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Karl Fogel edited this page Apr 21, 2014 · 4 revisions

Agenda / Notes

  • Status of CGI alerts testing? (issue #25)
  • Time/cost estimate from REI for script for doing deployment with sample data flatfiles. (issue #6)
    • Delivered April 2nd.
    • Let's plan the implementation and testing of that script.
  • Issue tracker & forum activity:
    • User @vlewis asked question about how sensitive data is filtered out; Ram promised to follow up with more information. (issue #32, two weeks ago)
    • Issue #22 has had some easy fixes (typos, license) sitting as a pull request for half a year. Who's watching for pull requests?
    • Issue #31 is still open, but it appears to be just abou merging from checkbook_nyc_sandbox to checkbook_edc. That's done and the ticket can be closed now, right?
    • Is issue #25 done now? It's about incorrect generation of alert tokens in email alerts. There's a question from @alexmach pending at the end of the issue right now.
    • Closed issues #28, #26, #24, #9, #8.
  • Thanks Ram for fixing the extra-spaces-in-filenames issue with data/Data_Mapping*, in commit 706347b7a634a8 on April 7th.