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212 lines (161 loc) · 6.88 KB

File metadata and controls

212 lines (161 loc) · 6.88 KB


galaxyline is a light-weight and Super Fast statusline plugin. Galaxyline componentizes Vim's statusline by having a provider for each text area.

This means you can use the api provided by galaxyline to create the statusline that you want, easily.

IMPORTANT: galaxyline requires Neovim 0.5 onwards (0.6 is recommended!)


  • packer.nvim
  -- your statusline
  config = function()
  -- some optional icons
  requires = { "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons", opt = true }


Section Variables

The type of all of these section variables:

  • require("galaxyline").short_line_list some special filetypes that show a short statusline like LuaTree defx coc-explorer vista etc.

  • require("galaxyline").section.left the statusline left section.

  • require("galaxyline").section.mid the statusline mid section.

  • require("galaxyline").section.right the stautsline right section.

  • require("galaxyline").section.short_line_left the statusline left section when filetype is in short_line_list and for inactive window

  • require("galaxyline").section.short_line_mid the statusline mid section when filetype is in short_line_list and for inactive window

  • require("galaxyline").section.short_line_right statusline right section when filetype is in short_line_list and for inactive window

Component keyword

Example of a FileSize component in the left section:

require("galaxyline").section.left[1] = {
  FileSize = {
    provider = "FileSize",
    condition = function()
      return vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.expand("%:t")) ~= 1
    icon = "",
    highlight = {, colors.purple },
    separator = "",
    separator_highlight = { colors.purple, colors.darkblue },

provider can be a string, function or table. When it's a string, it will match the default provider group. If it doesn't match an existing group you will get an error. You can also use multiple default providers in provider. If you are using multiple then you must provide an array table for provider.

Default provider groups:

---- source provider functions
-- Code diagnostics
local diagnostic = require("galaxyline.providers.diagnostic")
-- Version control
local vcs = require("galaxyline.providers.vcs")
-- Core files information
local fileinfo = require("galaxyline.providers.fileinfo")
-- Extensions, aka plugins
local extension = require("galaxyline.providers.extensions")
-- Neovim highlighting
local colors = require("galaxyline.highlighting")
-- Buffer information, e.g. corresponding icon
local buffer = require("galaxyline.providers.buffer")
-- Search results
local search = require("")
-- Spacing
local whitespace = require("galaxyline.providers.whitespace")
-- Active language server information
local lspclient = require("galaxyline.providers.lsp")

---- Providers
BufferIcon  = buffer.get_buffer_type_icon
BufferNumber = buffer.get_buffer_number
FileTypeName = buffer.get_buffer_filetype
-- Git Provider
GitBranch = vcs.get_git_branch
DiffAdd = vcs.diff_add             -- support vim-gitgutter vim-signify gitsigns
DiffModified = vcs.diff_modified   -- support vim-gitgutter vim-signify gitsigns
DiffRemove = vcs.diff_remove       -- support vim-gitgutter vim-signify gitsigns
-- Search Provider
SearchResults = search.get_results,
-- File Provider
LineColumn = fileinfo.line_column
FileFormat = fileinfo.get_file_format
FileEncode = fileinfo.get_file_encode
FileSize = fileinfo.get_file_size
FileIcon = fileinfo.get_file_icon
FileName = fileinfo.get_current_file_name
LinePercent = fileinfo.current_line_percent
ScrollBar = extension.scrollbar_instance
VistaPlugin = extension.vista_nearest
-- Whitespace
Whitespace = whitespace.get_item
-- Diagnostic Provider
DiagnosticError = diagnostic.get_diagnostic_error
DiagnosticWarn = diagnostic.get_diagnostic_warn
DiagnosticHint = diagnostic.get_diagnostic_hint
DiagnosticInfo = diagnostic.get_diagnostic_info
-- LSP
GetLspClient = lspclient.get_lsp_client

---- Public libs
-- Get file icon color
-- Custom file icon with color
local my_icons = require("galaxyline.providers.fileinfo").define_file_icon()
my_icons['your file type here'] = { color code, icon}
-- If your filetype does is not defined in neovim  you can use file extensions
my_icons['your file ext  in here'] = { color code, icon}

---- built-in conditions
local condition = require("galaxyline.condition")
-- if buffer not empty return true else false
-- if winwidth(0)/ 2 > 40 true else false
-- find git root, you can use this to check if the project is a git workspace

---- built-in theme
local colors = require("galaxyline.themes.colors").default
--- Palette:
-- bg = "#202328"
-- fg = "#bbc2cf"
-- yellow = "#ECBE7B"
-- cyan = "#008080"
-- darkblue = "#081633"
-- green = "#98be65"
-- orange = "#FF8800"
-- violet = "#a9a1e1"
-- magenta = "#c678dd"
-- blue = "#51afef"
-- red = "#ec5f67"

Do you want to use other themes than default or even make your own? Please refer to!

You can also use the source of the provider function.

  • condition is a function that must return a boolean. If it returns true then it will load the component.

  • icon is a string that will be added to the head of the provider result. It can also be a function that returns a string.

  • highlight is a string, function or table that can be used in two ways. The first is to pass three elements: the first element is fg, the second is bg, and the third is gui. The second method is to pass a highlight group as a string (such as IncSearch) that galaxyline will link to.

  • separator is a string, function or table. notice that table type only work in mid section, It is not just a separator. Any statusline item can be defined here, like %<,%{},%n, and so on.

  • separator_highlight same as highlight

  • event type is string. You configure a plugin's event that will reload the statusline.

Awesome Show

  • author: glepnir


  • author: ChristianChiarulli

  • author: BenoitPingris

  • author: Th3Whit3Wolf

  • author: voitd

You can find more custom galaxyline examples here
