Here's a list of the important changes from V1 to V2 to help you migrate.
All code examples are in VB.NET
In V1, you used to import:
Imports FullScreenDetection
In V2, you now import:
Imports Narod.FullscreenDetection
In V1, you used to create an object instance like:
Dim FullscreenDetectClient as New FullscreenDetecter
In V2, you now create an object instance like:
Dim FullscreenDetectClient As New FullscreenDetector
In V1, you got an output from the function directly like:
Dim detectionappresponse As List(Of Object) = FullscreenDetectClient.DetectFullscreenApplication()
In V2, you now get an output like:
Dim hasDetectedFullscreenApplication as Boolean = FullscreenDetectClient.GetHasDetected()
Dim programNameDetected As String = FullscreenDetectClient.GetProgramDetected() // throws nullreferenceexception if GetHasDetected is False
Dim processIDDetected As UInteger = FullscreenDetectClient.GetProcessIDDetected() // throws nullreferenceexception if GetHasDetected is False
In V1, you could use any of the following functions:
Dim detectionappresponse As List(Of Object) = FullscreenDetectClient.DetectFullscreenApplication()
Dim detectiongameresponse As List(Of Object) = FullscreenDetectClient.DetectGameFullscreen()
Dim customappresponse As List(Of Object) = FullscreenDetectClient.DetectCustomFullscreen("(partial/complete)-window-title-of-application-here")
In V2, you can now only use the following function:
You should instead check the program title yourself within your own program to see if it's what you are looking for. This way you don't even need to store it locally, should you wish:
If (FullScreenDetectClient.GetProgramDetected() = "Google Chrome") Then
Console.WriteLine("Google Chrome detected!")
End If