The docs reference Version 1.0.
For legacy documentation please check this.
The following documentation pages will hopefully solve all your remaining questions and clear out the usage and intention of Look.
If there's still something I forgot please let me know and don't be shy to ask. You may also create an issue so I can update the docs immediately.
- Getting Started
- 1.1. Installation
- 1.2. First Component
- 1.3. Stateless Components
- 1.4. Mixins & Plugins
- 1.5. DevTools
- API Reference
- 2.1. look
- 2.2. StyleSheet
- 2.3. LookRoot
- Registry
- Guides
- 4.1. Upgrading Look
- 4.2. Configuring Look
- 4.3. Build your own: Mixin
- 4.4. Build your own: Plugin
- Under The Hood (incomplete)
- 6.1. How does Look work?
- 6.2. How does StyleSheet.create work?