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OpenPTV kick-off meeting and workshop |
1 Beat Luethi ETHZ, Photrack AG, | 2 cameras, Matlab PTV | Calibration tutorial |
2 Ruben Trieling, TU/e PTV at TU/e
3 Ad Holten, TU/e PTV at TU/e
4 Marc Wolf, ETH Zurich | Post processing | Jet entrainment via 3D-PTV |
5 Atle Jensen, Uni. Oslo PIV and PTV in Oslo
6 Alessandro Corbetta, TU/e, Polito Crowd tracking
7 Mickael Bourgoin, ENS Lyon Particles in Turbulence
8 Olivier Liot, Legi/ENS Lyon
9 Nathanaël Machicoane, ENS Lyon
10 Jan-Bert Flor, LEGI Grenoble OpenPTV interest at LEGI Grenoble
11 Patrik Steinhoff, RWTH Aachen 3D-PTV at RTWH Aachen
12 Lilly Verso, POLITO, TAU
13 Mark Baevsky, TAU
14 Mark Kreizer, TAU Real time 3D-PTV
15 Eldad Afik, Weizmann Institute
16 Simon Kolotov, TAU
17 Alex Liberzon, TAU, Introductory lecture
18 Yosef Meller, TAU | Open Source Software | Forces from PTV |
19 Zachary J. Taylor, TAU, PyQt, Matplotlib and more
20 Hadar Traugott, TAU
21 Shai Avidan, TAU
22 Alon Sussmann, TAU
23 Roi Gurka, BGU
The tentative working plan following the conclusions on the whiteboard is open for discussion here:
More detailed to-do list is here:
OpenPTV group gratefully appreciates the financial support of:
- MP0806 Particles in turbulence COST action
- Faculty of Engineering
- School of Mechanical Engineering
We are also thankful to the staff of the Faculty of Engineering and of the School of Mechanical Engineering for their assistance with the meeting organization and logistics.