The following code examples should enable you to get started with using the API.
#API_URL# and #API_KEY# should be replaced with the actual values, appropriate to the environment and user.
# Load libraries
# Call the API
call <- httr::GET("#API_URL#/addresses?input=7 Gate Reach, Exeter, EX2 6GA",
add_headers(Authorization = "#API_KEY#"))
# Retrieve the contents of the call
content <- httr::content(call, as = "text")
# Convert the contents from JSON to an R object
results <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)
The python example requires the requests library
#API_URL# and #API_KEY# should be replaced with the actual values, appropriate to the environment and user.
The print function is included so the result can be seen in the console only, and should be removed for actual use.
import json
import requests
api_url = "#API_URL#"
endpoint = "/addresses"
search_term = "" #Only used for UPRN, Partial and Postcode endpoints
header = {"Content-Type": "application/json", 'Authorization': "#API_KEY#"}
params = "input=7 Gate Reach, Exeter, EX2 6GA&verbose=true"
request = api_url + endpoint + search_term
def get_addresses():
response = requests.get(request, params=params, headers=header, timeout=1000000., verify=false)
results = json.loads(response.text)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
if error.response.status_code == 400:
results = json.loads(response.text)
results = error
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error:
results = error
return results
if __name__ == '__main__':