This update a few new changes to GoOS,
We now have a whole new Settings app rather than the old deprecated TUI based settings app that's been around for god knows how long.
Introducing more resolutions supported on GoOS, from 800x600 up to 2560x1440. Here is the list of supported resolutions:
+ 800x600
- 1152 x 864
+ 1280x960
+ 1400x1050
+ 1600x1200
- 1280x1024
+ 1280x800
+ 1366x768
+ 1600x1050
+ 1920x1200
On boot, GoOS now displays verbose information prior to the boot screen, so if it freezes, you know what it froze on.
GoOS Dialogue boxes now play an info sound.
We are now releasing builds in two forms, as cosmos now supports UEFI builds,
GoOS-UEFI.iso = the UEFI edition, (it still boots in regular BIOS but it can cause problems. (or so I've been told.))
GoOS-BIOS.iso = the BIOS edition. Won't boot on UEFI but allows compatability with CSM and legacy systems where needed.
We of course still provide a premade HDD.