- appropedia-scraper
- Fetches the list of project names hosted on appropedia.org,
and makes them available as (updated weekly):
- the list of project names, in the same format as OpenKnowHow/okh-search/projects_okhs.csvappro_yaml_urls.csv
- the table containing only the OKH v1 file URLs
- Rust CLI tool with various sub-commands:val
- validates manifest files:- OKH v1, YAML
- converts manifest files from OKH v1 to LOSHv1 (lossy)gen
- (WIP) generates an OKH LOSHv1 file, given a (preferably git) local checkout of an OSH project
- OKH LOSHv1 RDF tripple-store tester - Allows to easily test an OKH RDF DB locally, with a fully automated setup, allowing for SPARQL querries on the data.
- OKH-JSON-Schemas
- A repo containing only the JSON-Schemas
for OKH v1 and LOSHv1 manifests.
These allow to validate manifest files, and to generate examples.
They are also (in my (Robins) opinion) the best way
to document a manifest file format,
as they are:
- targeting JSON, YAML, TOML and some other formats
- videly supported
- machine readable &
- human oriented
- extendable, as in: unknown keys are ignored by tools that don't know them
- allow IDEs to show context-menu help or indicate errors