A brief overview of the steps needed to call de novo tandem repeat mutations using TRGT-denovo given TRGT output.
- TRGT binary
- TRGT-denovo binary
- Repeat definition files are available in this Zenodo repository and definitions of known pathogenic repeats are also available here (always the same sites or a subset of those used with TRGT)
- Aligned HiFi data of a family trio (father, mother, and child)
- The reference genome used for read alignment
Given the following data:
- Reference genome
- Repeat definition file
. - Aligned sequencing data of the family (father, mother, and son respectively)
, andsample_S.bam
All data must first be genotyped by TRGT:
./trgt --genome reference.fasta \
--repeats repeat.bed \
--reads sample_F.bam \
--output-prefix sample_F \
--karyotype XY
./trgt --genome reference.fasta \
--repeats repeat.bed \
--reads sample_M.bam \
--output-prefix sample_M \
--karyotype XX
./trgt --genome reference.fasta \
--repeats repeat.bed \
--reads sample_S.bam \
--output-prefix sample_S \
--karyotype XY
TRGT outputs the genotyped repeat sites in a VCF file stored in prefix.vcf.gz
and the spanning reads that were used to genotype each site (that fully span the repeat sequences) stored in prefix.spanning.bam
. TRGT-denovo requires sorted BAM and VCF data, hence you will need to sort and index the output VCF and BAM files. For each family member this involves:
bcftools sort -Ob -o sample_F.sorted.vcf.gz sample_F.vcf.gz
bcftools index sample_F.sorted.vcf.gz
samtools sort -o sample_F.spanning.sorted.bam sample_F.spanning.bam
samtools index sample_F.spanning.sorted.bam
Such that you end up with sample_F.sorted.vcf.gz
, sample_F.spanning.sorted.bam
, sample_M.sorted.vcf.gz
, sample_M.spanning.sorted.bam
, sample_S.sorted.vcf.gz
, sample_S.spanning.sorted.bam
(and their associated .bam.bai
and .vcf.gz.csi
With all preprocessing completed, we can call de novo repeat expansion mutations using TRGT-denovo from the sample data. Note that family members are supplied by their common prefix of spanning.sorted.bam
and sorted.vcf.gz
, i.e., sample_F
, sample_M
, and sample_S
and path if not running TRGT-denovo in the same directory as the data:
./TRGT-denovo trio --reference reference.fasta \
--bed repeat.bed \
--father sample_F \
--mother sample_M \
--child sample_S \
--out out.tsv
For further interpretation of TRGT-denovo output see here, additionally scripts/python/trio_analysis.ipynb shows an example of doing basic analysis given TRGT-denovo trio output to select candidate de novo calls.