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Data Stores

Abhijeet Bodhankar edited this page Oct 28, 2019 · 3 revisions

Data stores

The app uses the following data stores:

  1. Azure Storage Account
  • [Table] Storage for bot related configurations (welcome message, KbId, TeamId, and grid data that contains bot tab tiles related information)
  • [Table] For tracking all of the requests and the necessary actions that impact a request - i.e. request is assigned to a SME.
  1. Blob storage contains images that we are showing in drop-down list in configurator web app while configuring the tile.

All these resources are created in your Azure subscription. None are hosted directly by Microsoft.

Storage account

HelpInfo Table

The HelpInfo table stores data about the necessary configurations that are required for the bot. The table has the following rows.

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey This represents the partition key of the azure storage table
RowKey Represents the unique id of each row
Timestamp Contains the Date time of row creation
Description Contains the description of the tile
ImageUrl Contains the URL of the image shown in the tile
IsEdit Boolean flag that represents whether a existing tile is edited
RedirectUrl Contains the url to which the user will redirect once he clicks on the tiles shown in the tab
Tags Keywords that we used to filter the tile according to the question, if the question doesn't exist in QnA Maker Service
TileOrder Represents the order of the tile in tab and configurator as per they are created through the configurator (admin) app
Title The title of the tile shown in the tab

ConfigurationInfo Table

Attribute Comment
KnowledgeBaseId This is the knowledge base Id for which the bot can return answers from the QnA Maker.
MSTeamId The team Id which the bot can be able to post messages whenever the end user asks for an expert's assistance with a query.
WelcomeMessage The welcome message is a configurable text that the bot would send to the user the very first time that a user installs the bot in a personal scope.

Tickets Table

The Tickets table stores data about tickets (or requests) that are posted to the SME Team by the bot on behalf of a user. Each row in the table has the following columns:

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey This represents the partition key of the azure storage table
RowKey Represents the unique id of each row
Timestamp Contains the Date time of row creation
TicketId The ticket ID.
Status An integer value.
Title The end user title provided.
DateCreated The date when a new ticket is created.
Description The description text that is written by the end user.
RequesterName The name of the end user when a new ticket is created.
RequesterUserPrincipalName The email address of the end user.
RequesterGivenName The first name of the end user
RequesterConversationId The conversationId of the 1:1 chat between the end user and the HR Support bot.
SmeCardActivityId The activityId when the new ticket adaptive card is posted in the General channel of the SME team.
SmeThreadConversationId The conversationId in the SME team General channel at the time a new ticket is created.
LastModifiedByName The name of the SME user who recently updated the ticket.
LastModifiedByObjectId The AAD Object ID of the SME user who recently updated the ticket.
UserQuestion The original question that has been asked by the end user.
KnowledgeBaseAnswer The answer that is stored in the knowledge base.
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