A small ML dialect to test ideas. Experimenting with advanced type systems, featuring Closed type classes, i.e. type classes whose members are known at declaration time to allow for exhaustive pattern matching.
Check the examples/ folder for some real code.
- Bi-Directional Type Checker allowing for large scale inference just from top-level annotation
- Closed Type Classes
- Variant Polymorphism, allowing closed type classes to declare multiple variants and conditionally compile types and methods based on those variants
- Functions as first-class objects
- Partial Function Application and Currying
- Full algebraic data types, including pattern matching on union types
- Simple and mutual function recursion
- Recursive data types
- Pattern Matching closed type classes
- Simple generic type constructors
Maybe Planned:
- Generic Functors aka. Module Generics á la Ocaml
- Refinement Types
Current progress: This program runs
type Row =
| Cons of (Bool, Row)
| Nil
type Map =
| Cons of (Row, Map)
| Nil
parse_row :: String -> Row
parse_row input =
if input == "" then
let split = String_get_first input
Row.Cons (split.0 == "#", parse_row split.1)
parse :: String -> Map
parse input =
if input == "" then
let split = String_split (input, "\r\n")
Map.Cons (parse_row split.0, parse split.1)
row_len :: Row -> Int
row_len row =
match row with
| Cons m -> row_len m.1 + 1
| Nil -> 0
get_nth_elem :: Row -> Int -> Bool
get_nth_elem row n =
match row with
| Cons r ->
if n == 0 then
get_nth_elem r.1 (n - 1)
has_tree :: Row -> Int -> Bool
has_tree row xpos =
let len = row_len row
get_nth_elem row (xpos % len)
type Slope = (Int, Int)
traverse_map_inner :: Map -> Slope -> Int -> Int -> Int
traverse_map_inner map slope xpos ypos =
match map with
| Cons m ->
if ypos % slope.1 == 0 then
let rest = traverse_map_inner m.1 slope (xpos + slope.0) (ypos + 1)
if has_tree m.0 xpos then
1 + rest
// skip rows that are not described by the slope
traverse_map_inner m.1 slope xpos (ypos + 1)
| Nil ->
0 // we are done
traverse_map :: Map -> Slope -> Int
traverse_map map slope =
traverse_map_inner map slope 0 0
main () =
let input = File_read "./input"
let map = parse input
let results = (
traverse_map map (1, 1),
traverse_map map (3, 1),
traverse_map map (5, 1),
traverse_map map (7, 1),
traverse_map map (1, 2)
results.0 * results.1 * results.2 * results.3 * results.4