This package is a wrapper based around the PHP SOAP API Client,the package main purpose is to help developers make a call to web services using wsdl and wss security as their authentication method.
This is basic wrapper for Soap web services that uses WSDL and WSS for authentication
All you need to do is install the package via composer:
composer require omojunior/ph-pwss-soap-client
and once installed you can call on the soap client
use Omojunior\PhPwssSoapClient\Soap;
or you can directly instatiate it ......><>......<><>............................. ......><>......<><>.............................
$newInstant = \Omojunior\PhPwssSoapClient\Soap(); $newInstant->call($wsdl,$username,$password,$function_name,$parameters);
......><>......<><>............................. ......><>......<><>.............................
if there's any bug kindly make a pull request with suggestions and detail explaination ::