diff --git a/tools/databricks/[RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark] Qualification User Tool Notebook Template.ipynb b/tools/databricks/[RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark] Qualification User Tool Notebook Template.ipynb
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/databricks/[RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark] Qualification User Tool Notebook Template.ipynb
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+ "# Welcome to the Qualification User Tool for the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark\n",
+ "To run the user tool, you need to enter a log path that represents the DBFS location for your Spark CPU event logs. Then you can select \"Run all\" to execute the notebook. After the notebook completes, you will see various output tables show up below. More options for running the qualification user tool can be found here: https://docs.nvidia.com/spark-rapids/user-guide/latest/spark-qualification-tool.html#running-the-qualification-tool-standalone-for-csp-environments-on-spark-event-logs.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "## Summary Output\n",
+ "The report represents the entire app execution, including unsupported operators and non-SQL operations. By default, the applications and queries are sorted in descending order by the following fields:\n",
+ "- Recommendation;\n",
+ "- Estimated GPU Speed-up;\n",
+ "- Estimated GPU Time Saved; and\n",
+ "- End Time.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "## Stages Output\n",
+ "For each stage used in SQL operations, the Qualification tool generates the following information:\n",
+ "1. App ID\n",
+ "1. Stage ID\n",
+ "1. Average Speedup Factor: the average estimated speed-up of all the operators in the given stage.\n",
+ "1. Stage Task Duration: amount of time spent in tasks of SQL Dataframe operations for the given stage.\n",
+ "1. Unsupported Task Duration: sum of task durations for the unsupported operators. For more details, see Supported Operators.\n",
+ "1. Stage Estimated: True or False indicates if we had to estimate the stage duration.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "## Execs Output\n",
+ "The Qualification tool generates a report of the “Exec” in the “SparkPlan” or “Executor Nodes” along with the estimated acceleration on the GPU. Please refer to the Supported Operators guide for more details on limitations on UDFs and unsupported operators.\n",
+ "1. App ID\n",
+ "1. SQL ID\n",
+ "1. Exec Name: example Filter, HashAggregate\n",
+ "1. Expression Name\n",
+ "1. Task Speedup Factor: it is simply the average acceleration of the operators based on the original CPU duration of the operator divided by the GPU duration. The tool uses historical queries and benchmarks to estimate a speed-up at an individual operator level to calculate how much a specific operator would accelerate on GPU.\n",
+ "1. Exec Duration: wall-Clock time measured since the operator starts till it is completed.\n",
+ "1. SQL Node Id\n",
+ "1. Exec Is Supported: whether the Exec is supported by RAPIDS or not. Please refer to the Supported Operators section.\n",
+ "1. Exec Stages: an array of stage IDs\n",
+ "1. Exec Children\n",
+ "1. Exec Children Node Ids\n",
+ "1. Exec Should Remove: whether the Op is removed from the migrated plan."
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+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001B[43mNote: you may need to restart the kernel using dbutils.library.restartPython() to use updated packages.\u001B[0m\n\u001B[43mNote: you may need to restart the kernel using dbutils.library.restartPython() to use updated packages.\u001B[0m\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "pip install spark-rapids-user-tools > /dev/null"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "dbutils.library.restartPython() "
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+ "source": [
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "dbutils.widgets.text(\"log_path\", \"\")\n",
+ "eventlog_string=dbutils.widgets.get(\"log_path\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "dbutils.widgets.text(\"output_path\", \"\")\n",
+ "outputpath_string=dbutils.widgets.get(\"output_path\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "dbutils.widgets.dropdown(\"csp\", \"aws\", [\"aws\", \"azure\"])\n",
+ "csp_string=dbutils.widgets.get(\"csp\")\n",
+ "platform_string=f\"databricks-{csp_string}\""
+ ]
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+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\r\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽\rProcessing...⣾\rProcessing...⣷\rProcessing...⣯\rProcessing...⣟\rProcessing...⡿\rProcessing...⢿\rProcessing...⣻\rProcessing...⣽"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!spark_rapids_user_tools $platform_string qualification --eventlogs $eventlog_string --local_folder $outputpath_string > /tmp/qual_debug.log"
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+ "## Summary Output"
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+ "output_type": "display_data",
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "
App Name | App ID | Recommendation | Estimated GPU Speedup | Estimated GPU Duration | Estimated GPU Time Saved | SQL DF Duration | SQL Dataframe Task Duration | App Duration | GPU Opportunity | Executor CPU Time Percent | SQL Ids with Failures | Unsupported Read File Formats and Types | Unsupported Write Data Format | Complex Types | Nested Complex Types | Potential Problems | Longest SQL Duration | NONSQL Task Duration Plus Overhead | Unsupported Task Duration | Supported SQL DF Task Duration | Task Speedup Factor | App Duration Estimated | Unsupported Execs | Unsupported Expressions | Estimated Job Frequency (monthly) |
TPC-DS Like Bench q4 | app-20220209224316-0007 | Strongly Recommended | 2.78 | 40078.11 | 71498.88 | 90167 | 85324700 | 111577 | 90167 | 65.09 | null | null | null | null | null | null | 90163 | 3086516 | 0 | 85324700 | 4.83 | false | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 30 |
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+ "TPC-DS Like Bench q4",
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ "Strongly Recommended",
+ 2.78,
+ 40078.11,
+ 71498.88,
+ 90167,
+ 85324700,
+ 111577,
+ 90167,
+ 65.09,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ 90163,
+ 3086516,
+ 0,
+ 85324700,
+ 4.83,
+ false,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 30
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+ "type": "\"string\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Recommendation",
+ "type": "\"string\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Estimated GPU Speedup",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Estimated GPU Duration",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Estimated GPU Time Saved",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "SQL DF Duration",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "SQL Dataframe Task Duration",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "App Duration",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "GPU Opportunity",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Executor CPU Time Percent",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "SQL Ids with Failures",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Unsupported Read File Formats and Types",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Potential Problems",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Longest SQL Duration",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "NONSQL Task Duration Plus Overhead",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Unsupported Task Duration",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Supported SQL DF Task Duration",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Task Speedup Factor",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
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+ "type": "\"boolean\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
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+ },
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+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Unsupported Expressions",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Estimated Job Frequency (monthly)",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "table"
+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "summary_output=pd.read_csv(outputpath_string + \"/rapids_4_spark_qualification_output/rapids_4_spark_qualification_output.csv\")\n",
+ "display(summary_output)"
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+ "## Stages Output"
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+ {
+ "output_type": "display_data",
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "App ID | Stage ID | Average Speedup Factor | Stage Task Duration | Unsupported Task Duration | Stage Estimated | Number of transitions from or to GPU |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 45 | 5.91 | 13349286 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 36 | 4.13 | 805680 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 42 | 4.13 | 393456 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 48 | 4.74 | 487756 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 41 | 5.91 | 9850301 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 31 | 3.76 | 1186 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 49 | 4.75 | 567023 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 40 | 4.13 | 733210 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 32 | 3.76 | 707 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 52 | 8.07 | 2747585 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 34 | 4.13 | 279385 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 33 | 4.13 | 1830306 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 38 | 4.13 | 1127786 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 44 | 4.13 | 2478797 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 47 | 4.59 | 431055 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 43 | 5.91 | 5018114 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 37 | 5.91 | 5448378 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 53 | 3.0 | 241 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 35 | 5.91 | 19573046 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 51 | 4.74 | 515369 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 39 | 5.91 | 18402446 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 50 | 4.74 | 512640 | 0 | false | 0 |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 46 | 4.59 | 770947 | 0 | false | 0 |
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 45,
+ 5.91,
+ 13349286,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 36,
+ 4.13,
+ 805680,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 42,
+ 4.13,
+ 393456,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 48,
+ 4.74,
+ 487756,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 41,
+ 5.91,
+ 9850301,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 31,
+ 3.76,
+ 1186,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 49,
+ 4.75,
+ 567023,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 40,
+ 4.13,
+ 733210,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 32,
+ 3.76,
+ 707,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 52,
+ 8.07,
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+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 34,
+ 4.13,
+ 279385,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 33,
+ 4.13,
+ 1830306,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 38,
+ 4.13,
+ 1127786,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 44,
+ 4.13,
+ 2478797,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 47,
+ 4.59,
+ 431055,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 43,
+ 5.91,
+ 5018114,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 37,
+ 5.91,
+ 5448378,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 53,
+ 3.0,
+ 241,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 35,
+ 5.91,
+ 19573046,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 51,
+ 4.74,
+ 515369,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 39,
+ 5.91,
+ 18402446,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 50,
+ 4.74,
+ 512640,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ],
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
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+ 4.59,
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+ 0,
+ false,
+ 0
+ ]
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+ "datasetInfos": [],
+ "dbfsResultPath": null,
+ "isJsonSchema": true,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "overflow": false,
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+ "customPlotOptions": {},
+ "displayType": "table",
+ "pivotAggregation": null,
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+ "yColumns": null
+ },
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+ "schema": [
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "App ID",
+ "type": "\"string\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Stage ID",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Average Speedup Factor",
+ "type": "\"double\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Stage Task Duration",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Unsupported Task Duration",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Stage Estimated",
+ "type": "\"boolean\""
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{}",
+ "name": "Number of transitions from or to GPU",
+ "type": "\"long\""
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "table"
+ }
+ },
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "stages_output=pd.read_csv(outputpath_string + \"/rapids_4_spark_qualification_output/rapids_4_spark_qualification_output_stages.csv\")\n",
+ "display(stages_output)"
+ ]
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+ "showTitle": false,
+ "title": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "## Execs Output"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 0,
+ "metadata": {
+ "application/vnd.databricks.v1+cell": {
+ "cellMetadata": {
+ "byteLimit": 2048000,
+ "rowLimit": 10000
+ },
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+ "showTitle": false,
+ "title": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "display_data",
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "App ID | SQL ID | Exec Name | Expression Name | Task Speedup Factor | Exec Duration | SQL Node Id | Exec Is Supported | Exec Stages | Exec Children | Exec Children Node Ids | Exec Should Remove |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 101 | true | 45 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (14) | WholeStageCodegen (14) | 7.49 | 18790937 | 61 | true | 35 | HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin | 62:63:64:65:66 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SubqueryBroadcast | null | 3.0 | 976 | 43 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 12696 | 160 | true | 50:52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (2) | WholeStageCodegen (2) | 6.64 | 17508276 | 29 | true | 39 | Sort | 30 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 24 | true | 39 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 113 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (10) | WholeStageCodegen (10) | 6.64 | 18772156 | 67 | true | 35 | Sort | 68 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ReusedExchange | null | 1.0 | 0 | 77 | true | null | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 165 | true | 37 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (12) | WholeStageCodegen (12) | 6.64 | 19313426 | 69 | true | 35 | Sort | 70 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 169 | true | 37 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (15) | WholeStageCodegen (15) | 4.41 | 363596 | 58 | true | 51 | HashAggregate | 59 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 149 | true | 43 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 301 | 54 | true | 32 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 4 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (26) | WholeStageCodegen (26) | 12.67 | 1569321 | 11 | true | 52 | Project:SortMergeJoin | 12:13 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 31434 | 106 | true | 44:45 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (21) | WholeStageCodegen (21) | 6.64 | 13059736 | 104 | true | 45 | Sort | 105 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 6 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastExchange | null | 3.0 | 1385 | 78 | true | null | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 123 | true | 41 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 109 | false | 44 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 545 | 82 | true | 31 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 32062 | 174 | true | 36:37 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (42) | WholeStageCodegen (42) | 3.97 | 322554 | 137 | true | 47 | Project:Filter:HashAggregate | 138:139:140 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (23) | WholeStageCodegen (23) | 7.49 | 12134149 | 96 | true | 45 | HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin | 97:98:99:100:101 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 20 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (24) | WholeStageCodegen (24) | 3.97 | 490690 | 91 | true | 46 | Project:Filter:HashAggregate | 92:93:94 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (35) | WholeStageCodegen (35) | 12.67 | 1637837 | 8 | true | 52 | Project:SortMergeJoin | 9:10 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 17 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastExchange | null | 3.0 | 947 | 50 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 144 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SubqueryBroadcast | null | 3.0 | 976 | 111 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 127 | true | 41 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (52) | WholeStageCodegen (52) | 6.64 | 836330 | 158 | true | 52 | Sort | 159 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastHashJoin | null | 4.72 | 0 | 121 | true | 41 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 146 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | TakeOrderedAndProject | null | 3.0 | 0 | 1 | true | 52:53 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 125 | true | 41 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SubqueryBroadcast | null | 3.0 | 976 | 157 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (7) | WholeStageCodegen (7) | 4.46 | 352448 | 19 | true | 49 | Filter:HashAggregate | 20:21 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 193671 | 178 | true | 36 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 86 | false | 31 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 21 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 1 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 52 | true | 32 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (5) | WholeStageCodegen (5) | 4.51 | 320 | 51 | true | 32 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 52:53 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (53) | WholeStageCodegen (53) | 12.67 | 2091634 | 2 | true | 52 | Project:SortMergeJoin | 3:4 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 89 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 389222 | 75 | true | 33 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastHashJoin | null | 4.72 | 0 | 167 | true | 37 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastExchange | null | 3.0 | 1385 | 83 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastHashJoin | null | 4.72 | 0 | 99 | true | 45 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (19) | WholeStageCodegen (19) | 6.64 | 11861853 | 102 | true | 45 | Sort | 103 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 105 | true | 45 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 156049 | 117 | true | 41:48 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 168 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 209240 | 60 | true | 35:51 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SubqueryBroadcast | null | 3.0 | 1388 | 179 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 138 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 545 | 87 | true | 31 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 68 | true | 35 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 21 | true | 49 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 8460 | 136 | true | 47:52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (51) | WholeStageCodegen (51) | 4.41 | 314233 | 161 | true | 50 | HashAggregate | 162 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 166 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 131 | false | 40 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 3 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 34 | false | 34 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 20 | true | 49 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 8 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (11) | WholeStageCodegen (11) | 4.51 | 1353077 | 72 | true | 33 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 73:74 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ReusedExchange | null | 1.0 | 0 | 44 | true | null | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Execute InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand parquet | null | 3.0 | 0 | 0 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 41 | false | 38 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 143 | true | 43 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 61235 | 57 | true | 51:52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 13 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 108 | true | 44 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 12 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (33) | WholeStageCodegen (33) | 4.41 | 311678 | 115 | true | 48 | HashAggregate | 116 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 81 | false | 31 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (32) | WholeStageCodegen (32) | 7.49 | 9334072 | 118 | true | 41 | HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin | 119:120:121:122:123 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (20) | WholeStageCodegen (20) | 4.51 | 1602599 | 107 | true | 44 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 108:109 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 271493 | 42 | true | 38 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 70 | true | 35 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 119 | true | 41 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (44) | WholeStageCodegen (44) | 12.67 | 1930487 | 5 | true | 52 | Project:SortMergeJoin | 6:7 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 15288 | 114 | true | 48:52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (47) | WholeStageCodegen (47) | 4.51 | 531329 | 175 | true | 36 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 176:177 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (8) | WholeStageCodegen (8) | 6.64 | 1494431 | 16 | true | 52 | Sort | 17 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 59 | true | 51 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 98 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 22 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 35176 | 90 | true | 46:52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (43) | WholeStageCodegen (43) | 6.64 | 1250915 | 134 | true | 52 | Sort | 135 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 176 | true | 36 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 140 | true | 47 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 212516 | 71 | true | 33:35 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 20686 | 128 | true | 40:41 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 832627 | 110 | true | 44 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 30 | true | 39 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (1) | WholeStageCodegen (1) | 4.51 | 155644 | 32 | true | 34 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 33:34 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastHashJoin | null | 4.72 | 0 | 26 | true | 39 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 102650 | 35 | true | 34 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 162543 | 163 | true | 37:50 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (29) | WholeStageCodegen (29) | 4.51 | 530409 | 129 | true | 40 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 130:131 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 159 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 6 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 93 | true | 46 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 15 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 63 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (16) | WholeStageCodegen (16) | 6.64 | 2197268 | 55 | true | 52 | Sort | 56 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 301 | 49 | true | 32 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (50) | WholeStageCodegen (50) | 7.49 | 4913238 | 164 | true | 37 | HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin | 165:166:167:168:169 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (13) | WholeStageCodegen (13) | 4.51 | 565 | 84 | true | 31 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 85:86 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 12 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (28) | WholeStageCodegen (28) | 6.64 | 8723134 | 124 | true | 41 | Sort | 125 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 0 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 62 | true | 35 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 200753 | 141 | true | 43:47 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 40 | true | 38 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 116 | true | 48 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastHashJoin | null | 4.72 | 0 | 64 | true | 35 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 4 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 209353 | 95 | true | 45:46 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SubqueryBroadcast | null | 3.0 | 1388 | 76 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (17) | WholeStageCodegen (17) | 22.33 | 1446800 | 14 | true | 52 | SortMergeJoin | 15 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 146085 | 22 | true | 39:49 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 94 | true | 46 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 173 | true | 37 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 25 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 3 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 162 | true | 50 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 122 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 155 | false | 42 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 216336 | 132 | true | 40 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 65 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (46) | WholeStageCodegen (46) | 6.64 | 3372368 | 170 | true | 37 | Sort | 171 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 100 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SubqueryBroadcast | null | 3.0 | 1388 | 133 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 15 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (6) | WholeStageCodegen (6) | 7.49 | 17778089 | 23 | true | 39 | HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin | 24:25:26:27:28 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 33 | true | 34 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 14 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 37 | true | 39 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 16 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 47 | true | 32 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastExchange | null | 3.0 | 947 | 45 | true | null | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 74 | false | 33 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | HashAggregate | null | 4.41 | 0 | 97 | true | 45 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 23981 | 152 | true | 42:43 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 139 | true | 47 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 5 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 17 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (41) | WholeStageCodegen (41) | 7.49 | 4639507 | 142 | true | 43 | HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin | 143:144:145:146:147 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (48) | WholeStageCodegen (48) | 6.64 | 6648471 | 172 | true | 37 | Sort | 173 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (37) | WholeStageCodegen (37) | 6.64 | 2909792 | 148 | true | 43 | Sort | 149 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 103 | true | 45 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | BroadcastHashJoin | null | 4.72 | 0 | 145 | true | 43 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 27 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 10 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (34) | WholeStageCodegen (34) | 6.64 | 1990423 | 112 | true | 52 | Sort | 113 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 2 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 7 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (5) | WholeStageCodegen (5) | 1.0 | 320 | 46 | true | 32 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 47:48 | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (13) | WholeStageCodegen (13) | 1.0 | 565 | 79 | true | 31 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 80:81 | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (25) | WholeStageCodegen (25) | 6.64 | 2262152 | 88 | true | 52 | Sort | 89 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 177 | false | 36 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (30) | WholeStageCodegen (30) | 6.64 | 10069460 | 126 | true | 41 | Sort | 127 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 48 | false | 32 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 28 | true | 39 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 68864 | 18 | true | 49:52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 9 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 135 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | ColumnarToRow | null | 1.0 | 0 | 53 | false | 32 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 29878 | 38 | true | 38:39 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 10 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 130 | true | 40 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 66 | true | 35 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 120 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (4) | WholeStageCodegen (4) | 6.64 | 18251001 | 36 | true | 39 | Sort | 37 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Exchange | null | 4.9 | 38489 | 31 | true | 37:41:34:45:39:35:43 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Scan parquet | null | 3.0 | 118333 | 156 | true | 42 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 18 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 171 | true | 37 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 154 | true | 42 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 23 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 80 | true | 31 | null | null | true |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (39) | WholeStageCodegen (39) | 6.64 | 6477320 | 150 | true | 43 | Sort | 151 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 56 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 19 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 73 | true | 33 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 9 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (3) | WholeStageCodegen (3) | 4.51 | 833296 | 39 | true | 38 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 40:41 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Filter | null | 4.51 | 0 | 85 | true | 31 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Project | null | 3.0 | 0 | 92 | true | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | Sort | null | 6.64 | 0 | 151 | true | 43 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | WholeStageCodegen (38) | WholeStageCodegen (38) | 4.51 | 289863 | 153 | true | 42 | Filter:ColumnarToRow | 154:155 | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 11 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 147 | true | 43 | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 13 | Execute CreateViewCommand | null | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | false | null | null | null | false |
app-20220209224316-0007 | 24 | SortMergeJoin | null | 22.33 | 0 | 7 | true | 52 | null | null | false |
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
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+ 101,
+ true,
+ "45",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (14)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (14)",
+ 7.49,
+ 18790937,
+ 61,
+ true,
+ "35",
+ "HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "62:63:64:65:66",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SubqueryBroadcast",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 976,
+ 43,
+ true,
+ null,
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+ null,
+ false
+ ],
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
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+ 160,
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+ "50:52",
+ null,
+ null,
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (2)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (2)",
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+ 17508276,
+ 29,
+ true,
+ "39",
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
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+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 113,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (10)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (10)",
+ 6.64,
+ 18772156,
+ 67,
+ true,
+ "35",
+ "Sort",
+ "68",
+ false
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
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+ "ReusedExchange",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 77,
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+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
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+ 165,
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+ "37",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (12)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (12)",
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+ 19313426,
+ 69,
+ true,
+ "35",
+ "Sort",
+ "70",
+ false
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ null,
+ 22.33,
+ 0,
+ 169,
+ true,
+ "37",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (15)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (15)",
+ 4.41,
+ 363596,
+ 58,
+ true,
+ "51",
+ "HashAggregate",
+ "59",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 149,
+ true,
+ "43",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 301,
+ 54,
+ true,
+ "32",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 4,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (26)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (26)",
+ 12.67,
+ 1569321,
+ 11,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "12:13",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 31434,
+ 106,
+ true,
+ "44:45",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (21)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (21)",
+ 6.64,
+ 13059736,
+ 104,
+ true,
+ "45",
+ "Sort",
+ "105",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 6,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastExchange",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 1385,
+ 78,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ null,
+ 22.33,
+ 0,
+ 123,
+ true,
+ "41",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 109,
+ false,
+ "44",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 545,
+ 82,
+ true,
+ "31",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 32062,
+ 174,
+ true,
+ "36:37",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (42)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (42)",
+ 3.97,
+ 322554,
+ 137,
+ true,
+ "47",
+ "Project:Filter:HashAggregate",
+ "138:139:140",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (23)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (23)",
+ 7.49,
+ 12134149,
+ 96,
+ true,
+ "45",
+ "HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "97:98:99:100:101",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 20,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (24)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (24)",
+ 3.97,
+ 490690,
+ 91,
+ true,
+ "46",
+ "Project:Filter:HashAggregate",
+ "92:93:94",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (35)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (35)",
+ 12.67,
+ 1637837,
+ 8,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "9:10",
+ false
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 17,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastExchange",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 947,
+ 50,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 144,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SubqueryBroadcast",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 976,
+ 111,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 127,
+ true,
+ "41",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (52)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (52)",
+ 6.64,
+ 836330,
+ 158,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Sort",
+ "159",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastHashJoin",
+ null,
+ 4.72,
+ 0,
+ 121,
+ true,
+ "41",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 146,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "TakeOrderedAndProject",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ true,
+ "52:53",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 125,
+ true,
+ "41",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SubqueryBroadcast",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 976,
+ 157,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (7)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (7)",
+ 4.46,
+ 352448,
+ 19,
+ true,
+ "49",
+ "Filter:HashAggregate",
+ "20:21",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 193671,
+ 178,
+ true,
+ "36",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 86,
+ false,
+ "31",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 21,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 1,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 52,
+ true,
+ "32",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (5)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (5)",
+ 4.51,
+ 320,
+ 51,
+ true,
+ "32",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "52:53",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (53)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (53)",
+ 12.67,
+ 2091634,
+ 2,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "3:4",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 89,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 389222,
+ 75,
+ true,
+ "33",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastHashJoin",
+ null,
+ 4.72,
+ 0,
+ 167,
+ true,
+ "37",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastExchange",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 1385,
+ 83,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastHashJoin",
+ null,
+ 4.72,
+ 0,
+ 99,
+ true,
+ "45",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (19)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (19)",
+ 6.64,
+ 11861853,
+ 102,
+ true,
+ "45",
+ "Sort",
+ "103",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 105,
+ true,
+ "45",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 156049,
+ 117,
+ true,
+ "41:48",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 168,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 209240,
+ 60,
+ true,
+ "35:51",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SubqueryBroadcast",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 1388,
+ 179,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 138,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 545,
+ 87,
+ true,
+ "31",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 68,
+ true,
+ "35",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 21,
+ true,
+ "49",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 8460,
+ 136,
+ true,
+ "47:52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (51)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (51)",
+ 4.41,
+ 314233,
+ 161,
+ true,
+ "50",
+ "HashAggregate",
+ "162",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 166,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 131,
+ false,
+ "40",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 3,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 34,
+ false,
+ "34",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 20,
+ true,
+ "49",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 8,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (11)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (11)",
+ 4.51,
+ 1353077,
+ 72,
+ true,
+ "33",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "73:74",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ReusedExchange",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 44,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Execute InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 41,
+ false,
+ "38",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 143,
+ true,
+ "43",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 61235,
+ 57,
+ true,
+ "51:52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ null,
+ 22.33,
+ 0,
+ 13,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 108,
+ true,
+ "44",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 12,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (33)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (33)",
+ 4.41,
+ 311678,
+ 115,
+ true,
+ "48",
+ "HashAggregate",
+ "116",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 81,
+ false,
+ "31",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (32)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (32)",
+ 7.49,
+ 9334072,
+ 118,
+ true,
+ "41",
+ "HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "119:120:121:122:123",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (20)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (20)",
+ 4.51,
+ 1602599,
+ 107,
+ true,
+ "44",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "108:109",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 271493,
+ 42,
+ true,
+ "38",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 70,
+ true,
+ "35",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 119,
+ true,
+ "41",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (44)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (44)",
+ 12.67,
+ 1930487,
+ 5,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "6:7",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 15288,
+ 114,
+ true,
+ "48:52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (47)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (47)",
+ 4.51,
+ 531329,
+ 175,
+ true,
+ "36",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "176:177",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (8)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (8)",
+ 6.64,
+ 1494431,
+ 16,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Sort",
+ "17",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 59,
+ true,
+ "51",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 98,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 22,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 35176,
+ 90,
+ true,
+ "46:52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (43)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (43)",
+ 6.64,
+ 1250915,
+ 134,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Sort",
+ "135",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 176,
+ true,
+ "36",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 140,
+ true,
+ "47",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 212516,
+ 71,
+ true,
+ "33:35",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 20686,
+ 128,
+ true,
+ "40:41",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 832627,
+ 110,
+ true,
+ "44",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 30,
+ true,
+ "39",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (1)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (1)",
+ 4.51,
+ 155644,
+ 32,
+ true,
+ "34",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "33:34",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastHashJoin",
+ null,
+ 4.72,
+ 0,
+ 26,
+ true,
+ "39",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 102650,
+ 35,
+ true,
+ "34",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 162543,
+ 163,
+ true,
+ "37:50",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (29)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (29)",
+ 4.51,
+ 530409,
+ 129,
+ true,
+ "40",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "130:131",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 159,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 6,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 93,
+ true,
+ "46",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ null,
+ 22.33,
+ 0,
+ 15,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 63,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (16)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (16)",
+ 6.64,
+ 2197268,
+ 55,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Sort",
+ "56",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 301,
+ 49,
+ true,
+ "32",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (50)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (50)",
+ 7.49,
+ 4913238,
+ 164,
+ true,
+ "37",
+ "HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "165:166:167:168:169",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (13)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (13)",
+ 4.51,
+ 565,
+ 84,
+ true,
+ "31",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "85:86",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 12,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (28)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (28)",
+ 6.64,
+ 8723134,
+ 124,
+ true,
+ "41",
+ "Sort",
+ "125",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 0,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 62,
+ true,
+ "35",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 200753,
+ 141,
+ true,
+ "43:47",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 40,
+ true,
+ "38",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 116,
+ true,
+ "48",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastHashJoin",
+ null,
+ 4.72,
+ 0,
+ 64,
+ true,
+ "35",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ null,
+ 22.33,
+ 0,
+ 4,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 209353,
+ 95,
+ true,
+ "45:46",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SubqueryBroadcast",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 1388,
+ 76,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (17)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (17)",
+ 22.33,
+ 1446800,
+ 14,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ "15",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 146085,
+ 22,
+ true,
+ "39:49",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 94,
+ true,
+ "46",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 173,
+ true,
+ "37",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 25,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 3,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 162,
+ true,
+ "50",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 122,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 155,
+ false,
+ "42",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 216336,
+ 132,
+ true,
+ "40",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 65,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (46)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (46)",
+ 6.64,
+ 3372368,
+ 170,
+ true,
+ "37",
+ "Sort",
+ "171",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 100,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SubqueryBroadcast",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 1388,
+ 133,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 15,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (6)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (6)",
+ 7.49,
+ 17778089,
+ 23,
+ true,
+ "39",
+ "HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "24:25:26:27:28",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 33,
+ true,
+ "34",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 14,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 37,
+ true,
+ "39",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 16,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 47,
+ true,
+ "32",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastExchange",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 947,
+ 45,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 74,
+ false,
+ "33",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "HashAggregate",
+ null,
+ 4.41,
+ 0,
+ 97,
+ true,
+ "45",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 23981,
+ 152,
+ true,
+ "42:43",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 139,
+ true,
+ "47",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 5,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 17,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (41)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (41)",
+ 7.49,
+ 4639507,
+ 142,
+ true,
+ "43",
+ "HashAggregate:Project:BroadcastHashJoin:Project:SortMergeJoin",
+ "143:144:145:146:147",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (48)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (48)",
+ 6.64,
+ 6648471,
+ 172,
+ true,
+ "37",
+ "Sort",
+ "173",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (37)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (37)",
+ 6.64,
+ 2909792,
+ 148,
+ true,
+ "43",
+ "Sort",
+ "149",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 103,
+ true,
+ "45",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "BroadcastHashJoin",
+ null,
+ 4.72,
+ 0,
+ 145,
+ true,
+ "43",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 27,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ null,
+ 22.33,
+ 0,
+ 10,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (34)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (34)",
+ 6.64,
+ 1990423,
+ 112,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Sort",
+ "113",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 2,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 7,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (5)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (5)",
+ 1.0,
+ 320,
+ 46,
+ true,
+ "32",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "47:48",
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (13)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (13)",
+ 1.0,
+ 565,
+ 79,
+ true,
+ "31",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "80:81",
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (25)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (25)",
+ 6.64,
+ 2262152,
+ 88,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ "Sort",
+ "89",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 177,
+ false,
+ "36",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (30)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (30)",
+ 6.64,
+ 10069460,
+ 126,
+ true,
+ "41",
+ "Sort",
+ "127",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 48,
+ false,
+ "32",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ null,
+ 22.33,
+ 0,
+ 28,
+ true,
+ "39",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 68864,
+ 18,
+ true,
+ "49:52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 9,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 135,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "ColumnarToRow",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 53,
+ false,
+ "32",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 29878,
+ 38,
+ true,
+ "38:39",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 10,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 130,
+ true,
+ "40",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
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+ 66,
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+ "35",
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+ false
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
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+ 0,
+ 120,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (4)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (4)",
+ 6.64,
+ 18251001,
+ 36,
+ true,
+ "39",
+ "Sort",
+ "37",
+ false
+ ],
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+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
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+ "Exchange",
+ null,
+ 4.9,
+ 38489,
+ 31,
+ true,
+ "37:41:34:45:39:35:43",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
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+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Scan parquet",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 118333,
+ 156,
+ true,
+ "42",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 18,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 171,
+ true,
+ "37",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 154,
+ true,
+ "42",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 23,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 80,
+ true,
+ "31",
+ null,
+ null,
+ true
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (39)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (39)",
+ 6.64,
+ 6477320,
+ 150,
+ true,
+ "43",
+ "Sort",
+ "151",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 56,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 19,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 73,
+ true,
+ "33",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 9,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (3)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (3)",
+ 4.51,
+ 833296,
+ 39,
+ true,
+ "38",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "40:41",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Filter",
+ null,
+ 4.51,
+ 0,
+ 85,
+ true,
+ "31",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Project",
+ null,
+ 3.0,
+ 0,
+ 92,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "Sort",
+ null,
+ 6.64,
+ 0,
+ 151,
+ true,
+ "43",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "WholeStageCodegen (38)",
+ "WholeStageCodegen (38)",
+ 4.51,
+ 289863,
+ 153,
+ true,
+ "42",
+ "Filter:ColumnarToRow",
+ "154:155",
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 11,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ null,
+ 22.33,
+ 0,
+ 147,
+ true,
+ "43",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 13,
+ "Execute CreateViewCommand",
+ null,
+ 1.0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ],
+ [
+ "app-20220209224316-0007",
+ 24,
+ "SortMergeJoin",
+ null,
+ 22.33,
+ 0,
+ 7,
+ true,
+ "52",
+ null,
+ null,
+ false
+ ]
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+ },
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+ "metadata": "{}",
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+ },
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+ "metadata": "{}",
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+ },
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+ "metadata": "{}",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "metadata": "{}",
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+ },
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+ "metadata": "{}",
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+ },
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+ "metadata": "{}",
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+ },
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+ }
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+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "execs_output=pd.read_csv(outputpath_string + \"/rapids_4_spark_qualification_output/rapids_4_spark_qualification_output_execs.csv\")\n",
+ "display(execs_output)"
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