OS features:
- File management
- App support
- Input/output support
- OS Management tools
Microsoft Windows - large industry support; security exploitation.
Apple macOS - compatible; fewer security concerns; costly; less industry support.
Linux - free Unix-compatible system; many distributions; active community; limited driver support.
OS versions are processor-specific (32-bit, 64-bit).
Hardware drivers are specific to OS version (32-bit - x86, 64-bit - x64).
Google Android - OS for mobile; open-source (based on Linux); uses Android apps.
Apple iOS - based on Unix; closed-source; iOS apps.
Chrome OS - Google's OS; centers around Chrome browser; relies on cloud.
Vendor-specific limitations - EOL; updating; compatibility.
Windows 7 editions - Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Ultimate, Professional, Enterprise.
Windows 8/8.1 editions - Core, Pro, Enterprise.
Windows 10 editions - Home, Pro, Education, Enterprise.
Boot methods - USB; CD/DVD-ROM; PXE; SSD/HDD.
Installation types:
- Unattended installation
- In-place upgrade
- Clean install
- Image
- Repair installation
- Multiboot
- Recovery partition
- Refresh/restore
help <command> #gives information about command
<command> /? #alternative to help
exit #close prompt
dir #list file, directories
cd #change working directory, used with \(backslash)
shutdown /s /t nn #wait nn seconds, then shutdown
shutdown /r /t nn #shutdown and restart after nn seconds
shutdown /a #abort shutdown
sfc #System File Checker
chkdsk /f #fixes logical file system errors on disk
chkdsk /r #implies /f, locates bad sectors, recovers readable info
diskpart #manage disk config
tasklist #displays list of currently running processes
taskkill #terminate tasks by PID or image name
format #formats disk
ipconfig #IP details
ping #test reachability
tracert #trace route of packet
netstat #network stats
netstat -a #shows all active connections
nslookup #lookup info from DNS servers
Windows Administrative Tools:
- Microsoft Management Console
- Device Manager
- Local users and groups
- Local Security Policy
- Performance Monitor
- Services
- Task Scheduler
- Memory Diagnostics
- Event Viewer
Windows Defender - firewall integrated into OS.
System Configuration (msconfig) - manage boot processes, startup, services, etc; can be found in Task Manager.
Task Manager - real-time system stats.
Disk Management - manage disk operations.
Storage Spaces - storage for data centers, cloud infra.
System Utilities:
- Run line
- Command line
- Windows Registry (regedit)
- Services
- Microsoft Terminal Services Client
- DirectX Diagnostic Tool
- Disk Defragmentation
Windows HomeGroup - share files between devices; works on single private network.
Windows Workgroups - Logical groups of network devices.
Windows Domain - Business network; centralized authentication.
macOS tools:
- Time Machine backups
- Image recovery
- Disk Utility
- Terminal
- Keychain
- iCloud
Linux commands:
man #manual help
ls #list directory contents
cd /var/log #change current directory
grep failed auth.log #find text 'failed' in file 'auth.log'
su #or sudo, for elevated rights; super user
shutdown #system shutdown 2
sudo shutdown 2 #shuts down in 2 minutes
sudo shutdown -r 2 #shuts down and reboots in 2 minutes
sudo shutdown -c #cancel shutdown
pwd #print working directory
passwd #change user account password
mv #move a file, rename
mv first.txt second.txt #renames first.txt to second.txt
cp #copy file
rm #remove file, use -r to remove non-empty directory
mkdir #make directory
chmod #change mode of file system object
chown #change file owner and group
iwconfig #view wireless network config
ifconfig #view wired network interface
apt-get #advanced packaging tool
sudo apt-get install wireshark #install wireshark using apt-get
ps #view current processes
ps -e | more #view all processes
vi #visual mode editor
dd #convert and copy a file; backup and restore partition
sudo killall firefox #close firefox program
xkill #graphical kill
kill <pid> #kill process