-h, --help
Prints help information
-V, --version
Prints version information
Command line options have environment variable counterpart. If both a command line option and its environment variable counterpart are defined, the command line option will take higher precedence.
-d, --portal-dhcp-range dhcp_range, $PORTAL_DHCP_RANGE
DHCP range of the captive portal WiFi network
-g, --portal-gateway gateway, $PORTAL_GATEWAY
Gateway of the captive portal WiFi network
-i, --portal-interface interface, $PORTAL_INTERFACE
Wireless network interface to be used by WiFi Connect
-p, --portal-passphrase passphrase, $PORTAL_PASSPHRASE
WPA2 Passphrase of the captive portal WiFi network
Default: no passphrase
-s, --portal-ssid ssid, $PORTAL_SSID
SSID of the captive portal WiFi network
Default: WiFi Connect
-a, --activity-timeout timeout, $ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT
Exit if no activity for the specified timeout (seconds)
Default: 0 - no timeout
-u, --ui-directory ui_directory, $UI_DIRECTORY
Web UI directory location
Default: ui