- Ovler-Young/Personal-scoop - Scoop for my personal use
- wushuo894/ani-rss - 自动追番、订阅、下载 蜜柑RSS动漫
- saveweb/biliarchiver - Use bilix to download BiliBili video and upload to the Internet Archive with metadata and danmaku.
- Ovler-Young/ani-rss - 自动追番、订阅、下载 蜜柑RSS动漫
- Ovler-Young/ist356-classroom-fall2024-project-project - ist356-classroom-fall2024-project-project created by GitHub Classroom
- Ovler-Young/kill-the-newsletter - Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds
- Ovler-Young/openwrt-tailscale-enabler - Brings Tailscale to low powered OpenWRT devices
- Ovler-Young/ist356 - Programming Techniques for Data Analytics
- Ovler-Young/lobe-chat - Ovler's edit of lobe-chat.
- Ovler-Young/Torrent2Bangumi -
- Ovler-Young/dizzyview -
- Ovler-Young/Mojibake-recovery - Mojibake recovery. 乱码恢复 Try to encode and decode in utf-8, gbk, BIG5, euc_kr and much more
- wushuo894/ani-rss (v1.1.204, 2 days ago) - 自动追番、订阅、下载 蜜柑RSS动漫
- PBH-BTN/PeerBanHelper (v7.1.5, 5 days ago) - Automatically block unwanted, leeches and abnormal BT peers with support for customized and cloud rules.| BT 反吸血工具 - 自动封禁不受欢迎、吸血和异常的 BT 客户端,并支持自定义规则。支持 qB/qBEE/Deluge/BiglyBT/Azureus/Vuze/BitComet
- Ovler-Young/Torrent2Bangumi (v1.0.0, 5 months ago) -
- saveweb/biliarchiverbot (v1.0.0, 5 months ago) - 猫猫的pilipili大bot | Bilibili archiver bot
- LaoshuBaby/liulianmao (1.0.0, 8 months ago) - A LLM client for use from the command line or IDE. 一个在命令行或者IDE中使用的大语言模型客户端
- 添加 Telegram 格式配置支持 on wushuo894/ani-rss (1 week ago)
- Fix 403 error handling in upload on saveweb/biliarchiver (1 week ago)
- Haiku on the-ccsn/smartdownload (1 week ago)
- homeall/caddy-reverse-proxy-cloudflare - Docker image with Caddy server and Cloudflare plugin installed (1 week ago)
- oracle/bpftune - bpftune uses BPF to auto-tune Linux systems (1 week ago)
- richards199999/Thinking-Claude - Let your Claude able to think (2 weeks ago)
Say Hello, I don't bite!
- Email: [email protected]
- Telegram: https://t.me/ovler