- Setup Gcloud SDK
- Set a default compute region and compute zone
- install tmux
Installing the Client Tools
- Install cfssl & cfssljson
- Install Kubectl
Provisioning Compute Resources
Add Subnet
Add Firewall rules
Add static public IP for k8s
Add compute instances:
GCP has a limitation on free tier, we should create 2 controllers and 2 instead of 3/3
SSH access
Provisioning the CA and Generating TLS Certificates
- Add Certificate Authority to generate additional certs
- Client and Server Certificates
- Make Admin Client Certificate
- Make Kubelet Client Certificates
- Make Controller Manager Client Certificate
- Make Kube Proxy Client Certificate
- Make Scheduler Client Certificate
- Make Kubernetes API Server Certificate
- Make Service Account Key Pair
- Distribute the Client and Server Certificates
Generating Kubernetes Configuration Files for Authentication
- Generate kubelet Kubernetes Configuration File
- Generate kube-proxy Kubernetes Configuration File
- Generate kube-controller-manager Kubernetes Configuration File
- Generate kube-scheduler Kubernetes Configuration File
- Generate admin Kubernetes Configuration File
- Distribute the Kubernetes Configuration Files
Generating the Data Encryption Config and Key
- Generate encription key
- Create Encryption Config File and copy to each controller
Bootstrapping the etcd Cluster
Use tmux to run on multiple instances
Download and Install the etcd Binaries
Configure the etcd Server
Start the etcd Server
sudo systemctl start etcd
Know issue: Failed by timeout, use Tmux and run on all instances
Bootstrapping the Kubernetes Control Plane
Use tmux to run on multiple instances
- Provision the Kubernetes Control Plane
- Download and Install the Kubernetes Controller Binaries
- Configure the Kubernetes API Server
- Configure the Kubernetes Controller Manager
- Configure the Kubernetes Scheduler
- Start the Controller Services
- Enable HTTP Health Checks
- RBAC for Kubelet Authorization
- The Kubernetes Frontend Load Balancer
- Provision the Kubernetes Control Plane
Bootstrapping the Kubernetes Worker Nodes
- Provisioning a Kubernetes Worker Node
- Disable Swap
- Download and Install Worker Binaries
- Configure CNI Networking
- Configure containerd
- Configure the Kubelet
- Configure the Kubernetes Proxy
- Start the Worker Services
Configuring kubectl for Remote Access
Provisioning Pod Network Routes
- Create routes
Deploying the DNS Cluster Add-on
Smoke Test
- Deploy Nginx
- Add port-forwarding
- Make Curl request
- Check access to pod logs
- Try Exec pod
- Expose Nginx NodePort and create Firewall rule to allow 80 port
- Make Curl request to EXTERNAL_IP
Cleaning Up