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Bart Geesink edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 2 revisions
OpenConext Docker Container Strategy


This document aims to define a strategy for using Docker containers, and the tools associated with them, to deploy local development environments for the OpenConext application.


The goal of this strategy is to help transition away from the current Vagrant based local development environment to a Docker one. It also aims to provide a unifying framework for each component of OpenConext to adhere to, as some of them have already started using Docker containers independently from each other. The end result should be a relatively simple and easy way to start an OpenConext development environment. It should be platform-agnostic and use open-source, ready-made tools. While there will be some customisations, they will be kept to a minimum. This strategy has been designed with OpenConext developers in mind, but also for the open-source users that contribute to the project. The tools and artifacts created can be made public, as part of the open-source project. To make it easier to understand and discuss, this document has been split up into four sections, each one building on top of the previous.

Section 1: Base Docker Images

The “base” images are a set of Docker container images that are built and maintained by SURF and provide the foundation on top of which the OpenConext application Docker images will be built. They contain the common operating system, tools and programming language frameworks that the applications need to run.

Developers should be able to write Dockerfiles for their applications that use these base images and just “plug in” the application code and configuration files in order to build their Docker images.

Building the base Docker images

The recommended way to start is by creating a dedicated Github repository for all the Dockerfiles and other files required to build these images. Assuming the repository will be called ‘openconext-base-images’, a structure for this repo could look like:


Each directory contains the files needed to build a base image for a certain language or framework (PHP, Maven) and for a certain version of those tools. This system allows for an easy upgrade path, where newer versions could be built, stored and used when an update has been decided.

The Dockerfiles should be based on the official Docker images:

  • For ‘php-fpm72-apache2’: docker image php:7.2-fpm
  • For ‘maven-38-apache2’: docker image maven:3.8-jdk-8
  • Etc.

On top of each of these official images, each of their respective Dockerfiles add all the other common tools that the OpenConext applications need. This can be done by using the operating ystem package managers available in the official images (apk, apt, yum, etc):

  • Apache2
  • Nodejs, Npm, yarn
  • Any other utils

Using Docker multi-stage builds is recommended - if possible - in this process, in order for the end result to be the smallest image possible.

Running the base Docker images

Having both the programming language processor (PHP-FPM / Maven) and the web server (Apache2) present in the image makes it easier for the application images to be built and run, but it does present a small issue: how should all the daemons be started at the Docker container start time. Here is where a small customisation is recommended: a startup Bash script (seen in the structure above as ‘’). This script starts all the daemons in sequence and could be adapted to perform any other runtime operations. A simple example for the ‘php-fpm72-apache’ image:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
###  Start PHP-FPM
/usr/bin/php-fpm -D
### Start Apache2
/usr/bin/apachectl -D FOREGROUND

PHP-Fpm and Apache2 can be configured to redirect their logs to STDOUT in the container, making it easy for a developer to run ‘docker log -f <container_id>’ to track the logs. This (Bash) script should be copied in the image and configured as the CMD or ENTRYPOINT parameter of the Docker image, making it the default command run at the container start time. A simple startup script is preferred to something like ‘supervisor’ or any other daemon management tool, in the interest of simplicity. Not only is it easier to manage, but these Docker images will be run by a Docker container orchestrator: docker-compose locally and a production-grade one in production. Having multiple layers of daemon management adds a lot to the complexity and difficulty in debugging issues.

Image build automation, tagging and storing

These images will be automatically built by a CI / CD system, in this case, Github Actions. Two triggers are recommended for the pipeline to build, test and push the images:

  • On any change pushed to the files
  • Daily build on a schedule (Github actions supports)

The daily build serves the purpose of always having an up-to-date image for security patches. In each of the Dockerfiles besides installing the tools, an ‘upgrade’ command can be run (‘apt-get upgrade’ or ‘apk upgrade’) to bring all the packages up to date with the latest versions in the remote repo. At the end of the pipeline, the images are pushed to the Github Packages Docker Registry (GHCR). These registries can be made publicly available so they can be used in the open-source project. Each image directory in the code repository should have a corresponding GHCR registry. This makes it easier to manage, use and browse, as the images won’t be mixed together in one big registry. The Github Actions pipeline will tag each image with three tags:

  • The (short) SHA1 of the latest repo commit
  • The latest tag
  • The current date The latest tag is a movable tag that will always be changed to the latest image pushed in the registry. That way the applications can always use the latest tag in their Dockerfiles and make sure they pull the most up-to-date base image. The SHA1 and current data serve a historical / tracking purpose but can also be used by the applications to pin themselves to a certain version of the base image in case they need it.

Section 2: Application Docker Images

With the Base images being built using the strategy in the previous section, the next step is to build the actual application Docker container images.

Building the application Docker images

A good way of starting is to create a Dockerfile for each environment in each Git application repo: a ‘docker’ directory in each Git repo will contain a ‘’ and ‘’. This directory can also contain any other files that are required during build-time: config files, SSL certificates, etc. This structure gives development teams flexibility and control over how they build their Docker images and a bit of structure to their repo. The Dockerfiles will use as a foundation the “base” images we have previously built and shared with the organization, depending on the framework / programming language the application requires. For example, ‘OpenConext-engineblock’ will use the ‘php-fpm72-apache2’ base image. On top of this base image, the Dockerfiles will follow the usual setup procedure for the application that is outlined in the Readme and in the Ansible scripts in OpenConext-deploy, which includes adding the config files, ssl certs, building the static assets via NodeJS, etc. The two different Dockerfiles (.dev and .prod) are there in case there are differences in how the application is built for local development and production. The end result should be an application Docker image that has PHP / Maven, Apache2, the application code, static assets and configuration files all “baked” in one artifact that is ready to run either on a local development environment or in a production one.

Multi-stage Docker builds are important for this building process if smaller Docker images are desired. For example the Node modules could be installed in a “builder” NodeJS image where the static assets are generated. And from there just the resulting static assets are moved to the final image. Running the base Docker images As the base images already have installed a startup script (‘’), the application images can leverage that one and set it up as their CMD / ENTRYPOINT parameter, to be used at runtime.

If the application needs any modifications to the script, it can be overwritten in the application Dockerfiles. Image build automation, tagging and storing Same as for the base images, the application ones should always be built by the Github actions CI / CD system. Two pipelines are recommended, one that builds the dev image based on and one that builds the prod image based on Having these two pipelines separated allows for different build strategies to be defined. For example, any commit or merge to the “main” branch triggers the ‘dev’ workflow but just Git releases or certain Git tags trigger the prod workflow. Each workflow pushes the resulting Docker images to the Github Packages Container Registry (GHCR). A separation of the registries per application is recommended: each app should have its own Docker registry. These registries could also be made public as part of the open-source project. Before being pushed to the registry, the images can be tagged with:

  • The dev or prod tag, a movable tag, always moved to the latest image being built. Any system running these images will reference this tag to make sure it runs the latest version of the image.
  • The git short commit SHA1 of the commit that triggered the build. This creates a historical log of the builds and generates better visibility of what is inside the Docker image, what version of the code it runs. It will also allow for emergency rollbacks in the future, in production systems or if a developer wants to run a specific version of the code locally. Note on different processor architectures Presently other processor architectures are becoming popular for personal computers, like the ARM architecture found in Apple’s M-series of processors. The Docker image build system needs to account for this, especially when these images are designed for use in local development environments. An easy way to do this would be to use the new Docker build client called “BuildX”. It allows users to build and push images for different processor architectures. It can be used in Github Actions to automatically build the ‘dev’ images for both x86 and ARM. Once these images are in GHCR, a local Docker client running natively on ARM will by default, with no input from the user, ask for the ARM version of the image. If it can not find it, it will fallback to requesting the x86 version of it and run it in emulation mode. Full Docker image building workflow Putting both the base image building and the application image building workflows together looks like this in a diagram:

Section 3: Building a Docker based local development environment

Using the Docker application images automatically built and pushed to the registry from the previous section, a local development environment can now be deployed using them. Two tools are required for the developers to install: the Docker daemon and Docker Compose. A ‘docker-compose.yml’ file will define how the application images are started and connected together in a coherent development environment. There are two strategies on how to define and store these files, which will be outlined in this section.

Strategy one: distributed approach

This strategy seems to be the one that fits SURFnet’s needs the best, by providing a lot of flexibility and control over how each development team defines its own dev environment. It is the recommended one going further. Each application Git repo hosts its own ‘docker-compose.yml’ file, preferably part of the same “docker” directory previously mentioned. This file downloads the ‘dev’ Docker image for the application currently being worked on. It will also download the ‘dev’ versions of all the other applications required by the current application to run. As not all applications require the entire suite of applications, each team will be able to define exactly what they need to start developing locally. All the Docker containers started will be attached to a Docker network managed by the Docker daemon. This network allows the containers to connect to each other in an isolated network dedicated to them, but also make themselves available to the host, the developer’s computer. The Docker compose file also defines a list of directories that will be mounted inside the current application Docker container. These directories are the source code directories, meaning it overwrites any code inside the container image with the code present on the developer’s computer, from the git repo where the commands are being run. This will give the developer the ability to work from his / her laptop, with their IDE of choice and have their code, branches, etc available in real-time to the Docker container. The daemon inside the container (PHP-FPM, NodeJS) will pick up on the changes instantly, as if they are read from the local filesystem. For Maven / Java code a rebuild of the artifact might be required. Pros:

  • Flexibility: each team can manage their own local dev environment based on the same common Docker images from the registry
  • Modularity and efficiency: each application can define what other applications it needs, not bring up the entire stack
  • Easier to define how the code is mounted in which container
    ** Cons:** ● Drift: the Docker compose files and all the other required configs (for haproxy, mysql, etc) will drift in each application repo, making management more difficult

Strategy two: centralized approach

In this strategy, the concepts from the first strategy still apply: Docker compose brings up all the containers, attaches them to a network. Code is mounted from the host computer in the Docker container(s). The difference is that this strategy requires a separate Git repository, for example ‘openconext-deploy-v2’. This repository acts as a central store of all the local development environment files. It relies on a big, central ‘docker-compose.yml’ file that brings up the entire OpenConext stack, similar to the way it was done in the Vagrant VM. A developer setting up would clone this Git repo and start the Docker environment from it. This approach requires a bit more customisation because a script or instructions would be needed to tell Docker compose which application code to mount inside which Docker container, depending on which application is being worked on. Pros:

  • Easier management, as a team or person responsible for the dev environment could manage this new deploy repo and easily push changes to all the teams Cons:
  • More resources are required, as this approach starts up the entire OpenConext stack even if not all of it will be needed by everyone. This could result in a slower startup time
  • Extra customisation required to define how the code is mounted Service containers

Regardless of which strategy is chosen to deploy the Docker local development environment, a number of “service containers” have to be deployed alongside them for the entire stack to function correctly. What this document defines as “service containers” are the Haproxy, MariaDB, MongoDB and Shibboleth containers. The following paragraphs define the strategy for starting them in a Docker Compose context to serve the needs of the application containers.


Either in a new “openconext-deploy” Git repository or in the ‘docker’ directory in each application Git repository, a ‘haproxy’ directory will be created. This directory contains all the config files for Haproxy and any other files required for Haproxy to work correctly in the OpenConext stack. The Docker Compose file creates a “service” for Haproxy that pulls the official Docker image from Docker Hub, pinned to a certain version via the Docker image tag. For example “haproxy:2.6.8”. It will then mount all the required config files in the Haproxy container. To facilitate the connection between Haproxy and all the application containers, Docker Compose will attach the Haproxy container to the same Docker network. Connecting them via a Docker network allows the containers to talk to each via DNS, as the Docker daemon provides an internal DNS service. For example an “EngineBlock” container defined as ‘openconext-engineblock’ in the compose file will be reachable by all the other containers including Haproxy - just by using the DNS name ‘openconext-engineblock’. This allows for an easy connection between Haproxy and all the application containers it serves. By maintaining a well-defined naming scheme in the Docker compose file, then the Haproxy config file can be written using the same service names. For example the entry for EngineBlock in Haproxy will look like:

server eb openconext-engineblock:410 cookie eb check inter 8000 fall 5 rise 2 maxconn 35 

This method allows for easy self-registration via DNS and no need to do complex IP management for the Docker containers. The Haproxy will also expose port(s) 80 / 443 to the host (the developer’s computer), the end result being that the user is able to access these ports locally in their browser, hit Haproxy in the container and get their request forwarded to the right application based on the Haproxy config and hostname requested. The Haproxy container should be the last container started by Docker compose, as defined by both the order of services in the Compose file and by the ‘depends_on’ parameter.

MariaDB / MongoDB

The strategy for the database service containers is very similar to the one for the Haproxy container. A directory called ‘mariadb / mongodb’ in either the dedicated Git repo or a ‘docker’ directory in the application git repos should contain the configuration files and the seed data for the databases, if needed. The Docker compose file starts these database containers based on the official Docker images for them, pinned to a certain version via the Docker image tag. It then mounts in the containers the configuration files but also the seed data. Both container images include a mechanism through which data in a certain format (.sql for example) mounted in a particular directory in the container is automatically imported into the database at the container start time. Docker compose uses the network mechanism to connect these database containers to the same network and make them available to the applications via a DNS name. For example if the MariaDB container is defined as ‘openconext-mariadb’ in the compose file it will be available as that hostname via DNS. This means that if the naming is defined and respected, all the application containers can define that DNS name in their configs as the database hostname to connect to and Docker will do all the work. The database containers should be the first container started by Docker compose, as defined by both the order of services in the Compose file and by the ‘depends_on’ parameter.

Apache / Shibboleth

The strategy for the Apache Shibboleth follows the same pattern as the database containers above: part of the Docker compose file, config file(s) mounted inside the container from a local directory, connected to the Docker network and available via the DNS name to the application containers. The only difference is that there is no official Shibboleth Docker image. This means that a custom Docker image needs to be built and pushed to GHCR. It can be part of the Docker Base images repository or it could have its own dedicated Git repo and Actions workflow. The Shibboleth container should be one of the first containers started by Docker compose, as defined by both the order of services in the Compose file and by the ‘depends_on’ parameter. Example The easiest way to see how these components all fit together is by using a docker-compose.yml file example. This example assumes the first deployment strategy has been chosen, as that is the recommended one for OpenConext. Each application Git repository has a ‘docker’ directory inside which all the files for the development environment are hosted.

We are in the ‘OpenConext-engineblock’ Git repo for this example:


The ‘docker-compose.yml’ file in this example: image

Using the local development environment

With everything in place, a simple ‘docker compose up’ command brings up the entire stack as defined in the compose file. The command ‘docker compose logs -f openconext-engineblock’ follows the logs of the EB container as outputted to STDOUT by both Apache2 and PHP-Fpm. Running ‘docker compose exec openconext-engineblock ’ will run the inside the container, with the condition that the command is available inside the container. If the developers needs to connect to a running container for more debugging, that can be done using ‘exec’ to start a new shell in the container: ‘docker compose exec openconext-engineblock /bin/bash’. And many more commands that make it easy to use the Docker environment as defined in their documentation.

Section 4: Moving to a Docker based production environment

The migration to the Docker based development environment opens up the possibility to move the production environment as well to a Docker based one. Docker images being built using a Dockerfile dedicated to the production environment, like ‘’ mentioned in the previous sections, can be deployed using a Docker container orchestrator and scheduler. There are several, popular, open-source options available. What follows is a list of three of them that could fit the needs of the OpenConext user very well, with recommendations.

Plain Kubernetes

The open-source, bare Kubernetes orchestrator can be deployed on physical machines in the datacenter. All the components can be installed and configured via Ansible on the nodes. Pros:

  • Offers the most control and visibility as each component will have to be installed by the team members and intentionally set up
  • Will generate a lot of internal knowledge on how it works, making operation and maintenance easier in the future
  • Flexible with lots of tools and plug-ins available for it. A lot of information available. **Cons: **
  • Takes a long time to learn and deploy.
  • Very steep learning curve
  • Very complex to set up, lots of moving parts, harder to debug
  • No direct enterprise level support

Rancher Kubernetes

Rancher, a company owned by SUSE, offers its own Kubernetes distribution, which is one of the more popular ones available. A Kubernetes distribution is similar in concept to a Linux distribution. It basically takes all the K8s components and wraps them in an easy to use package. In Rancher’s case, their product called RKE (curently at version 2) is a single binary that contains all of K8s’ components in one. This makes it much easier to deploy, manage and use. It requires that just a single binary and configuration file are deployed on all of the physical machine nodes to create a K8s based cluster, which can be achieved via Ansible. **Pros: **

  • Simple to deploy and get started
  • Easy to manage and use
  • It is still K8s behind the scenes, so the same tools and plugins are compatible, like Helm
  • Rancher, their own management tool and dashboard is available to install on top for better visibility and control
  • Enterprise-level support is available from Rancher itself if needed Cons:
  • Abstracts a lot of layers, so it is a bit of a black-box, meaning a bit less visibility and understanding into the inner workings Less chance to learn K8s itself and its components
  • Still K8s, meaning there are still a lot of abstractions and notions to learn when deploying an application on top of it

Hashicorp Nomad

Hashicorp, the company behind Vagrant, Terraform and many other DevOps tools, offers its own container orchestrator called Nomad. It is also offered as a single binary, making it easy to install, configure and operate. Same as RKE, the binary and its config file can be installed via Ansible on all physical nodes to create a cluster. The concepts on how to deploy applications on top are different from the ones Kubernetes uses. Pros:

  • Simple to deploy, configure and set up a cluster
  • A great ecosystem around it from Hashicorp: Terraform, Vault, Consul all integrate very well with Nomad. This makes it modular, only the tools that are required will be installed
  • The concepts to define the applications that run on Nomad seem simpler than the ones for Kubernetes. Also the application definition files are less complex.
  • Enterprise support from Hashicorp available if needed
  • Can run non-Docker workloads, for example it can run a .jar file directly on the cluster Cons:
  • The tooling and community around it is smaller than the one for Kubernetes
  • Less use cases “in the wild”


Given Kubernetes’ (or any other orchestrator’s) complexity, a solution that abstracts and takes away some of that is the recommended way to get started. Either RKE or Nomad are great choices for that. Testing both of them in a production sandbox is a good way to make a decision on which one to use. In any case, the development Docker compose files won’t translate directly to an orchestrator’s application definition files. But the format is usually the same (Yaml) and a lot of the concepts are similar, making it a bit easier.

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