Any submission to this project should closely follow the PEP 8 coding guidelines with the exceptions:
- Lines can be up to 100 characters long.
- Single letter or otherwise nondescript variable names are prohibited.
New modules added to the hug project should all live directly within the hug/
directory without nesting.
If the modules are meant only for internal use within hug they should be prefixed with a leading underscore. For example, def _internal_function
Modules should contain a doc string at the top that gives a general explanation of the purpose and then
restates the project's use of the MIT license.
There should be a tests/test_$
file created to correspond to every new module that contains
test coverage for the module. Ideally, tests should be 1:1 (one test object per code object, one test method
per code method) to the extent cleanly possible.