nmap -T4 -p 445 -A
#scans the machine at port 445
smbclient -L //
#checks the shares
smbclient //
#connect to WorkShares
#this shows two directories
cd James.P\
get flag.txt
cat flag.txt
#root flag
What does the 3-letter acronym SMB stand for? - Server Message Block
What port does SMB use to operate at? - 445
What network communication model does SMB use? - client-server model
What is the service name for port 445 that came up in our nmap scan? - microsoft-ds
What is the tool we used to connect to SMB shares from our Linux distribution? - smbclient
What is the flag we can use with the SMB tool to list the contents of the share? - -L
What is the name of the share we are able to access in the end?
Root flag - 5f61c10dffbc77a704d76016a22f1664