Automatically ban unwelcome, leeching, and abnormal BT clients with support for custom rules.
PeerBanHelper consists of the following core modules:
- PeerID Blacklist
- Client Name Blacklist
- IP/GeoIP/IP Type Blacklist
- Fake Progress Checker (Progress Cheat Blocker)
- Automatic Chain Banning
- Multi-Dial Tracking
- Peer ID/Client Name Spoofing Detection via AviatorScript Engine
- Active Monitoring (Local Data Analysis)
- IP Set Rules Subscription
- WebUI (Current Features: Active Banlist, Ban History, Top 50 Most Banned IPs, Rule Subscription Management, Charts, Peer List)
Additionally, PeerBanHelper downloads the GeoIP database on startup. Once loaded, it supports:
- Viewing IP geolocation, AS info (ASN, ISP, AS Name), and network type (Broadband, Cellular, IoT, Data Center, etc.) in ban lists
- Banning IPs by country/region, city, network type, ASN, etc.
- GeoIP statistics visualization
For optimal performance, we recommend using our maintained IP rule repository PBH-BTN/BTN-Collected-Rules and BTN Network, though this is entirely optional.
All Docker-based downloaders must use host network driver. PBH requires real peer IPs - bridge mode is unsupported!
- qBittorrent/qBittorrent v4.5.0+ (XDown not supported)
- BiglyBT (requires plugin)
- Deluge (requires plugin)
- Azureus(Vuze) (requires plugin)
- Transmission (Not recommended; v3.00-20+ required)
- BitComet v2.10 Beta6 [20240928]+ (LTSeed anti-leech unsupported due to BitComet's limitation)
PeerBanHelper only supports traditional IPv4/IPv6 anti-leech. I2P/Tor connections are ignored.
Main UI | Ban List | Ban Logs | Ban Statistics | Rule Statistics | Rule Subscriptions |
See PeerBanHelper Documentation
Before reporting issues, check FAQ
Join our QQ Group!
By using this software, you agree to:
Illegal websites and black/grey industries shall not request any form of manual service from PBH-BTN developers/supporters. Strictly prohibited to use any PBH-BTN assets (including but not limited to code, images, programs, BTN rulesets) for illegal activities, endangering national security, telecom fraud, or assisting others in such acts.
Users shall not use PBH-BTN assets to harm other individuals/organizations. Any usage infringing rights of others is prohibited.
Users bear full responsibility for consequences arising from software usage. Developers assume no liability.
We use these excellent tools during development. Thanks to the companies/projects for providing open-source licenses:
PeerBanHelper uses Install4j multi-platform installer builder. Thanks to ej-technologies for the OSS license. Click the link or image below for install4j.
PeerBanHelper uses JProfiler all-in one Java profiler for performance analysis. Thanks to ej-technologies for the OSS license. Click the link or image below for JProfiler.