First, ensure that you have the .Net 5 desktop runtime installed. This is available from Microsoft (If you are only planning to use the CLI tool on Linux then you can get away with the standard runtime rather than the desktop version)
Next, if you are intending to use the TextrudeInteractive GUI tool, install the WebView2 runtime.
Go to the releases section, look for the latest release (at the top!) and download the asset. Unzip the contents to a folder called Textrude (for example)
After you've extract the files you should see something like
│ Textrude.exe <-- This is the Windows command line version of Textrude
│ TextrudeInteractive.exe <-- This is the Windows UI tool
| Textrude_linux <-- This is the Linux version of the command line tool
├───lib <-- This folder contains "standard" scripts shipped with Textrude
│ misc.sbn
│ ... more
└───examples <-- This folder contains some example projects. You're encouraged to
intro.texproj <-- load some up and look around
... more
You can run the executables directly from this folder; no further installation steps are required though if you are planning to use the CLI tools you may want to edit your path to include the folder.
The executables are self-contained and can run anywhere but they do expect to find the lib folder in the same directory. Later versions also required the WebView2Loader.dll to be available in the same folder as the exes.