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Deployment guide

Pranav Krishnamurthy edited this page Aug 1, 2019 · 24 revisions


To begin, you will need:

  • An Azure subscription where you can create the following kinds of resources:
    • An app service
    • An app service plan
    • Bot channels registration
    • Azure storage account
    • Azure search
    • QnAMaker cognitive service
    • Application Insights
  • A copy of the FAQ++ app GitHub repo (
  • A service account user that has access to the FAQ++ Configurator Web app
    • We strongly recommend creating a new user specifically for FAQ++ Configuration, and grant that user access to only those users that you want to use the application.

Step 1: Register FAQ++ Microsoft Azure AD application

Register two Azure AD applications in your tenant's directory: one for the FAQ++ Bot, and another for the configuration app.

Step 2: Deploy to your Azure subscription

Step 3: Finish setting up the configuration app

Step 4: Create the Teams app packages

For the FAQ++ App Template, we recommend creating two Teams app packages because the FAQ++ Bot is being used in both a personal scope and team scope. Therefore, there should be one Teams app package that contains the bot only. Another Teams app package would contain the messaging extension and bot - and that Teams app package would be sideloaded into the SME team.

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