- allow funky characters in the URL (issue #25)
- simulating file not found condition was firing the HEADERS_RECIEVED ready state change before setting the response status code (issue #33)
- XMLHttpRequest setRequestHeader normalizes the value pair to string types (issue #13).
- Added a FormData polyfill that works in tandem with the XMLHttpRequest polyfill (issue #4).
- Fixed compatibility issues with iOS 11 (issue #6).
- Rewired incorrect firing of the onerror event (issue #9).
- Introduced a new feature to intercept remote XHR requests bypassing wkwebivew's CORS handling.
- Bundled in the whatwg-fetch polyfill.
- Added several new configuration preferences - README.
- Bypassed wkwebview CORS handling of the XMLHttpRequest when loading file:// resources.