diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..294e4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# CS8765: Nullability of type of parameter doesn't match overridden member (possibly because of nullability attributes).
+dotnet_diagnostic.CS8765.severity = silent
diff --git a/Wwise Bank Converter/Program.cs b/Wwise Bank Converter/Program.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..778ba65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wwise Bank Converter/Program.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace WwiseBankConverter
+ internal static class Program
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The main entry point for the application.
+ ///
+ [STAThread]
+ static void Main()
+ {
+ OpenFileDialog ofd = new()
+ {
+ Filter = "Wwise Bank(*.bnk;*.json)|*.bnk;*.json",
+ RestoreDirectory = true
+ };
+ if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
+ string outputDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Output";
+ if (Path.GetExtension(ofd.FileName) == ".bnk")
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ string destFileName = outputDir + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ofd.FileName) + ".json";
+ Wwise.WwiseData wd = new(File.ReadAllBytes(ofd.FileName));
+ string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wd.banks[0], Formatting.Indented);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir);
+ File.WriteAllText(destFileName, json);
+ MessageBox.Show("Json placed in Output folder.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (Path.GetExtension(ofd.FileName) == ".json")
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ string destFileName = outputDir + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ofd.FileName) + ".bnk";
+ string json = File.ReadAllText(ofd.FileName);
+ Wwise.WwiseData wd = new()
+ {
+ banks = new()
+ };
+ Wwise.Bank? b = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
+ if (b == null)
+ throw new ArgumentException();
+ wd.banks.Add(b);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir);
+ FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(destFileName);
+ fs.Write(wd.GetBytes());
+ MessageBox.Show("Wwise bank placed in Output folder.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Wwise Bank Converter/Wwise.cs b/Wwise Bank Converter/Wwise.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a2a719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wwise Bank Converter/Wwise.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,4552 @@
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;
+using System.Text;
+namespace WwiseBankConverter
+ ///
+ /// Handles deserialization and serialization of the Wwise .bnk format.
+ ///
+ public static class Wwise
+ {
+ public class WwiseData
+ {
+ internal byte[] buffer;
+ internal int offset;
+ public readonly Dictionary objectsByID;
+ public List banks;
+ public WwiseData()
+ {
+ objectsByID = new Dictionary();
+ banks = new();
+ }
+ public WwiseData(byte[] buffer)
+ {
+ this.buffer = buffer;
+ offset = 0;
+ objectsByID = new Dictionary();
+ banks = new();
+ Bank b = new();
+ b.Deserialize(this);
+ banks.Add(b);
+ }
+ public void Parse(byte[] buffer)
+ {
+ this.buffer = buffer;
+ offset = 0;
+ Bank b = new();
+ b.Deserialize(this);
+ banks.Add(b);
+ }
+ public byte[] GetBytes()
+ {
+ return banks.First().Serialize().ToArray();
+ }
+ public byte[] GetBytes(uint id)
+ {
+ return objectsByID[id].Serialize().ToArray();
+ }
+ }
+ public interface ISerializable
+ {
+ public abstract void Deserialize(WwiseData wd);
+ public abstract IEnumerable Serialize();
+ }
+ public abstract class WwiseObject : ISerializable
+ {
+ public abstract void Deserialize(WwiseData wd);
+ public abstract IEnumerable Serialize();
+ }
+ [JsonConverter(typeof(ChunkConverter))]
+ public abstract class Chunk : ISerializable
+ {
+ public string tag;
+ public uint chunkSize;
+ public virtual void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ tag = ReadString(wd, 4);
+ chunkSize = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public static Chunk Create(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ string chunkType = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(wd.buffer, wd.offset, 4);
+ Chunk bc = chunkType switch
+ {
+ "BKHD" => new BankHeader(),
+ "DATA" => new DataChunk(),
+ "DIDX" => new MediaIndex(),
+ "ENVS" => new EnvSettingsChunk(),
+ "HIRC" => new HircChunk(),
+ "INIT" => new PluginChunk(),
+ "PLAT" => new CustomPlatformChunk(),
+ "STMG" => new GlobalSettingsChunk(),
+ _ => throw new NotImplementedException("ChunkType " + chunkType + " at " + wd.offset),
+ };
+ bc.Deserialize(wd);
+ return bc;
+ }
+ public virtual IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(tag));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(chunkSize));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ChunkSpecifiedConcreteClassConverter : DefaultContractResolver
+ {
+ protected override JsonConverter ResolveContractConverter(Type objectType)
+ {
+ if (typeof(Chunk).IsAssignableFrom(objectType) && !objectType.IsAbstract)
+ return null; // pretend TableSortRuleConvert is not specified (thus avoiding a stack overflow)
+ return base.ResolveContractConverter(objectType);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ChunkConverter : JsonConverter
+ {
+ static JsonSerializerSettings SpecifiedSubclassConversion = new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new ChunkSpecifiedConcreteClassConverter() };
+ public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
+ {
+ return (objectType == typeof(Chunk));
+ }
+ public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
+ {
+ JObject jo = JObject.Load(reader);
+ return jo["tag"].Value() switch
+ {
+ "BKHD" => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ "DATA" => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ "DIDX" => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ "ENVS" => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ "HIRC" => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ "INIT" => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ "PLAT" => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ "STMG" => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ _ => throw new NotImplementedException("Invalid tag: \"" + jo["tag"].Value() + "\""),
+ };
+ }
+ public override bool CanWrite
+ {
+ get { return false; }
+ }
+ public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException(); // won't be called because CanWrite returns false
+ }
+ }
+ [JsonConverter(typeof(HircItemConverter))]
+ public abstract class HircItem : WwiseObject
+ {
+ public byte hircType;
+ public uint sectionSize;
+ public uint id;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ hircType = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ sectionSize = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ id = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ wd.objectsByID[id] = this;
+ }
+ public static HircItem Create(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ byte hircType = wd.buffer[wd.offset];
+ HircItem hi = hircType switch
+ {
+ 1 => new State(),
+ 2 => new Sound(),
+ 3 => Action.GetInstance(wd),
+ 4 => new Event(),
+ 5 => new RanSeqCntr(),
+ 6 => new SwitchCntr(),
+ 7 => new ActorMixer(),
+ 8 => new Bus(),
+ 9 => new LayerCntr(),
+ 10 => new MusicSegment(),
+ 11 => new MusicTrack(),
+ 12 => new MusicSwitchCntr(),
+ 13 => new MusicRanSeqCntr(),
+ 14 => new Attenuation(),
+ 16 => new FxCustom(),
+ 17 => new FxCustom(),
+ 18 => new Bus(),
+ 21 => new AudioDevice(),
+ _ => throw new NotImplementedException("HircType " + hircType + " at " + wd.offset),
+ };
+ hi.Deserialize(wd);
+ return hi;
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.Add(hircType);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(sectionSize));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(id));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class HircItemSpecifiedConcreteClassConverter : DefaultContractResolver
+ {
+ protected override JsonConverter ResolveContractConverter(Type objectType)
+ {
+ if (typeof(HircItem).IsAssignableFrom(objectType) && !objectType.IsAbstract)
+ return null; // pretend TableSortRuleConvert is not specified (thus avoiding a stack overflow)
+ return base.ResolveContractConverter(objectType);
+ }
+ }
+ public class HircItemConverter : JsonConverter
+ {
+ static JsonSerializerSettings SpecifiedSubclassConversion = new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new HircItemSpecifiedConcreteClassConverter() };
+ public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
+ {
+ return (objectType == typeof(HircItem));
+ }
+ public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
+ {
+ JObject jo = JObject.Load(reader);
+ return jo["hircType"].Value() switch
+ {
+ 1 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 2 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 3 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 4 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 5 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 6 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 7 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 8 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 9 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 10 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 11 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 12 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 13 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 14 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 16 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 17 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 18 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 21 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ _ => throw new NotImplementedException("Invalid hircType: " + jo["hircType"].Value()),
+ };
+ }
+ public override bool CanWrite
+ {
+ get { return false; }
+ }
+ public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException(); // won't be called because CanWrite returns false
+ }
+ }
+ public class Bank : WwiseObject
+ {
+ public List chunks;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ chunks = new();
+ while (wd.offset < wd.buffer.Length)
+ {
+ Chunk c = Chunk.Create(wd);
+ chunks.Add(c);
+ if (c is BankHeader bh)
+ wd.objectsByID[bh.akBankHeader.soundBankID] = this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ foreach (Chunk c in chunks)
+ b.AddRange(c.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class BankHeader : Chunk
+ {
+ public AkBankHeader akBankHeader;
+ public int padding;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ akBankHeader = new();
+ int offset = wd.offset;
+ akBankHeader.Deserialize(wd);
+ padding = (int)(offset + chunkSize - wd.offset);
+ wd.offset += padding;
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(akBankHeader.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(new byte[padding]);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class AkBankHeader : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint bankGeneratorVersion;
+ public uint soundBankID;
+ public uint languageID;
+ public ushort unused;
+ public ushort deviceAllocated;
+ public uint projectID;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ bankGeneratorVersion = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ soundBankID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ languageID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ unused = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ deviceAllocated = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ projectID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(bankGeneratorVersion));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(soundBankID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(languageID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(unused));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(deviceAllocated));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(projectID));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class MediaIndex : Chunk
+ {
+ public List loadedMedia;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ loadedMedia = new();
+ long endOffset = wd.offset + chunkSize;
+ while (endOffset > wd.offset)
+ {
+ MediaHeader mh = new();
+ mh.Deserialize(wd);
+ loadedMedia.Add(mh);
+ }
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(tag));
+ List loadedMediaBuffer = new();
+ foreach (MediaHeader mediaHeader in loadedMedia)
+ loadedMediaBuffer.AddRange(mediaHeader.Serialize());
+ chunkSize = (uint)loadedMediaBuffer.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(chunkSize));
+ b.AddRange(loadedMediaBuffer);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class MediaHeader : WwiseObject
+ {
+ public uint id;
+ public uint offset;
+ public uint size;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ id = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ wd.objectsByID[id] = this;
+ offset = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ size = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(id));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(offset));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(size));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class DataChunk : Chunk
+ {
+ public byte[] data;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ data = ReadUInt8Array(wd, (int)chunkSize);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(data);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class EnvSettingsChunk : Chunk
+ {
+ public ObsOccCurve[][] obsOccCurves;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ obsOccCurves = new ObsOccCurve[2][];
+ for (int i = 0; i < obsOccCurves.Length; i++)
+ {
+ obsOccCurves[i] = new ObsOccCurve[3];
+ for (int j = 0; j < obsOccCurves[i].Length; j++)
+ {
+ ObsOccCurve ooc = new();
+ ooc.Deserialize(wd);
+ obsOccCurves[i][j] = ooc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ foreach (ObsOccCurve[] ooca in obsOccCurves)
+ foreach (ObsOccCurve ooc in ooca)
+ b.AddRange(ooc.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ObsOccCurve : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte curveEnabled;
+ public byte curveScaling;
+ public ushort curveSize;
+ public List points;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ points = new();
+ curveEnabled = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ curveScaling = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ curveSize = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < curveSize; i++)
+ {
+ RTPCGraphPoint rtpcgp = new();
+ rtpcgp.Deserialize(wd);
+ points.Add(rtpcgp);
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.Add(curveEnabled);
+ b.Add(curveScaling);
+ curveSize = (ushort)points.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(curveSize));
+ foreach (RTPCGraphPoint rtpcgp in points)
+ b.AddRange(rtpcgp.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class HircChunk : Chunk
+ {
+ public uint releasableHircItemCount;
+ public List loadedItem;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ loadedItem = new();
+ releasableHircItemCount = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < releasableHircItemCount; i++)
+ loadedItem.Add(HircItem.Create(wd));
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ releasableHircItemCount = (uint)loadedItem.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(releasableHircItemCount));
+ foreach (HircItem hircItem in loadedItem)
+ b.AddRange(hircItem.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class State : HircItem
+ {
+ public PropBundle4 propBundle4;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ propBundle4 = new();
+ propBundle4.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(propBundle4.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PropBundle4 : ISerializable
+ {
+ public ushort propsCount;
+ public List props;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ props = new();
+ propsCount = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < propsCount; i++)
+ {
+ PropBundle5 pb1 = new();
+ pb1.Deserialize(wd);
+ props.Add(pb1);
+ }
+ foreach (PropBundle5 pb1 in props)
+ pb1.DeserializeValue(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ propsCount = (byte)props.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(propsCount));
+ foreach (PropBundle5 pb1 in props)
+ b.AddRange(pb1.Serialize());
+ foreach (PropBundle5 pb1 in props)
+ b.AddRange(pb1.SerializeValue());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PropBundle5 : ISerializable
+ {
+ public ushort id;
+ public float value;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ id = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ }
+ public void DeserializeValue(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ value = ReadSingle(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ return GetBytes(id);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable SerializeValue()
+ {
+ return GetBytes(value);
+ }
+ }
+ public class Sound : HircItem
+ {
+ public BankSourceData bankSourceData;
+ public NodeBaseParams nodeBaseParams;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ bankSourceData = new();
+ nodeBaseParams = new();
+ bankSourceData.Deserialize(wd);
+ nodeBaseParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(bankSourceData.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(nodeBaseParams.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class BankSourceData : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint pluginID;
+ public byte streamType;
+ public MediaInformation mediaInformation;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ mediaInformation = new();
+ pluginID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ streamType = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ mediaInformation.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(pluginID));
+ b.Add(streamType);
+ b.AddRange(mediaInformation.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class MediaInformation : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint sourceID;
+ public uint inMemoryMediaSize;
+ public bool isLanguageSpecific;
+ public bool prefetch;
+ public bool nonCachable;
+ public bool hasSource;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ sourceID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ inMemoryMediaSize = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ bool[] flags = ReadFlags(wd);
+ isLanguageSpecific = flags[0];
+ prefetch = flags[1];
+ nonCachable = flags[3];
+ hasSource = flags[7];
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(sourceID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(inMemoryMediaSize));
+ bool[] flags = {
+ isLanguageSpecific,
+ prefetch,
+ false,
+ nonCachable,
+ false, false, false,
+ hasSource
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class NodeBaseParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public NodeInitialFxParams nodeInitialFxParams;
+ public byte overrideAttachmentParams;
+ public uint overrideBusId;
+ public uint directParentID;
+ public bool priorityOverrideParent;
+ public bool priorityApplyDistFactor;
+ public bool overrideMidiEventsBehavior;
+ public bool overrideMidiNoteTracking;
+ public bool enableMidiNoteTracking;
+ public bool isMidiBreakLoopOnNoteOff;
+ public NodeInitialParams nodeInitialParams;
+ public PositioningParams positioningParams;
+ public AuxParams auxParams;
+ public AdvSettingsParams advSettingsParams;
+ public StateChunk stateChunk;
+ public InitialRTPC initialRTPC;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ nodeInitialFxParams = new();
+ nodeInitialParams = new();
+ positioningParams = new();
+ auxParams = new();
+ advSettingsParams = new();
+ stateChunk = new();
+ initialRTPC = new();
+ nodeInitialFxParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ overrideAttachmentParams = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ overrideBusId = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ directParentID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ bool[] flags = ReadFlags(wd);
+ priorityOverrideParent = flags[0];
+ priorityApplyDistFactor = flags[1];
+ overrideMidiEventsBehavior = flags[2];
+ overrideMidiNoteTracking = flags[3];
+ enableMidiNoteTracking = flags[4];
+ isMidiBreakLoopOnNoteOff = flags[5];
+ nodeInitialParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ positioningParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ auxParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ advSettingsParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ stateChunk.Deserialize(wd);
+ initialRTPC.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(nodeInitialFxParams.Serialize());
+ b.Add(overrideAttachmentParams);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(overrideBusId));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(directParentID));
+ bool[] flags = {
+ priorityOverrideParent,
+ priorityApplyDistFactor,
+ overrideMidiEventsBehavior,
+ overrideMidiNoteTracking,
+ enableMidiNoteTracking,
+ isMidiBreakLoopOnNoteOff
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags));
+ b.AddRange(nodeInitialParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(positioningParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(auxParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(advSettingsParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(stateChunk.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(initialRTPC.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class NodeInitialFxParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte isOverrideParentFX;
+ public byte numFx;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ isOverrideParentFX = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ numFx = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.Add(isOverrideParentFX);
+ b.Add(numFx);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class NodeInitialParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public PropBundle0 propBundle0;
+ public PropBundle2 propBundle2;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ propBundle0 = new();
+ propBundle2 = new();
+ propBundle0.Deserialize(wd);
+ propBundle2.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(propBundle0.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(propBundle2.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PropBundle0 : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte propsCount;
+ public List props;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ props = new();
+ propsCount = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < propsCount; i++)
+ {
+ PropBundle1 pb1 = new();
+ pb1.Deserialize(wd);
+ props.Add(pb1);
+ }
+ foreach (PropBundle1 pb1 in props)
+ pb1.DeserializeValue(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ propsCount = (byte)props.Count;
+ b.Add(propsCount);
+ foreach (PropBundle1 pb1 in props)
+ b.AddRange(pb1.Serialize());
+ foreach (PropBundle1 pb1 in props)
+ b.AddRange(pb1.SerializeValue());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PropBundle1 : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte id;
+ public float value;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ id = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public void DeserializeValue(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ value = ReadSingle(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ return new byte[] { id };
+ }
+ public IEnumerable SerializeValue()
+ {
+ return GetBytes(value);
+ }
+ }
+ public class PropBundle2 : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte propsCount;
+ public List props;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ props = new();
+ propsCount = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < propsCount; i++)
+ {
+ PropBundle3 pb3 = new();
+ pb3.Deserialize(wd);
+ props.Add(pb3);
+ }
+ foreach (PropBundle3 pb3 in props)
+ pb3.DeserializeBoundaries(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ propsCount = (byte)props.Count;
+ b.Add(propsCount);
+ foreach (PropBundle3 pb3 in props)
+ b.AddRange(pb3.Serialize());
+ foreach (PropBundle3 pb3 in props)
+ b.AddRange(pb3.SerializeBoundaries());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PropBundle3 : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte id;
+ public byte[] min;
+ public byte[] max;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ id = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public void DeserializeBoundaries(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ min = ReadUInt8Array(wd, 4);
+ max = ReadUInt8Array(wd, 4);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ return new byte[] { id };
+ }
+ public IEnumerable SerializeBoundaries()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(min);
+ b.AddRange(max);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PositioningParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public bool positioningInfoOverrideParent;
+ public bool hasListenerRelativeRouting;
+ public bool pannerType;
+ public bool _3DPositionType;
+ public bool spatializationMode;
+ public bool unkFlag1;
+ public bool enableAttenuation;
+ public bool holdEmitterPosAndOrient;
+ public bool holdListenerOrient;
+ public bool enableDiffraction;
+ public bool unkFlag7;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ bool[] flags0 = ReadFlags(wd);
+ positioningInfoOverrideParent = flags0[0];
+ hasListenerRelativeRouting = flags0[1];
+ pannerType = flags0[2];
+ _3DPositionType = flags0[5];
+ if (hasListenerRelativeRouting)
+ {
+ bool[] flags1 = ReadFlags(wd);
+ spatializationMode = flags1[0];
+ unkFlag1 = flags1[1];
+ enableAttenuation = flags1[3];
+ holdEmitterPosAndOrient = flags1[4];
+ holdListenerOrient = flags1[5];
+ enableDiffraction = flags1[6];
+ unkFlag7 = flags1[7];
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ bool[] flags0 = {
+ positioningInfoOverrideParent,
+ hasListenerRelativeRouting,
+ pannerType,
+ false, false,
+ _3DPositionType
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags0));
+ if (hasListenerRelativeRouting)
+ {
+ bool[] flags1 = {
+ spatializationMode,
+ unkFlag1,
+ false,
+ enableAttenuation,
+ holdEmitterPosAndOrient,
+ holdListenerOrient,
+ enableDiffraction,
+ unkFlag7
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags1));
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class AuxParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public bool unkFlag0;
+ public bool unkFlag1;
+ public bool overrideUserAuxSends;
+ public bool hasAux;
+ public bool overrideReflectionsAuxBus;
+ public uint[] auxIDs;
+ public uint reflectionsAuxBus;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ bool[] flags = ReadFlags(wd);
+ unkFlag0 = flags[0];
+ unkFlag1 = flags[1];
+ overrideUserAuxSends = flags[2];
+ hasAux = flags[3];
+ overrideReflectionsAuxBus = flags[4];
+ if (hasAux)
+ {
+ auxIDs = new uint[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ auxIDs[i] = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ reflectionsAuxBus = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ bool[] flags = {
+ unkFlag0,
+ unkFlag1,
+ overrideUserAuxSends,
+ hasAux,
+ overrideReflectionsAuxBus
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags));
+ if (auxIDs != null)
+ foreach (uint i in auxIDs)
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(i));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(reflectionsAuxBus));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class AdvSettingsParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public bool killNewest;
+ public bool useVirtualBehavior;
+ public bool unkFlag2;
+ public bool ignoreParentMaxNumInst;
+ public bool isVVoicesOptOverrideParent;
+ public byte virtualQueueBehavior;
+ public ushort maxNumInstance;
+ public byte belowThresholdBehavior;
+ public bool overrideHdrEnvelope;
+ public bool overrideAnalysis;
+ public bool normalizeLoudness;
+ public bool enableEnvelope;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ bool[] flags0 = ReadFlags(wd);
+ killNewest = flags0[0];
+ useVirtualBehavior = flags0[1];
+ unkFlag2 = flags0[2];
+ ignoreParentMaxNumInst = flags0[3];
+ isVVoicesOptOverrideParent = flags0[4];
+ virtualQueueBehavior = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ maxNumInstance = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ belowThresholdBehavior = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ bool[] flags1 = ReadFlags(wd);
+ overrideHdrEnvelope = flags1[0];
+ overrideAnalysis = flags1[1];
+ normalizeLoudness = flags1[2];
+ enableEnvelope = flags1[3];
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ bool[] flags0 = {
+ killNewest,
+ useVirtualBehavior,
+ unkFlag2,
+ ignoreParentMaxNumInst,
+ isVVoicesOptOverrideParent
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags0));
+ b.Add(virtualQueueBehavior);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(maxNumInstance));
+ b.Add(belowThresholdBehavior);
+ bool[] flags1 = {
+ overrideHdrEnvelope,
+ overrideAnalysis,
+ normalizeLoudness,
+ enableEnvelope
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags1));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class StateChunk : ISerializable
+ {
+ public ulong statePropsCount;
+ public List stateProps;
+ public ulong stateGroupsCount;
+ public List stateChunks;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ stateProps = new();
+ stateChunks = new();
+ statePropsCount = ReadVariableInt(wd);
+ for (ulong i = 0; i < statePropsCount; i++)
+ {
+ StatePropertyInfo spi = new();
+ spi.Deserialize(wd);
+ stateProps.Add(spi);
+ }
+ stateGroupsCount = ReadVariableInt(wd);
+ for (ulong i = 0; i < stateGroupsCount; i++)
+ {
+ StateGroupChunk sgc = new();
+ sgc.Deserialize(wd);
+ stateChunks.Add(sgc);
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ statePropsCount = (ulong)stateProps.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetVariableIntBytes(statePropsCount));
+ foreach (StatePropertyInfo spi in stateProps)
+ b.AddRange(spi.Serialize());
+ stateGroupsCount = (ulong)stateChunks.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetVariableIntBytes(stateGroupsCount));
+ foreach (StateGroupChunk sgc in stateChunks)
+ b.AddRange(sgc.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class StatePropertyInfo : ISerializable
+ {
+ public ulong propertyID;
+ public byte accumType;
+ public byte inDb;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ propertyID = ReadVariableInt(wd);
+ accumType = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ inDb = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetVariableIntBytes(propertyID));
+ b.Add(accumType);
+ b.Add(inDb);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class StateGroupChunk : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint stateGroupID;
+ public byte stateSyncType;
+ public ulong statesCount;
+ public List states;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ states = new();
+ stateGroupID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ stateSyncType = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ statesCount = ReadVariableInt(wd);
+ for (ulong i = 0; i < statesCount; i++)
+ {
+ AkState s = new();
+ s.Deserialize(wd);
+ states.Add(s);
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(stateGroupID));
+ b.Add(stateSyncType);
+ statesCount = (ulong)states.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetVariableIntBytes(statesCount));
+ foreach (AkState s in states)
+ b.AddRange(s.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class AkState : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint stateID;
+ public uint stateInstanceID;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ stateID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ stateInstanceID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(stateID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(stateInstanceID));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class InitialRTPC : ISerializable
+ {
+ public ushort rtpcCount;
+ public List pRTPCMgr;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ pRTPCMgr = new();
+ rtpcCount = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < rtpcCount; i++)
+ {
+ RTPC rtpc = new();
+ rtpc.Deserialize(wd);
+ pRTPCMgr.Add(rtpc);
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ rtpcCount = (ushort)pRTPCMgr.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rtpcCount));
+ foreach (RTPC rtpc in pRTPCMgr)
+ b.AddRange(rtpc.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class RTPC : WwiseObject
+ {
+ public uint rtpcID;
+ public byte rtpcType;
+ public byte rtpcAccum;
+ public ulong paramID;
+ public uint rtpcCurveID;
+ public byte scaling;
+ public ushort size;
+ public List pRTPCMgr;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ pRTPCMgr = new();
+ rtpcID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ rtpcType = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ rtpcAccum = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ paramID = ReadVariableInt(wd);
+ rtpcCurveID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ wd.objectsByID[rtpcCurveID] = this;
+ scaling = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ size = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ RTPCGraphPoint rtpcgp = new();
+ rtpcgp.Deserialize(wd);
+ pRTPCMgr.Add(rtpcgp);
+ }
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rtpcID));
+ b.Add(rtpcType);
+ b.Add(rtpcAccum);
+ b.AddRange(GetVariableIntBytes(paramID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rtpcCurveID));
+ b.Add(scaling);
+ size = (ushort)pRTPCMgr.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(size));
+ foreach (RTPCGraphPoint rtpcgp in pRTPCMgr)
+ b.AddRange(rtpcgp.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ [JsonConverter(typeof(ActionConverter))]
+ public abstract class Action : HircItem
+ {
+ public ushort actionType;
+ public uint idExt;
+ public byte isBus;
+ public PropBundle0 propBundle0;
+ public PropBundle2 propBundle1;
+ public static Action GetInstance(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ ushort actionType = BitConverter.ToUInt16(wd.buffer, wd.offset + 9);
+ Action a = actionType switch
+ {
+ 258 => new ActionStop(),
+ 259 => new ActionStop(),
+ 260 => new ActionStop(),
+ 514 => new ActionPause(),
+ 515 => new ActionPause(),
+ 516 => new ActionPause(),
+ 770 => new ActionResume(),
+ 772 => new ActionResume(),
+ 1027 => new ActionPlay(),
+ 1538 => new ActionMute(),
+ 1794 => new ActionMute(),
+ 2562 => new ActionSetAkProp(),
+ 2818 => new ActionSetAkProp(),
+ 3074 => new ActionSetAkProp(),
+ 3075 => new ActionSetAkProp(),
+ 3330 => new ActionSetAkProp(),
+ 3332 => new ActionSetAkProp(),
+ 4612 => new ActionSetState(),
+ 4866 => new ActionSetGameParameter(),
+ 4867 => new ActionSetGameParameter(),
+ 5122 => new ActionSetGameParameter(),
+ 5123 => new ActionSetGameParameter(),
+ 6401 => new ActionSetSwitch(),
+ 8451 => new ActionPlayEvent(),
+ _ => throw new NotImplementedException("ActionType " + actionType + " at " + (wd.offset + 9)),
+ };
+ return a;
+ }
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ propBundle0 = new();
+ propBundle1 = new();
+ actionType = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ idExt = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ isBus = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ propBundle0.Deserialize(wd);
+ propBundle1.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(actionType));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(idExt));
+ b.Add(isBus);
+ b.AddRange(propBundle0.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(propBundle1.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionSpecifiedConcreteClassConverter : DefaultContractResolver
+ {
+ protected override JsonConverter ResolveContractConverter(Type objectType)
+ {
+ if (typeof(Action).IsAssignableFrom(objectType) && !objectType.IsAbstract)
+ return null; // pretend TableSortRuleConvert is not specified (thus avoiding a stack overflow)
+ return base.ResolveContractConverter(objectType);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionConverter : JsonConverter
+ {
+ static JsonSerializerSettings SpecifiedSubclassConversion = new JsonSerializerSettings() { ContractResolver = new ActionSpecifiedConcreteClassConverter() };
+ public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
+ {
+ return (objectType == typeof(Action));
+ }
+ public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
+ {
+ JObject jo = JObject.Load(reader);
+ return jo["actionType"].Value() switch
+ {
+ 258 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 259 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 260 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 514 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 515 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 516 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 770 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 772 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 1027 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 1538 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 1794 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 2562 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 2818 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 3074 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 3075 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 3330 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 3332 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 4612 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 4866 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 4867 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 5122 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 5123 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 6401 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ 8451 => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jo.ToString(), SpecifiedSubclassConversion),
+ _ => throw new NotImplementedException("Invalid actionType: " + jo["actionType"].Value()),
+ };
+ }
+ public override bool CanWrite
+ {
+ get { return false; }
+ }
+ public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException(); // won't be called because CanWrite returns false
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionStop : Action
+ {
+ public byte fadeCurve;
+ public StopActionSpecificParams stopActionSpecificParams;
+ public ExceptParams exceptParams;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ stopActionSpecificParams = new();
+ exceptParams = new();
+ fadeCurve = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ stopActionSpecificParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ exceptParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.Add(fadeCurve);
+ b.AddRange(stopActionSpecificParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(exceptParams.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class StopActionSpecificParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public bool applyToStateTransitions;
+ public bool applyToDynamicSequence;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ bool[] flags = ReadFlags(wd);
+ applyToStateTransitions = flags[1];
+ applyToDynamicSequence = flags[2];
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ bool[] flags = { false,
+ applyToStateTransitions,
+ applyToDynamicSequence
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionPause : Action
+ {
+ public byte fadeCurve;
+ public PauseActionSpecificParams pauseActionSpecificParams;
+ public ExceptParams exceptParams;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ pauseActionSpecificParams = new();
+ exceptParams = new();
+ fadeCurve = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ pauseActionSpecificParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ exceptParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.Add(fadeCurve);
+ b.AddRange(pauseActionSpecificParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(exceptParams.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PauseActionSpecificParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public bool includePendingResume;
+ public bool applyToStateTransitions;
+ public bool applyToDynamicSequence;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ bool[] flags = ReadFlags(wd);
+ includePendingResume = flags[0];
+ applyToStateTransitions = flags[1];
+ applyToDynamicSequence = flags[2];
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ bool[] flags = {
+ includePendingResume,
+ applyToStateTransitions,
+ applyToDynamicSequence
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionResume : Action
+ {
+ public byte fadeCurve;
+ public ResumeActionSpecificParams resumeActionSpecificParams;
+ public ExceptParams exceptParams;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ resumeActionSpecificParams = new();
+ exceptParams = new();
+ fadeCurve = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ resumeActionSpecificParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ exceptParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.Add(fadeCurve);
+ b.AddRange(resumeActionSpecificParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(exceptParams.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ResumeActionSpecificParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public bool isMasterResume;
+ public bool applyToStateTransitions;
+ public bool applyToDynamicSequence;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ bool[] flags = ReadFlags(wd);
+ isMasterResume = flags[0];
+ applyToStateTransitions = flags[1];
+ applyToDynamicSequence = flags[2];
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ bool[] flags = {
+ isMasterResume,
+ applyToStateTransitions,
+ applyToDynamicSequence
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionPlay : Action
+ {
+ public byte fadeCurve;
+ public uint bankID;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ fadeCurve = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ bankID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.Add(fadeCurve);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(bankID));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionMute : Action
+ {
+ public byte fadeCurve;
+ public ExceptParams exceptParams;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ exceptParams = new();
+ fadeCurve = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ exceptParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.Add(fadeCurve);
+ b.AddRange(exceptParams.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionSetAkProp : Action
+ {
+ public byte fadeCurve;
+ public AkPropActionSpecificParams akPropActionSpecificParams;
+ public ExceptParams exceptParams;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ akPropActionSpecificParams = new();
+ exceptParams = new();
+ fadeCurve = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ akPropActionSpecificParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ exceptParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.Add(fadeCurve);
+ b.AddRange(akPropActionSpecificParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(exceptParams.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class AkPropActionSpecificParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte valueMeaning;
+ public RandomizerModifier randomizerModifier;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ randomizerModifier = new();
+ valueMeaning = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ randomizerModifier.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.Add(valueMeaning);
+ b.AddRange(randomizerModifier.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class RandomizerModifier : ISerializable
+ {
+ public float _base;
+ public float min;
+ public float max;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ _base = ReadSingle(wd);
+ min = ReadSingle(wd);
+ max = ReadSingle(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(_base));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(min));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(max));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionSetState : Action
+ {
+ public uint stateGroupID;
+ public uint targetStateID;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ stateGroupID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ targetStateID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(stateGroupID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(targetStateID));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ExceptParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public ulong exceptionListSize;
+ public List listElementException;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ listElementException = new();
+ exceptionListSize = ReadVariableInt(wd);
+ for (ulong i = 0; i < exceptionListSize; i++)
+ {
+ WwiseObjectIDext woid = new();
+ woid.Deserialize(wd);
+ listElementException.Add(woid);
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ exceptionListSize = (ulong)listElementException.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetVariableIntBytes(exceptionListSize));
+ foreach (WwiseObjectIDext woid in listElementException)
+ b.AddRange(woid.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class WwiseObjectIDext : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint id;
+ public byte isBus;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ id = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ isBus = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(id));
+ b.Add(isBus);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionSetGameParameter : Action
+ {
+ public byte fadeCurve;
+ public GameParameterActionSpecificParams gameParameterActionSpecificParams;
+ public ExceptParams exceptParams;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ gameParameterActionSpecificParams = new();
+ exceptParams = new();
+ fadeCurve = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ gameParameterActionSpecificParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ exceptParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.Add(fadeCurve);
+ b.AddRange(gameParameterActionSpecificParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(exceptParams.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class GameParameterActionSpecificParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte bypassTransition;
+ public byte valueMeaning;
+ public RangedParameter rangedParameter;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ rangedParameter = new();
+ bypassTransition = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ valueMeaning = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ rangedParameter.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.Add(bypassTransition);
+ b.Add(valueMeaning);
+ b.AddRange(rangedParameter.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class RangedParameter : ISerializable
+ {
+ public float _base;
+ public float min;
+ public float max;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ _base = ReadSingle(wd);
+ min = ReadSingle(wd);
+ max = ReadSingle(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(_base));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(min));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(max));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionSetSwitch : Action
+ {
+ public uint switchGroupID;
+ public uint switchStateID;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ switchGroupID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ switchStateID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(switchGroupID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(switchStateID));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActionPlayEvent : Action { }
+ public class Event : HircItem
+ {
+ public ulong actionListSize;
+ public List actionIDs;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ actionIDs = new();
+ actionListSize = ReadVariableInt(wd);
+ for (ulong i = 0; i < actionListSize; i++)
+ actionIDs.Add(ReadUInt32(wd));
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ actionListSize = (ulong)actionIDs.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetVariableIntBytes(actionListSize));
+ foreach (uint i in actionIDs)
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(i));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class RanSeqCntr : HircItem
+ {
+ public NodeBaseParams nodeBaseParams;
+ public ushort loopCount;
+ public ushort loopModMin;
+ public ushort loopModMax;
+ public float transitionTime;
+ public float transitionTimeModMin;
+ public float transitionTimeModMax;
+ public ushort avoidRepeatCount;
+ public byte transitionMode;
+ public byte randomMode;
+ public byte mode;
+ public bool isUsingWeight;
+ public bool resetPlayListAtEachPlay;
+ public bool isRestartBackward;
+ public bool isContinuous;
+ public bool isGlobal;
+ public Children children;
+ public PlayList playList;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ nodeBaseParams = new();
+ children = new();
+ playList = new();
+ nodeBaseParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ loopCount = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ loopModMin = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ loopModMax = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ transitionTime = ReadSingle(wd);
+ transitionTimeModMin = ReadSingle(wd);
+ transitionTimeModMax = ReadSingle(wd);
+ avoidRepeatCount = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ transitionMode = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ randomMode = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ mode = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ bool[] flags = ReadFlags(wd);
+ isUsingWeight = flags[0];
+ resetPlayListAtEachPlay = flags[1];
+ isRestartBackward = flags[2];
+ isContinuous = flags[3];
+ isGlobal = flags[4];
+ children.Deserialize(wd);
+ playList.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(nodeBaseParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(loopCount));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(loopModMin));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(loopModMax));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(transitionTime));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(transitionTimeModMin));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(transitionTimeModMax));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(avoidRepeatCount));
+ b.Add(transitionMode);
+ b.Add(randomMode);
+ b.Add(mode);
+ bool[] flags = {
+ isUsingWeight,
+ resetPlayListAtEachPlay,
+ isRestartBackward,
+ isContinuous,
+ isGlobal
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags));
+ b.AddRange(children.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(playList.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PlayList : ISerializable
+ {
+ public ushort playListItem;
+ public List items;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ items = new();
+ playListItem = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < playListItem; i++)
+ {
+ PlaylistItem pli = new();
+ pli.Deserialize(wd);
+ items.Add(pli);
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ playListItem = (ushort)items.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(playListItem));
+ foreach (PlaylistItem pli in items)
+ b.AddRange(pli.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PlaylistItem : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint playID;
+ public int weight;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ playID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ weight = ReadInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(playID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(weight));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class SwitchCntr : HircItem
+ {
+ public NodeBaseParams nodeBaseParams;
+ public byte groupType;
+ public uint groupID;
+ public uint defaultSwitch;
+ public byte isContinuousValidation;
+ public Children children;
+ public uint switchGroupsCount;
+ public List switchList;
+ public uint switchParamsCount;
+ public List paramList;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ nodeBaseParams = new();
+ children = new();
+ switchList = new();
+ paramList = new();
+ nodeBaseParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ groupType = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ groupID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ defaultSwitch = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ isContinuousValidation = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ children.Deserialize(wd);
+ switchGroupsCount = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < switchGroupsCount; i++)
+ {
+ SwitchPackage sp = new();
+ sp.Deserialize(wd);
+ switchList.Add(sp);
+ }
+ switchParamsCount = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < switchParamsCount; i++)
+ {
+ SwitchNodeParams snp = new();
+ snp.Deserialize(wd);
+ paramList.Add(snp);
+ }
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(nodeBaseParams.Serialize());
+ b.Add(groupType);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(groupID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(defaultSwitch));
+ b.Add(isContinuousValidation);
+ b.AddRange(children.Serialize());
+ switchGroupsCount = (uint)switchList.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(switchGroupsCount));
+ foreach (SwitchPackage sp in switchList)
+ b.AddRange(sp.Serialize());
+ switchParamsCount = (uint)paramList.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(switchParamsCount));
+ foreach (SwitchNodeParams snp in paramList)
+ b.AddRange(snp.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class SwitchPackage : WwiseObject
+ {
+ public uint switchID;
+ public uint itemsCount;
+ public List nodeIDs;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ nodeIDs = new();
+ switchID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ wd.objectsByID[switchID] = this;
+ itemsCount = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++)
+ nodeIDs.Add(ReadUInt32(wd));
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(switchID));
+ itemsCount = (uint)nodeIDs.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(itemsCount));
+ foreach (uint i in nodeIDs)
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(i));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class SwitchNodeParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint nodeID;
+ public bool isFirstOnly;
+ public bool continuePlayback;
+ public byte onSwitchMode;
+ public int fadeOutTime;
+ public int fadeInTime;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ nodeID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ bool[] flags = ReadFlags(wd);
+ isFirstOnly = flags[0];
+ continuePlayback = flags[1];
+ onSwitchMode = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ fadeOutTime = ReadInt32(wd);
+ fadeInTime = ReadInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(nodeID));
+ bool[] flags = {
+ isFirstOnly,
+ continuePlayback
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags));
+ b.Add(onSwitchMode);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(fadeOutTime));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(fadeInTime));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ActorMixer : HircItem
+ {
+ public NodeBaseParams nodeBaseParams;
+ public Children children;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ nodeBaseParams = new();
+ children = new();
+ nodeBaseParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ children.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(nodeBaseParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(children.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class Children : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint childsCount;
+ public List childIDs;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ childIDs = new();
+ childsCount = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < childsCount; i++)
+ childIDs.Add(ReadUInt32(wd));
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ childsCount = (uint)childIDs.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(childsCount));
+ foreach (uint i in childIDs)
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(i));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class FxCustom : HircItem
+ {
+ public uint fxID;
+ public uint size;
+ public FXParams fxParams;
+ public byte bankDataCount;
+ public List media;
+ public InitialRTPC initialRTPC;
+ public StateChunk stateChunk;
+ public ushort valuesCount;
+ public List propertyValues;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ media = new();
+ initialRTPC = new();
+ stateChunk = new();
+ propertyValues = new();
+ fxID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ size = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ fxParams = FXParams.Create(wd, fxID);
+ bankDataCount = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < bankDataCount; i++)
+ {
+ Unk u = new();
+ u.Deserialize(wd);
+ media.Add(u);
+ }
+ initialRTPC.Deserialize(wd);
+ stateChunk.Deserialize(wd);
+ valuesCount = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++)
+ {
+ PluginPropertyValue ppv = new();
+ ppv.Deserialize(wd);
+ propertyValues.Add(ppv);
+ }
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(fxID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(size));
+ b.AddRange(fxParams.Serialize());
+ bankDataCount = (byte)media.Count;
+ b.Add(bankDataCount);
+ foreach (Unk u in media)
+ b.AddRange(u.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(initialRTPC.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(stateChunk.Serialize());
+ valuesCount = (ushort)propertyValues.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(valuesCount));
+ foreach (PluginPropertyValue ppv in propertyValues)
+ b.AddRange(ppv.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class FXParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public abstract void Deserialize(WwiseData wd);
+ public static FXParams Create(WwiseData wd, uint fxID)
+ {
+ FXParams fxp = fxID switch
+ {
+ 6881283 => new ParameterEQFXParams(),
+ 7733251 => new StereoDelayFXParams(),
+ 8192003 => new FlangerFXParams(),
+ 8454147 => new MeterFXParams(),
+ _ => throw new NotImplementedException("fxID " + fxID + " at " + wd.offset),
+ };
+ fxp.Deserialize(wd);
+ return fxp;
+ }
+ public abstract IEnumerable Serialize();
+ }
+ public class ParameterEQFXParams : FXParams
+ {
+ public List band;
+ public float outputLevel;
+ public byte processLFE;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ band = new();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ EQModuleParams eqmp = new();
+ eqmp.Deserialize(wd);
+ band.Add(eqmp);
+ }
+ outputLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ processLFE = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ foreach (EQModuleParams eqmp in band)
+ b.AddRange(eqmp.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(outputLevel));
+ b.Add(processLFE);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class EQModuleParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint filterType;
+ public float gain;
+ public float frequency;
+ public float qFactor;
+ public byte onOff;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ filterType = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ gain = ReadSingle(wd);
+ frequency = ReadSingle(wd);
+ qFactor = ReadSingle(wd);
+ onOff = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filterType));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(gain));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(frequency));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(qFactor));
+ b.Add(onOff);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class StereoDelayFXParams : FXParams
+ {
+ public RTPCParams rtpcParams;
+ public InvariantParams invariantParams;
+ public AlgorithmTunings algorithmTunings;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ rtpcParams = new();
+ invariantParams = new();
+ algorithmTunings = new();
+ rtpcParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ invariantParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ algorithmTunings.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(rtpcParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(invariantParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(algorithmTunings.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class RTPCParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public float decayTime;
+ public float hfDamping;
+ public float diffusion;
+ public float stereoWidth;
+ public float filter1Gain;
+ public float filter1Freq;
+ public float filter1Q;
+ public float filter2Gain;
+ public float filter2Freq;
+ public float filter2Q;
+ public float filter3Gain;
+ public float filter3Freq;
+ public float filter3Q;
+ public float frontLevel;
+ public float rearLevel;
+ public float centerLevel;
+ public float lfeLevel;
+ public float dryLevel;
+ public float erLevel;
+ public float reverbLevel;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ decayTime = ReadSingle(wd);
+ hfDamping = ReadSingle(wd);
+ diffusion = ReadSingle(wd);
+ stereoWidth = ReadSingle(wd);
+ filter1Gain = ReadSingle(wd);
+ filter1Freq = ReadSingle(wd);
+ filter1Q = ReadSingle(wd);
+ filter2Gain = ReadSingle(wd);
+ filter2Freq = ReadSingle(wd);
+ filter2Q = ReadSingle(wd);
+ filter3Gain = ReadSingle(wd);
+ filter3Freq = ReadSingle(wd);
+ filter3Q = ReadSingle(wd);
+ frontLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ rearLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ centerLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ lfeLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ dryLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ erLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ reverbLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(decayTime));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(hfDamping));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(diffusion));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(stereoWidth));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter1Gain));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter1Freq));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter1Q));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter2Gain));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter2Freq));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter2Q));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter3Gain));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter3Freq));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter3Q));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(frontLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rearLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(centerLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(lfeLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(dryLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(erLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(reverbLevel));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class InvariantParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte enableEarlyReflections;
+ public uint erPattern;
+ public float reverbDelay;
+ public float roomSize;
+ public float erFrontBackDelay;
+ public float density;
+ public float roomShape;
+ public uint numReverbUnits;
+ public byte enableToneControls;
+ public uint filter1Pos;
+ public uint filter1Curve;
+ public uint filter2Pos;
+ public uint filter2Curve;
+ public uint filter3Pos;
+ public uint filter3Curve;
+ public float inputCenterLevel;
+ public float inputLFELevel;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ enableEarlyReflections = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ erPattern = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ reverbDelay = ReadSingle(wd);
+ roomSize = ReadSingle(wd);
+ erFrontBackDelay = ReadSingle(wd);
+ density = ReadSingle(wd);
+ roomShape = ReadSingle(wd);
+ numReverbUnits = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ enableToneControls = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ filter1Pos = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ filter1Curve = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ filter2Pos = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ filter2Curve = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ filter3Pos = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ filter3Curve = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ inputCenterLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ inputLFELevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.Add(enableEarlyReflections);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(erPattern));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(reverbDelay));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(roomSize));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(erFrontBackDelay));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(density));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(roomShape));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(numReverbUnits));
+ b.Add(enableToneControls);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter1Pos));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter1Curve));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter2Pos));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter2Curve));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter3Pos));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(filter3Curve));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(inputCenterLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(inputLFELevel));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class AlgorithmTunings : ISerializable
+ {
+ public float densityDelayMin;
+ public float densityDelayMax;
+ public float densityDelayRdmPerc;
+ public float roomShapeMin;
+ public float roomShapeMax;
+ public float diffusionDelayScalePerc;
+ public float diffusionDelayMax;
+ public float diffusionDelayRdmPerc;
+ public float dcFilterCutFreq;
+ public float reverbUnitInputDelay;
+ public float reverbUnitInputDelayRmdPerc;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ densityDelayMin = ReadSingle(wd);
+ densityDelayMax = ReadSingle(wd);
+ densityDelayRdmPerc = ReadSingle(wd);
+ roomShapeMin = ReadSingle(wd);
+ roomShapeMax = ReadSingle(wd);
+ diffusionDelayScalePerc = ReadSingle(wd);
+ diffusionDelayMax = ReadSingle(wd);
+ diffusionDelayRdmPerc = ReadSingle(wd);
+ dcFilterCutFreq = ReadSingle(wd);
+ reverbUnitInputDelay = ReadSingle(wd);
+ reverbUnitInputDelayRmdPerc = ReadSingle(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(densityDelayMin));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(densityDelayMax));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(densityDelayRdmPerc));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(roomShapeMin));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(roomShapeMax));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(diffusionDelayScalePerc));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(diffusionDelayMax));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(diffusionDelayRdmPerc));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(dcFilterCutFreq));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(reverbUnitInputDelay));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(reverbUnitInputDelayRmdPerc));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class FlangerFXParams : FXParams
+ {
+ public float nonRTPCDelayTime;
+ public float RTPCDryLevel;
+ public float RTPCFfwdLevel;
+ public float RTPCFbackLevel;
+ public float RTPCModDepth;
+ public float RTPCModParamsLFOParamsFrequency;
+ public uint RTPCModParamsLFOParamsWaveform;
+ public float RTPCModParamsLFOParamsSmooth;
+ public float RTPCModParamsLFOParamsPWM;
+ public float RTPCModParamsPhaseParamsPhaseOffset;
+ public uint RTPCModParamsPhaseParamsPhaseMode;
+ public float RTPCModParamsPhaseParamsPhaseSpread;
+ public float RTPCOutputLevel;
+ public float RTPCWetDryMix;
+ public byte nonRTPCEnableLFO;
+ public byte nonRTPCProcessCenter;
+ public byte nonRTPCProcessLFE;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ nonRTPCDelayTime = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCDryLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCFfwdLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCFbackLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCModDepth = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCModParamsLFOParamsFrequency = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCModParamsLFOParamsWaveform = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ RTPCModParamsLFOParamsSmooth = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCModParamsLFOParamsPWM = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCModParamsPhaseParamsPhaseOffset = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCModParamsPhaseParamsPhaseMode = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ RTPCModParamsPhaseParamsPhaseSpread = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCOutputLevel = ReadSingle(wd);
+ RTPCWetDryMix = ReadSingle(wd);
+ nonRTPCEnableLFO = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ nonRTPCProcessCenter = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ nonRTPCProcessLFE = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(nonRTPCDelayTime));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCDryLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCFfwdLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCFbackLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCModDepth));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCModParamsLFOParamsFrequency));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCModParamsLFOParamsWaveform));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCModParamsLFOParamsSmooth));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCModParamsLFOParamsPWM));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCModParamsPhaseParamsPhaseOffset));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCModParamsPhaseParamsPhaseMode));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCModParamsPhaseParamsPhaseSpread));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCOutputLevel));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(RTPCWetDryMix));
+ b.Add(nonRTPCEnableLFO);
+ b.Add(nonRTPCProcessCenter);
+ b.Add(nonRTPCProcessLFE);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class MeterFXParams : FXParams
+ {
+ public float rtpcAttack;
+ public float rtpcRelease;
+ public float rtpcMin;
+ public float rtpcMax;
+ public float rtpcHold;
+ public byte nonRTPCMode;
+ public byte nonRTPCScope;
+ public byte nonRTPCApplyDownstreamVolume;
+ public uint nonRTPCGameParamID;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ rtpcAttack = ReadSingle(wd);
+ rtpcRelease = ReadSingle(wd);
+ rtpcMin = ReadSingle(wd);
+ rtpcMax = ReadSingle(wd);
+ rtpcHold = ReadSingle(wd);
+ nonRTPCMode = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ nonRTPCScope = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ nonRTPCApplyDownstreamVolume = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ nonRTPCGameParamID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rtpcAttack));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rtpcRelease));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rtpcMin));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rtpcMax));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rtpcHold));
+ b.Add(nonRTPCMode);
+ b.Add(nonRTPCScope);
+ b.Add(nonRTPCApplyDownstreamVolume);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(nonRTPCGameParamID));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class PluginPropertyValue : ISerializable
+ {
+ public ulong propertyID;
+ public byte rtpcAccum;
+ public float value;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ propertyID = ReadVariableInt(wd);
+ rtpcAccum = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ value = ReadSingle(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetVariableIntBytes(propertyID));
+ b.Add(rtpcAccum);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(value));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class Bus : HircItem
+ {
+ public uint overrideBusId;
+ public uint idDeviceShareset;
+ public BusInitialParams busInitialParams;
+ public int recoveryTime;
+ public float maxDuckVolume;
+ public uint ducksCount;
+ public List toDuckList;
+ public BusInitialFxParams busInitialFxParams;
+ public byte overrideAttachmentParams;
+ public InitialRTPC initialRTPC;
+ public StateChunk stateChunk;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ busInitialParams = new();
+ toDuckList = new();
+ busInitialFxParams = new();
+ initialRTPC = new();
+ stateChunk = new();
+ overrideBusId = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ if (overrideBusId == 0)
+ idDeviceShareset = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ busInitialParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ recoveryTime = ReadInt32(wd);
+ maxDuckVolume = ReadSingle(wd);
+ ducksCount = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < ducksCount; i++)
+ {
+ DuckInfo di = new();
+ di.Deserialize(wd);
+ toDuckList.Add(di);
+ }
+ busInitialFxParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ overrideAttachmentParams = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ initialRTPC.Deserialize(wd);
+ stateChunk.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(overrideBusId));
+ if (overrideBusId == 0)
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(idDeviceShareset));
+ b.AddRange(busInitialParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(recoveryTime));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(maxDuckVolume));
+ ducksCount = (uint)toDuckList.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(ducksCount));
+ foreach (DuckInfo di in toDuckList)
+ b.AddRange(di.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(busInitialFxParams.Serialize());
+ b.Add(overrideAttachmentParams);
+ b.AddRange(initialRTPC.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(stateChunk.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class BusInitialParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public PropBundle0 propBundle0;
+ public PositioningParams positioningParams;
+ public AuxParams auxParams;
+ public bool killNewest;
+ public bool useVirtualBehavior;
+ public bool isMaxNumInstIgnoreParent;
+ public bool isBackgroundMusic;
+ public ushort maxNumInstance;
+ public uint channelConfig;
+ public bool isHdrBus;
+ public bool hdrReleaseModeExponential;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ propBundle0 = new();
+ positioningParams = new();
+ auxParams = new();
+ propBundle0.Deserialize(wd);
+ positioningParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ auxParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ bool[] flags0 = ReadFlags(wd);
+ killNewest = flags0[0];
+ useVirtualBehavior = flags0[1];
+ isMaxNumInstIgnoreParent = flags0[2];
+ isBackgroundMusic = flags0[3];
+ maxNumInstance = ReadUInt16(wd);
+ channelConfig = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ bool[] flags1 = ReadFlags(wd);
+ isHdrBus = flags1[0];
+ hdrReleaseModeExponential = flags1[1];
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(propBundle0.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(positioningParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(auxParams.Serialize());
+ bool[] flags0 = {
+ killNewest,
+ useVirtualBehavior,
+ isMaxNumInstIgnoreParent,
+ isBackgroundMusic
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags0));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(maxNumInstance));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(channelConfig));
+ bool[] flags1 = {
+ isHdrBus,
+ hdrReleaseModeExponential
+ };
+ b.Add(GetByte(flags1));
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class DuckInfo : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint busID;
+ public float duckVolume;
+ public int fadeOutTime;
+ public int fadeInTime;
+ public byte fadeCurve;
+ public byte targetProp;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ busID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ duckVolume = ReadSingle(wd);
+ fadeOutTime = ReadInt32(wd);
+ fadeInTime = ReadInt32(wd);
+ fadeCurve = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ targetProp = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(busID));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(duckVolume));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(fadeOutTime));
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(fadeInTime));
+ b.Add(fadeCurve);
+ b.Add(targetProp);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class BusInitialFxParams : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte fxCount;
+ public byte bitsFXBypass;
+ public List fxChunk;
+ public uint fxID0;
+ public byte IsShareSet0;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ fxCount = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ if (fxCount > 0)
+ {
+ fxChunk = new();
+ bitsFXBypass = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fxCount; i++)
+ {
+ FXChunk fxc = new();
+ fxc.Deserialize(wd);
+ fxChunk.Add(fxc);
+ }
+ }
+ fxID0 = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ IsShareSet0 = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ if (fxChunk != null)
+ fxCount = (byte)fxChunk.Count;
+ b.Add(fxCount);
+ if (fxCount > 0)
+ {
+ b.Add(bitsFXBypass);
+ foreach (FXChunk fxc in fxChunk)
+ b.AddRange(fxc.Serialize());
+ }
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(fxID0));
+ b.Add(IsShareSet0);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class FXChunk : ISerializable
+ {
+ public byte fxIndex;
+ public uint fxID;
+ public byte isShareSet;
+ public byte isRendered;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ fxIndex = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ fxID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ isShareSet = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ isRendered = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.Add(fxIndex);
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(fxID));
+ b.Add(isShareSet);
+ b.Add(isRendered);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class LayerCntr : HircItem
+ {
+ public NodeBaseParams nodeBaseParams;
+ public Children children;
+ public uint layersCount;
+ public List layers;
+ public byte isContinuousValidation;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ nodeBaseParams = new();
+ children = new();
+ layers = new();
+ nodeBaseParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ children.Deserialize(wd);
+ layersCount = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < layersCount; i++)
+ {
+ Layer l = new();
+ l.Deserialize(wd);
+ layers.Add(l);
+ }
+ isContinuousValidation = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(base.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(nodeBaseParams.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(children.Serialize());
+ layersCount = (uint)layers.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(layersCount));
+ foreach (Layer l in layers)
+ b.AddRange(l.Serialize());
+ b.Add(isContinuousValidation);
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class Layer : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint layerID;
+ public LayerInitialValues layerInitialValues;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ layerInitialValues = new();
+ layerID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ layerInitialValues.Deserialize(wd);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(layerID));
+ b.AddRange(layerInitialValues.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class LayerInitialValues : ISerializable
+ {
+ public InitialRTPC initialRTPC;
+ public uint rtpcID;
+ public byte rtpcType;
+ public uint assocCount;
+ public List assocs;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ initialRTPC = new();
+ assocs = new();
+ initialRTPC.Deserialize(wd);
+ rtpcID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ rtpcType = ReadUInt8(wd);
+ assocCount = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < assocCount; i++)
+ {
+ AssociatedChildData acd = new();
+ acd.Deserialize(wd);
+ assocs.Add(acd);
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(initialRTPC.Serialize());
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(rtpcID));
+ b.Add(rtpcType);
+ assocCount = (uint)assocs.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(assocCount));
+ foreach (AssociatedChildData acd in assocs)
+ b.AddRange(acd.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class AssociatedChildData : ISerializable
+ {
+ public uint associatedChildID;
+ public uint curveSize;
+ public List pRTPCMgr;
+ public void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ pRTPCMgr = new();
+ associatedChildID = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ curveSize = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < curveSize; i++)
+ {
+ RTPCGraphPoint rtpcgp = new();
+ rtpcgp.Deserialize(wd);
+ pRTPCMgr.Add(rtpcgp);
+ }
+ }
+ public IEnumerable Serialize()
+ {
+ List b = new();
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(associatedChildID));
+ curveSize = (uint)pRTPCMgr.Count;
+ b.AddRange(GetBytes(curveSize));
+ foreach (RTPCGraphPoint rtpcgp in pRTPCMgr)
+ b.AddRange(rtpcgp.Serialize());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ public class MusicSegment : HircItem
+ {
+ public MusicNodeParams musicNodeParams;
+ public double duration;
+ public uint markersCount;
+ public List arrayMarkers;
+ public override void Deserialize(WwiseData wd)
+ {
+ base.Deserialize(wd);
+ musicNodeParams = new();
+ arrayMarkers = new();
+ musicNodeParams.Deserialize(wd);
+ duration = ReadDouble(wd);
+ markersCount = ReadUInt32(wd);
+ for (int i = 0; i < markersCount; i++)
+ {
+ MusicMarkerWwise mmw = new();
+ mmw.Deserialize(wd);
+ arrayMarkers.Add(mmw);
+ }
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable