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Mike edited this page Jan 9, 2023 · 5 revisions

PlatformIO Build Flags

These flags are used to tell the KNX Stack what you wantor need.
You can control the behavier and remove not needed components.
You can finde them in your platformio.ini.

Name Description Required
KNX_BUTTON Pin Number for ProgButton
KNX_DEBUG_SERIAL Serial where debug logs will be printed. Only if KNX_NO_PRINT is not defined.
KNX_FLASH_OFFSET Offset in Flash where the UserFlash starts. Must be a multiple of 4096
KNX_FLASH_SIZE Size of UserFlash. Must be multiple of 4096. Only if USE_RP2040_EEPROM_EMULATION is not defined.
KNX_LED Pin Number for ProgLED. Also used for fatal Error display.
KNX_NO_AUTOMATIC_GLOBAL_INSTANCE Stack won't create the knx instance automaticly. You need to create it manually.
KNX_NO_DEFAULT_UART Create a knx instance without set KNX_SERIAL.
KNX_NO_SPI Don't include SPI library
KNX_NO_PRINT Don't print debug messages to KNX_DEBUG_SERIAL.
KNX_SERIAL Serial to the BCU. Default is platform specific Serial.
KNX_WAIT_FOR_ADDR After seeing a L2 packet start, stay in loop until address bytes are received and the AK/NAK packet is sent.
LWIP_DONT_PROVIDE_BYTEORDER_FUNCTIONS Core won't provide byteorder functions. Stack provides those already. yes
NCN5120 Implements function to stop the chip.
NO_KNX_CONFIG Don't automaticly include the correct medium for your Mask Version.
PROG_BTN_PRESS_MIN_MILLIS Time the Prog-Button must be pressed minimal.
PROG_BTN_PRESS_MAX_MILLIS Time the Prog-Button must be pressed maximal.
SMALL_GROUPOBJECT Reduces the size of each GroupObject from 19 Bytes to 8 Bytes.
USE_BINSEARCH Activate binary search in GroupAddressTable. Is faster with many different GroupAddresses.
USE_CEMI_SERVER Activates CEMI Server. Required for USE_USB.
USE_DATASECURE Activate support for DataSecure Features.
USE_IP Activate KNX over IP support. Ony if NO_KNX_CONFIG is not defined.
USE_RF Activate KNX over RF support. Only if NO_KNX_CONFIG is not defined.
USE_RP2040_EEPROM_EMULATION EEPROM Emulation from arduino-pico core (max 4k) can be used.
USE_TP Activate KNX over TwistedPair support. Only if NO_KNX_CONFIG is not defined.
USE_USB Activates features to use it as USB Interface. This will automaticly define USE_CEMI_SERVER


By default the Stack will create a knx instance for you with the correct platform.
Sometimes it is a good option to create this instance by your own. (Because you dont want to use a prog button)
Once you added this flag you can create it by adding following line in your main code:

KnxFacade<xxxPlatform,BauXXX> knx;
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