Error in user YAML: Alias parsing is not enabled.
layout: article
# @start locale config
en : &EN About
en-GB : *EN
en-US : *EN
en-CA : *EN
en-AU : *EN
zh-Hans : &ZH_HANS 关于
zh : *ZH_HANS
zh-CN : *ZH_HANS
zh-SG : *ZH_HANS
zh-Hant : &ZH_HANT 關於
zh-TW : *ZH_HANT
zh-HK : *ZH_HANT
ko : &KO 소개
ko-KR : *KO
fr : &FR À propos
fr-BE : *FR
fr-CA : *FR
fr-CH : *FR
fr-FR : *FR
fr-LU : *FR
# @end locale config
key: page-about
{:.shadow.rounded width="200"}
I'm a master economics student at Bonn University. My blog is where I learn out loud. I write posts about things I find interesting, things I'm working on, or about problems I've faced with the solution I found.
- Avatar made by Icongeek26 from Flaticon
- Favicon made by Freepik from Flaticon
- Theme: jekyll-TeXt-theme