NGLoggerKit is a logger aggregator, with the possibility to add new output sources (files, remotes...) without having to go through all your app. It is designed to scale across large applications.
github "Nuglif/NGLoggerKit"
pod 'NGLoggerKit', '~> 0.1'
let logger = LoggerBuilder().buildDefault(subSystem: "Sample")
subsystem is a user defined string describing which system is using the logger; larger apps can be composed of multiple subsystems each using a different logger (network module, ui module, persistence module, app module...).
And later you can use your new logger like this:, "Hello world!")
2019-01-25 12:49:43.328314-0500 LoggerKit_Sample[70549:2430806] [Audio] Hello world!
SampleCategory is a user defined Category responding to LoggerKit's Category protocol.
Prints to the system Console and XCode console using os.log API (available iOS 10.0). It is the default logger on iOS 10.0.
Prints to XCode console. It is the default logger on iOS 9.0