpoint: buildUrl('/current_user'),
class UserContainer extends Component {
render() {
const { currentUser } = this.props.nion
const { request, actions } = currentUser
const updateUser = () => {
name: ''
const updateButton = <Button onClick={updateUser} />Patch</Button>
return (
{ request.isLoading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : updateButton }
{ exists(currentUser.data) ? <UserCard user={currentUser.data} /> : null }
The nion decorator exposes all four REST method nion action functions to the child component under the dataProp
namespace. The patch
method (which corresponds to the PUT
REST method), is the most common mutative operation.
The method signature for the patch
method is patch(data)
. Conveniently, all nion actions passed in through the nion decorator return promises that are either resolved on API request success or rejected on failure - this allows for contingent handling of the success or error state in a bit more practical way than hooking into custom reducers.
@nion(({ commentId }) => ({
commentLike: {
dataKey: `commentLike:${commentId}`,
endpoint: buildUrl(`/comments/${commentId}/like`)
class CommentLikeContainer extends Component {
render() {
const { commentLike } = this.props.nion
const likeComment = () => commentLike.actions.post()
.then(() => {
// Do something contingent on POST success
.catch(() => {
// Do something contingent on POST error
const unlikeComment = () => commentLike.actions.delete({
id: commentLike.id,
type: 'like'
const likeButton = <Button onClick={likeComment} />Like</Button>
const unlikeButton = <Button onClick={unlikeComment} />Unlike</Button>
const button = exists(commentLike.data) ? unlikeButton : likeButton
return (
{ commentLike.request.isLoading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : button }
The nion decorator exposes all four REST method nion action functions to the child component under the dataProp
namespace. The patch
method (which corresponds to the PUT
REST method), is the most common mutative operation.
The method signature for the patch
method is patch(data)
. Conveniently, all nion actions passed in through the nion decorator return promises that are either resolved on API request success or rejected on failure - this allows for contingent handling of the success or error state in a bit more practical way than hooking into custom reducers.
At the moment, nion's mutative methods are not optimistic by default. However, the nion decorator exposes a simple, general-purpose tool for mutating any underlying entity data that's useful for accomplishing optimistic updates. Let's revisit the above example, with a bit more logic in place for handling likes
in a more real-life fashion.
@nion(({ commentId }) => ({
commentLike: {
dataKey: `commentLike:${commentId}`,
endpoint: buildUrl(`/comments/${commentId}/like`)
class CommentLikeContainer extends Component {
render() {
const { commentLike, updateEntity } = this.props.nion
const { comment } = this.props // The parent comment
const commentRef = { id: comment.id, type: 'comment' }
const likeComment = () => updateEntity(commentRef, {
likeCount: comment.likeCount + 1,
currentUserHasLiked: true
.then(() => commentLike.actions.post())
const unlikeComment = () => updateEntity(commentRef, {
likeCount: comment.likeCount - 1,
currentUserHasLiked: false
.then(() => commentLike.actions.delete())
const likeButton = <Button onClick={likeComment} />Like</Button>
const unlikeButton = <Button onClick={unlikeComment} />Unlike</Button>
const canLikeComment = !exists(commentLike.data) && !comment.currentUserHasLiked
const button = canLikeComment ? likeButton : unlikeButton
return (
{ commentLike.request.isLoading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : button }
In the above example, as is the case in Patreon's real-life code, the display logic for rendering comment likes is actually a product of data stored on the comment itself, not the presence or absence of a corresponding like resource. This information is represented by two props on the comment
- likeCount
and currentUserHasLiked
. In order to display the information indicating the intended action to the user as quickly as possible, we need to optimistically update the data corresponding to the render logic - in this case, updating the parent comment's likeCount
and currentUserHasLiked
properties. We do this with the updateEntity
nion method, which is passed in as a top-level method of the nion
prop by the nion decorator. This method takes a ref
({id, type}
tuple pointer) as the first argument, and an object of attributes to be updated on the corresponding entity.
The updateEntity
nion action is extremely simple under the hood - it simply merges the passed in attributes object into the attributes of the relevant entity. At this time, it's not present to do more advanced updates to a given entity, such as changing the relationships, deleting, or creating new entities.
In addition, since the updateEntity
method returns a promise, we can chain it with nion REST actions to handle success / failure of network actions in a clear an concise manner. For instance, if we wanted to undo our optimistic update upon network failure, we would do the following:
const likeComment = () => updateEntity(commentRef, {
likeCount: comment.likeCount + 1,
currentUserHasLiked: true
.then(() => commentLike.actions.post())
.catch(() => updateEntity(commentRef, {
likeCount: comment.likeCount,
currentUserHasLiked: false
A note on optimistic POST and DELETE: So far, we haven't developed the solution for optimistically creating or removing an entity - Since this is a fairly uncommon use case, and may overlap with a more general optimistic mutation strategy, we're waiting to implement it until we know a bit more about the corresponding use cases.
Since our JSON-API interface uses a simple, cursor-based pagination system across API resources, the nion decorator can handle pagination in a consistent and elegant way.
stream: {
endpoint: buildUrl(`/stream`),
paginated: true,
fetchOnInit: true
class Paginated extends Component {
render() {
const { stream } = this.props.nion
const { loading, canLoadMore } = stream.request.isLoading
const fetchNext = stream.actions.next
return (
{ exists(stream.data) ? <Stream stream={stream.data} /> : null }
{ loading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : null }
{ canLoadMore ? <Button onClick={fetchNext}>Load More</Button> : null }
Paginated resources are managed by simply passing in the parameter paginated: true
into the declaration, which tells the nion decorator to expose a few pagination-related properties to the child component. The main focus is the next
action method, which is simply a get
action method curried with the next page cursor returned from the initial request to the paginated resource's endpoint. In addition to dispatching this curried get
request, the next
method also dispatches the underlying JSON_API_SUCCESS
redux action with a special isNextPage
meta property, which tells the internal reducers to append the result of the next
request to the existing reference
rather than overwriting it.
In addition to the next
action method, the nion decorator also exposes a canLoadMore
property to the request
property - This is a convenience property indicating whether or not a next
link exists on the given ref's links object.
If for some reason it were to become necessary to manually override the behavior of the next
action, we can pass in a params
object into the action to override any JSON-API url params we wish. This is the case with all nion actions exposed through the nion decorator.
A common, but more advanced, use case in data management is the creation of new refs to be managed by parent components. In the case of a stream or post feed, we may fetch a list of posts from the /stream
, but subsequently use nion to manage data involving individual posts in the stream (for instance, loading their comments). This overlap of responsibilities from parent to child is a fairly common use case for more complex web applications, and presents a number of technical challenges.
nion provides an elegant solution for handling the above use case. In earlier examples, we've learned how to create a dataKey
per-component. Recall that this dataKey
is the key on which the underlying reference
and request
is managed on the nion state. However, when the new dataKey
is created and the reference
is initialized, the actual pointer to the underlying data will be empty since nion will not yet have loaded any data under that dataKey
If the data that is to be managed by the child component already exists, we'll need some way to initialize this new reference
under the supplied dataKey
with that existing data. We do this by providing the child component with an initial ref using the initialRef
property of the declaration. Let's take a look at this in code.
// The parent Stream container
stream: {
endpoint: buildUrl(`/stream`),
fetchOnInit: true
class Stream extends Component {
render() {
const { stream } = this.props.nion
const loading = stream.request.isLoading
return (
{ loading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : stream.data.map(post =>
<Post post={post} />
// The child Post container
@nion(({ post }) => ({
post: {
dataKey: `post:${post.id}`,
endpoint: buildUrl(`/posts/${post.id}`),
initialRef: makeRef(post)
class Post extends Component {
render() {
const { post } = this.props.nion
const loading = post.request.isLoading
const reloadButton = <Button onClick={post.actions.get}>Reload</Button>
return (
<PostCard post={post.data} />
{ loading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : reloadButton }
In the example above, we're providing the child component with an initial ref via the initialRef
declaration property, which will automatically be inserted into the references
state. This allows us to seamlessly pass responsiblity of managing a given piece of data to the child component. Let's take a quick look at the redux store to see exactly what's going on here
nion: {
entities: {...},
requests: {...},
references: {
stream: {
data: [{
id: '1234',
type: 'post'
}, {
id: '5678',
type: 'post'
'post:1234': {
data: {
id: '1234',
type: 'post'
'post:5678': {
data: {
id: '5678',
type: 'post'
Notice that the references
have been automatically populated with their given refs
, or pointers to the underlying entities - now the reference
corresponding to the given dataKey has all of the information necessary to manage the data for a given post. It's almost as if we're "preloading" the references with pointers to the corresponding data.
We use the makeRef
function to provide an initial ref to the declaration - In order for nion to attach a ref to the state tree we need to create a ref in the shape that nion expects - The most basic function of makeRef
is to transform the input data by selecting off the id
and type
parameters to construct a ref. However, there's some extremely useful functionality baked into the makeRef
function that allows us to handle much more complex use cases.
Let's take this a step further to understand how we'd manage the corresponding comments for each post, which could themselves be paginated. First, let's look at the nion state tree for this situation, in order to understand what's happening at the data level.
nion: {
entities: {
post: {
1234: {
attributes: {...},
relationships: {
recentComments: {
data: [{
type: 'comment',
id: '8901'
}, {
type: 'comment',
id: '8902'
links: {
next: '....nextUrl',
comment: {...}
requests: {...},
references: {...}
Notice that our post has a relationship to recentComments
, of which the first two are fetched automatically when loaded from the /stream
endpoint. These comments are paginated, and if we want to manage this comments
data with a child component of our Post component, we're going to have to initialize a ref with both the relevant {id, type}
information as well as the relevant pagination information.
Fortunately, nion exposes a simple interface for handling this fairly complex operation through the makeRef function.
// The grandchild Comments container
@nion(({ post }) => ({
comments: {
dataKey: `postComments:${post.id}`,
initialRef: makeRef(post.recentComments),
paginated: true
class CommentsContainer extends Component {
render() {
const { comments } = this.props.nion
const { loading, canLoadMore } = comments.request
const loadMoreButton = <Button onClick={comments.actions.next}>Load More</Button>
const showLoadMore = () => canLoadMore ? loadMoreButton : null
return (
{ exists(comments.data) ? <CommentsList comments={comments.data} /> : null }
{ loading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : showLoadMore() }
By using the makeRef
function, nion automatically attaches the relevant links
(and meta
) information for the recentComments
entity relationship ref.
nion: {
entities: {
post: {
1234: {
attributes: {...},
relationships: {
recentComments: {
data: [{
type: 'comment',
id: '8901'
}, {
type: 'comment',
id: '8902'
links: {
next: '....nextUrl',
comment: {...}
requests: {...},
references: {
'comments:1234': {
entities: [{
type: 'comment',
id: '8901'
}, {
type: 'comment',
id: '8902'
links: {
next: '....nextUrl',
The nion decorator uses a selector called selectData
under the hood to return the fully denormalized data for any given dataKey
, and this denormalization process actually creates a hidden _ref
property on every level of the denormalized object, which maintains the relevant ref on the data. So, for any data passed in as a nion
dataProp, a pointer ref to the underlying data is automatically available to the makeRef
function to use to create a ref
to the underlying data, including all relevant links / meta information. This allows nion to seamlessly hand off management of data from one component to another.
If the above example seems complex, fear not! There's another set of docs called nion deep dive: building a stream that attempts to explain in detail the entire process of building a fully-featured app, including these complex parent-child relationships, with nion.
Although the nion decorator is the most semantic and straightforward way of managing nion data, it's really just a convenient way of wrapping components in the logic necessary to select data off of the nion state tree and create relevant actions. Since all of this is being done with a redux connect
function under the hood, we can manually do all of the leg work ourselves if the use case demands it. An example:
const dataKey = 'currentUserCampaign'
const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({
campaign: selectData(dataKey),
campaignRequest: selectRequest(dataKey)
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch => ({
getCampaign: (campaignId) => () => dispatch(jsonApi.get(
{ endpoint: jsonApi.urlBuilder(`/campaigns/${campaignId}`) }
const mergeProps = (stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) => {
return {
getCampaign: dispatchProps.getCampaign(ownProps.campaignId)
@connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps)
class CurrentUserCampaign extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
const { campaign, campaignRequest } = this.props
const { isLoading } = campaignRequest
return (
{ isLoading ? <LoadingSpinner /> : <CampaignCard campaign={campaign} /> }
nion exports all of its internal selectors and action creators, which can be manually used in a redux connect
function. In the above example, we're using selectData
and selectRequest
in mapStateToProps
to select data attached to a supplied dataKey
from the nion redux state. We then set up a dispatch method using the jsonApi.get
action creator, passing it along to mapDispatchToProps
. Finally, we curry the getCampaign
dispatch method with the passed in prop campaignId
to complete the functionality.
Remember, this is what the nion decorator is doing under the hood anyway, just with much more functionality exposed and using a more declarative syntax. If at any point the nion decorator proves too inflexible, then it's totally acceptable to use manual redux syntax to achieve the necessary functionality. It's even completely possible to use both together.