Generated with git shortlog -sn | cut -c8-
, which sorts by commits, manually ordered the first four authors, merged duplicates
- Viren Mohindra
- StarCitizenTracker
- MrLuit
- Alan Friedman
- Matt Sandy
- Sidd
- Kyle Hodgetts
- TrumpTracker
- Ayoungcoder
- Christian Oliff
- Jay Ravaliya
- MPs
- Mike Hume
- Petr Bena
- Rasikh Morani
- Tim Cason
- octos
- Bardi Harborow
- Chris Bloom
- Christopher Bloom
- Evan Lovely
- Jacob Ford
- John White
- Joshua Berenhaus
- Michael Henry
- Scott Jones
- Sean Dwyer
- The Gitter Badger