# Tertiary Map File Specification | Type | Key | Description | Notes | | ---- | --- | ----------- | ----- | | File | slivar_js | slivar functions | [link](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brentp/slivar/91a40d582805d6607fa8a76a8fce15fd2e4be3b8/js/slivar-functions.js) | | File | ensembl_gff | [Ensembl](https://useast.ensembl.org/index.html) GFF3 reference annotation | | | File | lof_lookup | Path to table of loss-of-function scores per gene | | | File | clinvar_lookup | Path to table of ClinVar annotations per gene | | | File | slivar_gnotate_files | Comma-delimited array of population dataset allele frequencies in [`slivar gnotate`](https://github.com/brentp/slivar/wiki/gnotate) format | | | String | slivar_gnotate_prefixes | Comma-delimieted array of prefixes to `_af`, `_nhomalt`, and `_ac` in `slivar_gnotate_files` | | | String (Float) [^1] | slivar_max_af | Maximum allele frequency within population for small variants | | | String (Int) [^2] | slivar_max_nhomalt | Maximum number of homozygous alternate alleles within population for small variants | | | String (Int) [^2] | slivar_max_ac | Maximum allele count within population for small variants | | | String (Int) [^2] | slivar_min_gq | Minimum genotype quality for small variants to be considered for compound heterozygous pairs | | | String | svpack_pop_vcfs | Comma-delimited array of structural variant population VCF paths | | | String | svpack_pop_vcf_indices | Comma-delimited array of structural variant population VCF index paths | | [^1]: Technically this value is interpreted as String by WDL, but slivar expects a Float, e.g, `0.03`. [^2]: Technically these values are interpreted as String by WDL, but slivar expects an Int.