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Using Linux for Zodiac FX development

Zodiac FX is an OpenFlow software-defined networking switch developed by Northbound Networks. The Zodiac FX uses an Atmel SAM4E system-on-chip. Software for this ARM Cortex-M4 CPU is usually developed using the Atmel Studio integrated development environment. This IDE is a modification of Microsoft's Visual Studio, using ARM Ltd's port of the GNU Compiler Collection as the compiler and linker rather than using Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler (which supports only Intel x86, AMD64 and DEC Alpha CPUs). The Microsoft-originated Atmel Studio requires the Microsoft Windows operating system.

POSIX variants — such as Linux distributions — are a more natural home for GCC. So much so that Ubuntu is the development platform for ARM Ltd's work tuning GCC for their CPUs.

Your author does not own a Windows computer. His children do, but they are of no mind to allow their gaming platform to be upset by USB and JTAG drivers. Like many people in this fix, I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 as a computer where I can make errors without social or workplace consequences.

The rest of this document is an exposition of the development cycle for the Zodiac FX on a Debian computer. The instructions are readily transferrable to other Linux distributions which have GNU-inspired user programs.

Building the binary image

Install ARM Ltd's port of GNU Compiler Collection

ARM Ltd have a variant of the GNU Compiler Collection's C and C++ compiler for cross-compiling to ARM embedded systems. They maintain this variant in the Ubuntu Personal Package Archive ‘team-gcc-arm-embedded’. Other Linux distributions typically pick up the compiler's source code from that PPA.

Under Debian Jessie say

sudo apt-get install binutils-arm-none-eabi gcc-arm-none-eabi gdb-arm-none-eabi  libnewlib-arm-none-eabi libstdc++-arm-none-eabi-newlib

A future version of Debian might change these packages' names from ‘…-arm-none-eabi’ to to track the change of name in ARM Ltd's Ubuntu PPA.

The version in Debian Testing more closely follows the releases in Ubuntu, making installing ‘gcc-arm-none-eabi’ from Testing the first recourse upon a compiler bug.

Install GNU make

Make is a program for building binaries from source code projects.

Under Debian say

sudo apt-get install make

A special embedded version of make is not needed, as make runs entirely on the computer, not on the Zodiac FX's system-on-chip.

Install git

Git is a program for source code configuration control. The Zodiac FX source code can be found on GitHub. GitHub is a sourse code repository designed to host projects maintained using Git.

Under Debian say

sudo apt-get install git

Copy ZodiacFX git repository

Change to your home directory, or some similar working directory.

git clone
git remote add upstream

This create a ZodiacFX subdirectory and will copy into the subdirectory the entire source code and history.

We set the upstream remote name to note the canonical location of Zodiac FX's source code.

Compile and link

cd ZodiacFX
cd ZodiacFX
make -j4

The subdirectory should already contain a file named Makefile.

This will compile all the project's C files — found under src/ — into object files, link the object files to produce ZodiacFX.elf, then transform ZodiacFX.elf into the flashable image ZodiacFX.bin.

The -j parameter is the number of concurrent processes supervised by make. Set it to the number of CPU cores available. In this example the Raspberry Pi 3 has four cores.

Use JTAG to flash the ZodiacFX with the binary image

The next task is to get the image in the file ZodiacFX.bin onto the flash on the Zodiac FX.

There are currently two ways to do this: the Atmel-ICE JTAG/SWD debugger a hardware device or the Atmel SAM-BA USB in-system programmer software program.

SAM-BA has no source code: only pre-compiled versions for Windows and Linux on Intel x86 and AMD64 are available. There is a open source alternative named BOSSA but BOSSA currently has no support for the SAM4 family of systems-on-chip.

The Northbound Networks manual descibes how to download a .bin file using SAM-BA. The remainder of this section will explain how to do so using a JTAG programmer.

Install OpenOCD

OpenOCD made large advances with version 0.9.0. Do not use an earlier version; in any case, they have no support for the Atmel SAM4.

OpenOCD v0.9.0 can be found in Debian Jessie's Backports repository. Install OpenOCD from there with:

echo 'deb jessie-backports main' | sudo tee --append /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --target-release jessie-backports install openocd

The Raspberry Pi's ‘Raspbian’ port of Debian doesn't have a Backports repository. In that case download the latest .deb source and re-build the package. For guidance see Rebuilding a Debian package.

Configure OpenOCD

OpenOCD looks for a configuration file named openocd.cfg in the current directory. A working configuration for the Atmel-ICE JTAG programmer connected to the Zodiac FX can be found in …/ZodiacFX/ZodiacFx/openocd.cfg.

Connecting the Atmel ICE to the Zodiac FX is straightforward. Power down both units. The cable goes into the ‘SAM’ port on the ICE. The ribbon cable has pin 1 coloured red, this goes furthest from the ‘JTAG’ silk screen printing on the Zodiac FX's printed circuit board. Power up the Atmel-ICE, then power up the Zodiac FX.

If you have multiple JTAG units then place the serial number of this JTAG unit into …/ZodiacFX/ZodiacFx/openocd.secret. For example:

cmsis_dap_serial J12300012345

The file openocd.secret will be ignored by git, and so the device's serial number (needed for warranty service) won't be uploaded to GitHub and become widely known. You can find the serial number of the unit by plugging the unit's USB cable into the computer and then looking at the output of dmesg.

More details on the configuration and use of OpenOCD can be found in Using Atmel-ICE JTAG/USB dongle and OpenOCD with ZodiacFX OpenFlow switch.

Program ZodiacFX flash with binary image

Change to the directory containing openocd.cfg and ZodiacFX.bin.

To save error the openocd.cfg file defines a convenience function to program the flash:

openocd -f openocd.cfg -c zodiacfx_bin

If this fails with an access permission then check the group ownership set in /etc/udev/rules.d/77-northbound-networks.rules.

For further convenience, `make jtaginstall' will compile, link and program the ZodiacFX's flash.

If you are in the OpenOCD command line for other reasons then zodiacfx_write_image is a wrapper for flash write_image which gives the correct load address:

telnet localhost 4444
zodiacfx_write_image ZodiacFX.bin

Underneath the hood, all of these alternatives run the same OpenOCD commands:

reset init
flash write_image erase ZodiacFX.bin 0x00400000 bin
# Boot from flash by setting register GPNVM1
at91sam4 gpnvm set 1
reset run

Using ZodiacFX

These are brief instructions for using the Zodiac FX from Linux.

Configure udev

Create a group for Zodiac FX users:

sudo groupadd --system zodiacfx

Create a group for Zodiac FX development. Such a group is traditionally named ‘eng’, short for ‘engineering’:

sudo groupadd --system eng

Add yourself to these groups:

sudo usermod --append --groups zodiacfx,eng $USER

Log out and log back in again.

Create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/77-northbound-networks.rules containing:

# Northbound Networks
#  Zodiac FX OpenFlow switch
ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2404", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1", GROUP="zodiacfx", MODE="0660", SYMLINK+="ttyzodiacfx"
#  Zodiac FX OpenFlow switch after flash "erase" jumper has been run
#  The Atmel SAM4E Cortex-M4F CPU is running a bootloader waiting for software
#  download via USB and the SAM-BA tool (the CPU is Atmel part ATSAM4E8C-AU,
#  use board description "at91sam4e8-ek").
ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6124", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1", GROUP="eng", MODE="0660", SYMLINK+="ttyat91sam4e8-ek"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2141", MODE="664", GROUP="eng"

Activate this udev configuration with

sudo udevadm control --reload

Install and configure terminal emulator

sudo apt-get install minicom

Create a file /etc/minicom/minirc.zodiacfx containing

pu port /dev/ttyzodiacfx
pu mhangup
pu showspeed 1

Plug in the USB port to the ZodiacFX. This will create a /dev/ttyACM0 device file. There will be a symbolic link /dev/ttyzodiacfx to that device.

Start the terminal emulator.

minicom zodiacfx

Pressing Enter will bring up the Zodiac FX logo and prompt


Type help and press Enter to see what commands are available.

To exit Minicom type Ctrl+A X Enter.


There are a few pre-set IP addresses in the Zodiac FX

Zodiac_FX# config
Zodiac_FX(config)# show config
 IP Address:
 OpenFlow Controller:
 OpenFlow Port: 6633
Zodiac_FX(config)# exit

If we just want to experiment with a controller on our computer then plug the computer and Zodiac FX into the same LAN and set a secondary address on the computer's ethernet port.

sudo ip addr add label eth0:zodiacfx dev eth0

For more information on getting started with the Zodiac FX under Linux see Getting started with Northbound Networks' Zodiac FX OpenFlow switch.


Decoding the OpenFlow protocol

Decoding the OpenFlow protocol between the computer and the Zodiac FX can be useful for exploring issues.

Wireshark is a graphical protocol analyser which is the best choice for decoging the OpenFlow protocol. If you are consitently using port 6633 rather than the IANA-assigned port 6653 then edit the file ~/.wireshark/preferences and add

openflow.tcp.port: 6633

When a graphical interface is not available then tcpdump is a widely available choice to capture a OpenFlow protocol packets to a file. That file can then be transferred to a machine which can run Wireshark.

sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -w openflow.pcap 'tcp port 6633 or tcp port 6653 or icmp'
sudo chown $USER:$USER openflow.pcap
gzip --best openflow.pcap
scp openflow.pcap.gz

True Unix masochists can combine all of the above into one pipe from hell. As well as the intellectual exercise, that can be useful if the capturing machine lacks disk space.

Tshark is a Wireshark program which can dump the protocol in text. This is particularly useful for including a packet in bug reports. To decode the capture file above say:

tshark -V -x -2 -d tcp.port==6633,openflow -r openflow.pcap.gz

The manual page explains how to choose a particular frame of a capture file.

These programs can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install tcpdump wireshark tshark
sudo usermod --append --groups wireshark $USER

Structure of the Zodiac FX source code

  • ZodiacFX/ZodiacFX/ contains the Makefile and openocd.conf

  • ZodiacFX/ZodiacFX/src contains the Zodiac FX OpenFlow source code.

  • ZodiacFX/ZodiacFX/src/config contains the header files giving configuration parameters, mostly for the ASF and LWIP source. A notable exception is config_zodiac.h which gives parameters for the Zodiac FX's bespoke source code.

  • ZodiacFX/ZodiacFX/ksz8795clx contains the driver for the ethernet switch chip.

  • ZodiacFX/ZodiacFX/src/ASF contains the Atmel Software Foundation code. The entirety of the ASF code is not here, only that selected for use in this project. You should not need to alter this code.

  • ZodiacFX/ZodiacFX/src/lwip contains the Lightweight IP source code. You should not need to alter this code.

  • ZodiacFX/ZodiacFX/src/openflow_spec contains header files from the OpenFlow specifications. You should not need to alter this code.

Install Exuberant ctags

The Makefile assumes that Exuberant ctags is the tags creation utility. Mainly because that made writing the Makefile simpler.

apt-get install exuberant-ctags

Say make tags to create a TAGS file for Emacs.

Compiling with debugging options

To compile for debugging say

make clean
make -j4 debug

ZodiacFX.bin contains an image file for writing to flash, ZodiacFX.elf contains debugging symbols for use by GDB.

Note that compiling for release sets the C processor variable NDEBUG and compiling for debugging does not set that variable. Mark code for debugging with:

#ifndef NDEBUG
  printf("Hello world\n");

It is convention that the code has the same broad behaviour whatever the setting of NDEBUG.

Using GNU Debugger with OpenOCD and JTAG

Remember to write the ZodiacFX.bin matching the ZodiacFX.elf to the Zodiac FX's flash memory.

Start OpenOCD from the directory containing openocd.cfg:


Start the GNU debugger from that same directory:

arm-none-eabi-gdb --symbols=ZodiacFX.elf --eval-command="target extended-remote localhost:3333"

Set break points or inspect memory or do whatever gdb tasks you had in mind and then say continue.

The usual front-ends to the GNU Debugger work, however you may need to alter the front-end's configuration to use arm-none-eabi-gdb rather than to use gdb.

The shipped openocd.cfg contains a handler to automatically halt the ZodiacFX when GDB attaches to OpenOCD. If you use a different openocd.cfg then you should halt the CPU by hand before running GDB:

telnet localhost 4444

Contributing using git and GitHub

Create an account on GitHub.

In your web browser log into GitHub, open the Northbound Networks ZodiacFX repository, press the ‘Fork’ button to create a copy of the ZodiacFX repository in your account.

Alter git's pointer to the ‘origin’ repository of the ZodiacFX files on your disk. Replace $USER below with your GitHub account name.

# Current origin should be
git remote -v
# Alter the origin to the fork in our Github account
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin$USER/ZodiacFX.git

We now have three Git repositories of the source code:

  • the repository on disk

  • the repository in our GitHub account. The repository on disk knows this as its ‘origin’.

  • the repository in Northbound Networks' GitHub account. The repository on disk knows this as its ‘upstream’.

Here are some typical workflows.

Finished editing files, commit to repository on disk

git commit

Take care with the commit comments, they will stay with the code whereever it goes.

There are two parts to a commit comment: a short pithy one line summary; and following a blank line, a long discursive description. Both are valuable and should take some thought.

Send the repository on disk to GitHub

git push origin master

Synchronise repository on disk with latest from Northbound Networks

You will need to have no uncommitted changes on disk.

To keep our changes whilst getting the latest from Northbound Network's repository:

git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master

Once the merge is successful then you can push to your own GitHub repository as normal with git push origin master.

Ask Northbound Networks to add your code to their repository

Ensure any new source code files have a copyright notice and the GPL3+ license text.

In your web browser log into your GitHub account. Then go to Northbound Networks ZodiacFX repository. Press the tab labelled ‘Pull requests’. Press the button marked ‘New pull request’. Click on the link ‘Compare across forks’. Select the ‘head fork’ dropdown and click on your repository. After a few seconds this will display the changes. Press the button marked ‘Create pull request’, check the summary, and press the button marked ‘Create pull request’ once again.

Memory map

Without some notion of the memory map it can seem as if embedded applications are overflowing with magic addresses.

The memory maps of peripheral device registers are complex, the result of having a wide range of models but wanting the same peripheral to appear at the same addresses throughout the range. For any one model — with a only a selected subset of the peripherals — the memory map of the I/O registers is essentially random.

These tables summarise the memory map of the ATSAM4E8C used in the Zodiac FX. For a complete reference see Chapter 7 of SAM4E series. SMART ARM-based Flash MCU. Datasheet (PDF).

The system-on-chip at the heart of the Zodiac FX is Atmel part ATSAM4E8C-AU. This SAM4E8C belongs to the SAM4E range, in the SAM4 family. The SAM4E CPU uses ARM Ltd's ‘Cortex-M4’ design. The ATSAM4E8C system-on-chip contains 512KB flash and 128KB of static RAM. It has a fast ethernet controller which uses Synopsys DesignWare's ‘GMAC’ design.

This is the memory map, shorn of reserved areas:

Lowest address Highest address Occupied by
0000 0000 003f ffff Boot memory
0040 0000 41ff ffff Internal flash (512KB)
0080 0000 00bf ffff Internal ROM
2000 0000 2007 ffff Internal static RAM (128KB)
4000 0000 400c 7fff Perpherals
400e 0000 400e 1900 System controller
e000 0000 ffff ffff System

The internal ROM contains the SAM-BA SAM Boot Assistant (and flash updater) starting at address 0000 0000. It also contains In-Application Programming (IAP) routines, and Fast Flash Programming Interface (FFPI) for programs to implement their on flash updating.

For easy reference, the base addresses of sets of registers used by the subsystems are shown:

Lowest address Occupied by
4000 0000 PWM pulse width modulation controller for stepper motors
4000 4000 AES encryptor
4001 0000 CAN0 car area network
4001 4000 CAN1 car area network
4003 4000 GMAC ethernet controller
4006 0000 SMC static memory controller (system)
4006 0600 UART1 universal asychronous receiver/transmitter (system)
4008 0000 HSMCI multimedia card
4008 4000 UDP UDP device port
4008 8000 SPI serial peripheral interface
4009 0000 TC0 timer/counter
4009 0040 TC1 timer/counter
4009 0080 TC2 timer/counter
4009 4000 TC3 timer/counter
4009 4040 TC4 timer/counter
4009 4080 TC5 timer/counter
4009 8000 TC6 timer/counter
4009 8040 TC7 timer/counter
4009 8080 TC8 timer/counter
400a 0000 USART0 universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter
400a 4000 USART1 universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter
400a 8000 TW0 two-wire interface
400a c000 TW1 two-wire interface
400b 0000 AFEC0 analog front-end controller
400b 4000 AFEC1 analog front-end controller
400b 8000 DACC digital-to-analog converter controller
400b c000 ACC analog comparator controller
400c 0000 DMAC DMA controller (system)
400c 4000 CMCC Cortex-M cache controller (system)
400e 0200 MATRIX bus matrix (system)
400e 0400 PMC power management controller (system)
400e 0600 UART0 universal asychronous receiver/transmitter (system)
400e 0740 CHIPID chip identifier (system)
400e 0a00 EEFC enhanced embedded flash controller (system)
400e 0e00 PIOA parallel I/O controller
400e 1000 PIOB parallel I/O controller
400e 1200 PIOC parallel I/O controller
400e 1400 PIOD parallel I/O controller
400e 1600 PIOE parallel I/O controller
400e 1800 RSTC reset controller (system)
400e 1810 SUPC [power] supply controller (system)
400e 1830 RTT real-time timer (system)
400e 1850 WDT watchdog timer (system)
400e 1860 RTC real-time clock (system)
400e 1890 GPBR general purpose backup registers (system)
400e 1900 RSWDT reinforced safety watchdog timer (system)

Boot sequence and ROM monitor

When a Cortex-M CPU boots it examines a vector table at address 0000 0000. This contains the initial Stack Pointer (which conventionally points to the highest address in RAM) and a Reset Vector, which should point to a program in ROM to run. That program can create a new Vector Table and then write the new table's address to the Vector Table Offset Register.

The SAM4 contains a bit register GPNVM1. If thus is set then the flash memory is mapped at 0000 0000, as well as remaining mapped at 0040 0000. If GPNVM1 is not set then ROM is mapped at 0000 0000 as well as remaining mapped at 0080 0000.

The idea is that GPNVM1 is set after flash is successfully programmed. GPNVM1 is automatically unset whenever a flash erase occurs.

The double-mapping is neat: the vector table starts at 0000 0000 but the vector contents point into ROM or flash addresses without any need to alter the typical linkage.

A SAM4 with the typical factory ROM contains a small monitor called SAM-BA. This can be accessed from UART0 (which is not connected on the Zodiac FX) or from the USB port. The monitor can read and write bytes to RAM, change the Program Counter, and transfer data using the Xmodem serial protocol. This is sufficient capablity to write a file to flash. The SAM-BA utility for Windows and Linux is a client to the SAM-BA ROM monitor which automates this capability.

The Zodiac FX's ‘Erase’ jumper is connected to the ERASE pin of the SAM4. When this is asserted the SAM4 will erase all flash (setting it to zero) and clear all the GPNVM bits to zero. After removing the jumper and reseting, the Zodiac FX will start from ROM, run the SAM-BA monitor and be in a condition for a new flash image to be downloaded.

When the Zodiac FX does boot from flash startup_sam4e.c contains the establishment of the vector table: the C structure exception_table is placed in linker section .vectors and the flash.ld linkage script ensures that .vectors is the first section. The Reset Vector in exception_table points to the function Reset_Handler(), so this the first code run when the Zodiac FX starts. After initialising the system, relocating relocatable sections, zeroising zeroed sections, and setting a new Vector Table, it initialises the C library by calling __libc_init_array() and then calls the main() routine of the Zodiac FX code.

Zodiac FX's main() function calls the …_init() functions of the used Atmel Software Framework components. Some of these initialise board components, others prepare software data structures. The saved configuration is loaded, and the addresses from that used to initialise the Lightweight IP library, start networking and configure interfaces. The main loop then starts: one thread processing the command line interface and another thread processing OpenFlow commands.


Copyright © Glen Turner, 2016

Licensed to you under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. For the text of the license see