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Openframe User Guide
Friendly disclaimer: This project is under active development; we cannot promise everything will work 100%. Feedback and pull requests are welcome :)
Go to openframe.io/new-account to create a new user account.
Although technically it can run on any computer, Openframe is developed for the Raspberry Pi.
- Raspberry Pi 1, 2, or 3(!) w/ power adaptor
- HDMI monitor (or any monitor with an HDMI adaptor)
- SD card pre-flashed w/ NOOBS
- WiFi dongle
- Keyboard + Mouse
- HDMI Cable
If you're looking for a starter pack, this would work well: Starter pack
- Insert the SD card, WiFi dongle, and connect the monitor, keyboard and mouse.
- Plug in the Pi, and follow the directions on screen, selecting Rasbian.
3a. Once the installation finishes, the Pi will reboot and open to the configuration screen.
3b. If your RPi booted to Desktop, find Terminal in the Menu and type
sudo raspi-config
to access the configuration screen. We recommend booting the RPi to terminal: Select 'Boot Options' and select 'B2 Console Autologin'. - Select your timezone in Internationalisation Options > Change Timezone
- If you wish, change your password (the default password is raspberry)
- Select 'Finish', then 'Yes' when it asks about rebooting.
- When the Pi reboots, login with the root user (
) and password (raspberry
, unless you changed it).
- After you're logged in at the command line, we'll start up the GUI in order to configure WiFi. At the command line type
to launch the GUI. - Once the GUI is open, click the network icon in the upper right-hand corner, and select your WiFi network. Enter the password at the prompt, and connect.
- Assuming the WiFi has connected successfully, click 'Menu' on the upper left and select 'Shutdown', then select the 'Logout' or 'Exit to command line', and press 'Ok'.
Download Node.js source:
Type the following:
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v4.3.0/node-v4.3.0-linux-armv7l.tar.xz
tar -xf node-v4.3.0-linux-armv7l.tar.xz
cd node-v4.3.0-linux-armv7l
Type the following:
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v4.3.0/node-v4.3.0-linux-armv6l.tar.xz
tar -xf node-v4.3.0-linux-armv6l.tar.xz
cd node-v4.3.0-linux-armv6l
After installing Node.js, copy to /usr/local:
sudo cp -R * /usr/local/
And setup the permissions for npm to work globally:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}
Type on terminal:
sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils
Then cd /home/pi
and touch .xinitrc
Edit the .xinitrc file by typing `nano .xinitrc`, and add these three lines:
xset s off xset -dpms xset s noblank
Do 'Ctrl+X' and then 'Y' to save the changes.
### 2.5 Install Openframe
You should now be able to install Openframe!
`npm install -g openframe`
The installation might take quite some time since it will be upgrading a number of packages.
### 2.6 Frame configuration [optional]
#### Change the rotation of the display
Most displays are landscape by default. To use a portrait orientation, edit the Raspberry Pi configuration file:
`sudo nano /boot/config.txt`
and add at the end:
This will rotate the display by 90° counterclockwise. Use `2` for 180°, or `3` for 270°.
#### Add a timer
If you want your frame to go to sleep at certain hours, edit crontab:
`crontab -e`
and add at the end of the file:
00 23 * * * vcgencmd display_power 0
30 7 * * * vcgencmd display_power 1
This will turn OFF the display of the frame at 23:00, and turn it ON at 7:30 in the morning. Change the values for different times. [Learn more](http://www.adminschoice.com/crontab-quick-reference) about crontab to setup different timer for different days of the week.
### 2.6 Start the frame
Ready? Just type:
If it's the first time you start the frame, it will ask you for your username, password and a name for this frame.
You're now ready to start displaying artwork!
## 3. Display artwork
**Quick guide** to send artwork to your frame:
* Go to [openframe.io](http://openframe.io) and login.
* Under the tab Collection, click the button *Add artwork* to add artwork to your collection by clicking. Then click the arrow button to push the artwork to your frame.
* You can also push artwork from the Stream (artwork uploaded by other users).
### 3.1 Formats
Openframe currently supports three types of formats:
* Images (PNG, JPG, JPEG)
* GIF's
* Websites
* Shaders
If you'd like to add artwork with a different format (Processing, OpenFrameworks, etc.) you can [create an extension](https://github.com/OpenframeProject/Openframe/wiki/Openframe-instructions#4-extensions) to support this new format.
### 3.2 The Stream
The Stream is a public repository of artwork that people has posted with the label **public**. You can **like** artwork from the Stream to add it to your Collection. Click the like button again to remove it.
### 3.3 The Collection
The Collection contains artwork that you've **added**, or you've **liked** from the Stream.
#### Adding artwork to the Collection
Artwork added to Openframe requires an author, name, a URL where the artwork is hosted, and a URL for a preview (suggested width = 310px).
When adding new artwork, you can set it to be private (default) or public:
* **Private**: it will be added to your collection.
* **Public**: it will be added your Collection and to the Stream, everyone with a frame will be able to display it.
### 3.3 Rights
Openframe doesn't store any artwork. Frames fetch artwork directly form the provided URL each time it's required to display it. Make sure you have the rights to the artwork you add and display using Openframe.
The artwork will be available as long as the content in the URL is available.
## 4. Extensions
Openframe provides a baseline functionality that can be extended with extensions. An extension (or plugin) may be created to support a new artwork format, to add interactivity to the frame, etc.
extensions (existing) /images (installed by default, displays image-based artwork) /gifs (installed by default, displays gif-based artwork) /websites (installed by default, displays web-based artwork) /shaders (installed by default, displays shader-based artwork) /GPIO (supports GPIO pin communication for the frame and artwork) /single-button-interface (user interface for the frame) (potential) /light-sensor (adjusts display brightness) /openframeworks (displays OF-based artwork) /etc
### 4.1 Types of extensions
#### Artwork formats
#### Hardware
Enabling interactivity for the artwork, or for the frame.
##### Link to example of GPIO + Single button interface?
#### Frame functionality
##### Link to example?
### 4.1 How to install an extension
### 4.2 How to create an extension
See this [Openframe extension example](https://github.com/OpenframeProject/Openframe-ExtensionExample) to learn about creating an extension for Openframe.
## 5. Other
### 5.1 Adding a manager to a frame you own
If you're a frame *owner* (i.e. you've created it using your username) you can add other users as *managers*. Managers will see another frame in their list of frames, and will be able to push artwork to it. They cannot edit the frame settings or delete it.