This information is used with Chapter 16
Install as a global tool:
dotnet tool install -g aspirate --prerelease
IF you've already installed it, a new version might be available. Checkt the current version and the version available, and update if a new version is available:
aspirate --version
dotnet tool search aspirate --prerelease
dotnet tool update -g aspirate --prerelease
See chapter 16
After creating the Kubernetes cluster, don't forget to configure the default Kubernetes cluster in the kubeconfig file:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <your resource group> --name <your aks name>
See chapter 16
Optionally, create a .NET Aspire manifest. This manifest can be used with Aspir8. Insted, we'll use the launch profile starting the application. This file can be referenced from the aspirate tool:
cd Codebreaker.AppHost
dotnet run --launch-profile OnPremises -- --publisher manifest --output-path onpremises-manifest.json
- Initialize Aspirate
cd Codebreaker.AppHost
aspirate init --launch-profile OnPremises
- fall-back value for the container builder? Enter n (use Docker Desktop)
- fall-back value for the container registry? y
- Enter the container registry: enter the link to your ACR, e.g.
- Repository prefix? n
- Use a custom directory for * Templates* when generating kustomize manifests? n
This creates the file aspirate.json
with the configurations.
- Generate Kubernetes manifests
aspirate generate --launch-profile OnPremises --output-path ./kustomize-output --skip-build --namespace codebreakerns
Select all components. Would you like to deploy the aspire dashboard and connect the OLTP endpoint? Enter y For storing the secrets, enter a password. Remember this password. Generate top level kustomize manifest to run against your kubernetes cluster? Enter y
- Bulid and push Docker images to the ACR
az acr login –-name <yourregistry>
aspirate build --launch-profile OnPremises --container-image-tag 3.8 --container-image-tag latest --container-registry <yourregistry>
Use all previous state values where possible? Enter y
- Deploy to Kubernetes
aspirate apply --input-path kustomize-output
kubectl get deployments --namespace codebreakerns
kubectl get services --namespace codebreakerns
Use all previous state values where possible? Enter y Deploy the generated manifests to a kubernetes cluster defined in your kubeconfig file? Enter y