This release focuses on implementing key fixes and enhancements to streamline functionality.
What's Changed
- Fallback to Feeder Gateway for Traces: Juno can now configure which blocks to fallback to feeder for traces, avoiding issues with tracing buggy blocks. (PR #1823 by @kirugan)
- Default Pending-Poll-Interval: Pending poll is now enabled by default and set to 5s. (PR #1830 by @IronGauntlets)
- Fixed Trace Handling for Pending Transactions: Fixed an issue where tracing pending transactions wasn't possible before. (PR #1833 by @kirugan)
- Refactor RPC Handlers and Tests: Major updates to RPC handlers and RPC tests. (PR #1768 by @pnowosie)
Full Changelog: v0.11.5...v0.11.6