Releases: OptimalBPM/angular-schema-form-dynamic-select
0.11, last minor version before 1.0
What has happened:
- Add options.scope reference to form.options
- Add entry point for jspm/npm
- Forward search strings from ui-selects to callbacks
- Remove unnecessary calls to createDirective
- Several bug fixes, initiation of ui-select, add their view to minimized dist, dev-dep for gulp-webserver etc.
- Improve documentation, structure
The next step is the 1.0 version that will implement the rest of the components' parameters, and move all ng-controllers into nice directives instead:
Further down looms Angular 2, a move to TypeScript and full SystemJS support.
Bug- and documentation fix release
- This applies pull request 19 and the related /src/-change. (Thanks @dzeroone for that fix).
The fix makes multi select with `multiselect : true', i.e. literal, non-JSON string notation. - The documentation has also been improved.
Add support for AngularStrap's max-length and max-length-html
They control how the list of selected items is displayed. See the documentation for details on how to use them.
There is no corresponding functionality in angular-ui-select so these settings apply only to AngularStrap (strapselect).
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where filter destination selection would be empty
- Change implementation of UI-select, make more things wirk
- Fix bug where conditions for single select made it not show
- Make the example filter value more complex
- Make UI-Select work a little bit better (far from fully, though)
Add UI-select-support and merge form types (breaking change!)
This release brings quite significant changes:
Merging of form types
There is a breaking change, the strapselectdynamic, strapmultiselect and strapmultiselect form types has been merged into only strapselect.
The reason for this, is that they have no purpose anymore, since the settings is provided by options instead of the form type. It is just confusing when one uses the component.
The only case where something has to be changed instead of renaming all existing form types to strapselect.
UI-select support
Turns out that the ui-select implementation is a little more experimental than previously thought. Basically, it doesn't work properly. Currently, use only for testing how it would look, hopefully the problems will be fixed soon.
As angular-ui-select is very popular, and provides features that angular-strap-select lacks, I decided to add support to this library.
Most of the code comes from the Chengz:s angular-schema-form implementation schema-form-uiselect (, but some is from SteveHu:s angular-ui-select.
This component now supports both.
Fore more information, see the section on ui-select
Require angular-strap 2.2.2
Angular-strap 2.2.2 resolves the issue and bug in #13, as it applies the pull request mgcrea/angular-strap#1657.
Please run:
bower update update angular-strap to the latest version. There are also numerous other fixes in that version.
Bug fixes of tests and examples
The 0.8.1 release broke the examples and the tests. The reason was that the build was out of sync, so the problem was hidden. This release fixes these issues.
Bug fixes
Harmonization with angular-schema-form and enum support
Angular-schema-form-dynamic-select is now a drop-in replacement of the existing selects in ASF.
It now:
- correctly shows the UI defaults, and only when it supposed to.
- creates selects from schema enum fields (becomes enumvalue/enumvalue).
- uses ASF:s titleMaps instead of "items" (this needs to be renamed in clients using earlier versions).
- natively uses value/name instead of value/text (even though that is still supported)