The following IOCs are based on the analysis and research described in the following blog post
Type | Indicator |
Commandline | SCHTASKS /CREATE /f /TN "OneDriver Reporting Task" /TR "shutdown /l /f" /SC WEEKLY /d TUE,FRI /ST 12:35 |
Path | %localappdata%\Temp\wctA91F.tmp |
Path | %localappdata%\Temp\3f88dd57-6ce606be-54c358fb-c566587a.tmp |
C2 | hxxps[://]api[.]telegram[.]org/bot6860236203:AAFrlFzcLuyXU4HxKisFUhvhwKucyL4rDS0 |
Type | Indicator |
Commandline | SCHTASKS /CREATE /f /TN "Health Check" /TR "shutdown /l /f" /SC WEEKLY /d WED,FRI /ST 13:15 |
Commandline | SCHTASKS /CREATE /f /TN "Microsoft Idle" /TR "shutdown /l /f" /SC WEEKLY /d WED,FRI /ST 23:00 |
Path | %localappdata%\Temp\wctF3AB.tmp |
Path | %localappdata%\Temp\207ee439-2ebd-ba42-2f6f-ea02adb4a830.tmp |
Path | %localappdata%\desktop.ini.dat |
C2 | hxxps[://]api[.]telegram[.]org/bot6236700491:AAEcSXSg2mYbr8ydVVlOaJXJloWVRzoMwdM |
You can grab the list of all the samples we currently track related to DarkPink / KamiKakaBot from our Valhalla website
- APT_MAL_DarkPink_KamiKakaBot_Mar24
- APT_MAL_DarkPink_KamiKakaBot_Stealer_Module_Mar24
- MAL_APT_DarkPink_DLL_Jan24
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\
- Value:
Data:explorer.exe, explorer.exe /e,/root,%Pyps% -nop -w h "Start-Process -N -F $env:Msbd -A $env:Temprd"
- Value:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\
- Value:
Data:"explorer.exe, %SYSPS% -nop -w h \"Start-Process -N -F $env:OSBuild -A $env:STMP\""
- Value:
Data:"explorer.exe, %WINSYSPS% -nop -w h \"Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -FilePath $env:SYSS -ArgumentList $env:STMP\""
- Value:
Data:"explorer.exe, explorer.exe /e,/root,%PSH% -nop -w h \"Start-Process -N -F $env:SYSB -A $env:TPM\""
- Value:
Data:explorer.exe, %PSS% -nop -w h \"Start-Process -N -F $env:MS -A $env:TMPT\""
- Value:
- Suspicious Environment Variable Has Been Registered
- Suspicious Msbuild Execution By Uncommon Parent Process
- Scheduled Task Creation Via Schtasks.EXE
- CurrentVersion NT Autorun Keys Modification
- Potential WWlib.DLL Sideloading
- Explorer Process Tree Break
- Potential KamiKakaBot Activity - Lure Document Execution
- Potential KamiKakaBot Activity - Shutdown Schedule Task Creation
- Potential KamiKakaBot Activity - Winlogon Shell Persistence