Before you proceed, make sure you've read on our general Upgrade section.
A new set of licensing related features (such as VUHs) available as of NeoLoad Web v2.11.0 can be enabled by setting up a licensing key in your values file. Learn more about those features here :
They also require that your NeoLoad Web instance is able to make external network calls to our public licensing platform.
We thus provide a new setting if you need to go through your own proxy server.
Here are the keys to add :
licensingPlatformToken: your-token-goes-here
https: https://username:password@host:port
helm repo update
helm upgrade my-release neotys/nlweb -n my-namespace -f ./values-custom.yaml
Hint : If something goes wrong when upgrading, you can use the
helm rollback my-release -n my-namespace
command to rollback