Enhance applicability and bugs fixed
Expand the directives
separate the into and
For inquiry, will not auto get data on-load, filter the data by criteria, the criteria structure may same as the table structure or customize.
For process, may send a request to server for process or generation. Or and display the records like inquiry, the user select on the filtered record for further process.
ui-router Integration
The demo sample use ui-router and ocLazyLoad to reduce the amendment effort.
DataAdapter service
A Middle-ware for data conversion between PHP (server) and js (client)
massage client data for send as AJAX request
massage server response data for directive usage
Demo sample components
- ui-router
- ocLazyLoad
- Prism.js
- angular-bootstrap-lightbox-0.12.0
Enhance Excel supports
- Export, excel format(xls, xlsx)
- Export, generate as template or with full data
- support year(4), year(2) data type
Switch UI framework POC
Fixed lot of Bugs
- service.js
- entry directive
- export directive
- import directive
- inquiry directive
- process directive
- Excel support
fixed: ExcelManager.php
PHPExcel translates to UTC time inside, and then go back to the default timezone.
should not add 8 hours by manual
fixed: create date value in excel through PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel class