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325 lines (245 loc) · 8.33 KB

URL Shortening Service (Go)


Create short URLs, resolve shortened URLs, and fetch all shortened URLs.


  • Create .env file from .env.example and populate with correct development variables
  • go run cmd

Loosely based on Nic Jackson's microservice tutorials



  • Definitions of the business data, Link, used in the application
type Link struct {
  // Shortened URL result. Ex:
  ShortURL string `json:"shortUrl" bson:"shortUrl"`
  // Short Code used as the path of the short URL. Ex: bas12d21dc.
  Code string `json:"code" bson:"code"`
  // Optional custom short code passed when creating or updating the short URL.
  CustomCode string `json:"customCode" bson:"customCode"`
  // The URL where the short URL redirects.
  OriginalUrl string `json:"originalUrl" bson:"originalUrl"`
  // Count of times the short URL has been used.
  TotalClicks int `json:"totalClicks" bson:"totalClicks"`
  // Identifier of the entity that created the short URL.
  CreatedBy string `json:"createdBy" bson:"createdBy"`
  // DateTime the URL was created.
  CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt" bson:"createdAt"`
  // DateTime the URL was last updated.
  UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt" bson:"updatedAt"`


  • HTTP route handlers that call the CRUD methods on the given store implementation.
func (s *ShortyService) createLink(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  // Parse JSON body into a link

  // Error handling omitted for brevity...

	// Create and save the short link to the DB
	newLink, err :=, linkInput)

	// Send new link JSON
	if err = newLink.ToJSON(w); err != nil {
		http.Error(w, "Problem marshaling your short link", http.StatusInternalServerError)
  • Contains LinkStore interface to be implemented in data access layer(s).
type LinkStore interface {
  SaveLink(ctx context.Context, newLink shorty.Link) (shorty.Link, error)
  FindLink(ctx context.Context, code string) (shorty.Link, error)
  FindAllLinks(ctx context.Context) (shorty.Links, error)
  UpdateLink(ctx context.Context, code string, toUpdate shorty.Link) (shorty.Link, error)
  DeleteLink(ctx context.Context, code string) (int, error)
  CheckCodeInUse(ctx context.Context, code string) (bool, error)
  IncrementTotalClicks(ctx context.Context, code string) (int, error)


  • Data access layer, implemented for MongoDB
func (i *Store) SaveLink(ctx context.Context, newLink shorty.Link) (shorty.Link, error) {
	coll := i.Client.Database(i.DBName).Collection(i.LinksCollName)
	_, err := coll.InsertOne(ctx, newLink)
	if err != nil {
		return shorty.Link{}, fmt.Errorf("insertOne: %v", err)
	return newLink, nil


  • Data access layer implemented for an in-memory store for simpler API testing
func (i *Store) SaveLink(ctx context.Context, newLink shorty.Link) (shorty.Link, error) {
	defer i.lock.Unlock()

	i.Store[newLink.Code] = newLink
	return newLink, nil


  • Entrypoint in to the Cloud function
  • All packages tied together here:
func init() {
	functions.HTTP("ServeShorty", NewMux().ServeHTTP)

var store shorty.ShortyStore

func NewMux() *http.ServeMux {
  mongoURI := os.Getenv("MONGO_URI")
	store, err := mongodb.NewStore(mongodb.StoreOpts{URI: mongoURI})
	if err != nil {

	baseURL := os.Getenv("HOST_BASE_URL")
	apiKey := os.Getenv("API_KEY")

	service := handlers.NewAPIService(store, baseURL, apiKey)
	return handlers.NewServer(service)


If you already have a local MongoDB server running, you can use it for the tests.

$ go test

The tests can alternatively use docker to build and start a MongoDB service for you. Note: This will take a bit longer (30-60s).

$ go test --tags=integration

You can view your test coverage in a browser:

$ go-acc --covermode=count -o=coverage.out $(go list ./...)
$ go tool cover -html=coverage.out


Base config

API key is required on all requests, not including GET /:code to resolve the short URL.

  • Base URL:
  • Headers: { "key": "API_KEY" }

Resolve short URL

GET /:code
Response: 301 permanent redirect

Create short URL (authenticated)

POST      /api/urls
Headers:   key=$API_KEY
Body:     { "originalUrl": "https://..." }
Response: ""

Request body properties

Key Type Required Description
originalUrl string true Original URL
customCode string Custom endpoint - Defaults to code
createdBy string User or bot that created the link

Fetch URL (authenticated)

Fetch short URL object

GET /api/urls/:code
Headers:   key=$API_KEY

Example Response:

  "code": "a1b2c3d4e5",
  "customCode": "a1b2c3d4e5",
  "shortUrl": "",
  "originalUrl": "",
  "totalClicks": 0,
  "createdBy": "user name",
  "createdAt": "2022-10-21T03:17:15.400Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-10-21T03:17:15.400Z"

Fetch all URLs (authenticated)

GET /api/urls
Headers:   key=$API_KEY

Example Response:


    "code": "a1b2c3d4e5",
    "customCode": "signup",
    "shortUrl": "",
    "originalUrl": "",
    "totalClicks": 0,
    "createdBy": "user name",
    "createdAt": "2022-10-21T03:17:15.400Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-10-21T03:17:15.400Z"


Update URL (authenticated)

PUT /api/urls/:code

Request body properties

Key Type Description
originalUrl string Original URL
customCode string Custom endpoint - Defaults to code
createdBy string User or bot that created the link

Example Request Body:

  "customCode": "info",
  "originalUrl": "",
  "createdBy": "User Name"

Example Response:

  "code": "a1b2c3d4e5",
  "customCode": "a1b2c3d4e5",
  "shortUrl": "",
  "originalUrl": "",
  "totalClicks": 0,
  "createdBy": "User Name",
  "createdAt": "2022-10-21T03:17:15.400Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-10-21T03:17:15.400Z"

Delete URL (authenticated)

DELETE /api/urls/:code
Headers:   key=$API_KEY
Response Status: 200 | 404

Short URL Properties

Key Type Edit Description
code string randomized 10 character code
customCode string true custom endpoint - Defaults to code
shortUrl string short url
originalUrl string true Full URL originally provided
createdBy string true User or bot that created the link
totalClicks number Total clicks (Allows duplicates)
createdAt Date Date created
updatedAt Date Date last modified