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OpenMendel Workshop @ ASHG Annual Meeting 2020

This repo contains the OpenMendel tutorials presented in the workshop at the ASHG Annual Meeting on Oct 27-30, 2020.


Professors Kenneth Lange (UCLA), Janet Sinsheimer (UCLA), Eric Sobel (UCLA), Jin Zhou (University of Arizona), Hua Zhou (UCLA), and doctoral students.

How to run tutorials?

There are two ways to run the Jupyter notebook tutorials.

  1. To run the Jupyter notebooks in cloud, click the Binder icon
    and navigate to the Jupyter notebooks ipynb in each subfolder. Or click the Binder link below for each individual tutorial directly.

  2. To run Jupyter notebooks on your own machine, (1) first git clone to sync the most recent course materials to your computer, (2) install all needed Julia packages by using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(), (3) open individual notebook by Using IJulia; notebook("pathtoipynb").

What is OpenMendel

  • Mendel: comprehensive genetic analysis software by Ken Lange, Eric Sobel, Janet Sinsheimer, and Hua Zhou.

  • Julia: Walk Like Python; Run Like C.

  • Ken's vision: Julia + Mendel = OpenMendel.

How to contribute?

  • Browse existing OpenMendel packages: Don't forget to star them 😄

  • Ask questions, file bug reports, and request new features by GitHub Issues.

  • Get credit for your code contribution via GitHub Fork and Pull Requests.

  • Want project ideas? Talk to any of us or come to OpenMendel Zoom meetings (every Wed).


Time Topic Presenter Slides
4 min Overview of OpenMendel project Kenneth Lange [pdf]
4 min Using OpenMendel on biobank data Jin Zhou [pdf]
4 min Jupyter Notebooks Janet Sinsheimer [pdf]
10 min Import genotype data by SnpArrays.jl [Binder] [ipynb] [html] Hua Zhou [pdf]
10 min Variance component models [Binder] [ipynb] [html] Juhyun Kim [pdf]
10 min GWAS for ordinal traits [Binder] [ipynb] [html] Chris German [pdf]
10 min Genotype imputation and phasing [Binder] [ipynb][html] Ben Chu [pdf]
4 min Ongoing work Xinkai Zhou [pdf]
4 min Contribute to OpenMendel Eric Sobel [pdf]


OpenMendel tutorials for ASHG Workshop







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