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Module size: how to get Landscape or Portrait modules (1 UP and 2 UP even!)

Silvana Ayala edited this page Feb 22, 2019 · 1 revision

X and Y define the module size. X is along the row Y is along the slope that will be sampled (the 'collector width').

If you want a portrait module: You can obviously do whatever you want, but here is MY rule of thumb:

Y > X,

If you want a landscape module:

X < Y,

Orientation is deprecated. If you pass 'orientation', it will just show a warning.

How to perform a Sanity check for your geometry:

  1. Use Gendaylit (not Gencumsky) so you can use Radiance's viewer RVU
  2. Make more than 1 module, so you know your row orientation,
  3. If it is a 2-up system, pass a ygap (gap betwen modules when in 2-UP orientation) that is also noticeable (~0.15 at least).
  4. Pass a 'xgap' (gap between modules along a row) to makeModule that is very wide (~0.5 meters?) so you can see the separation and outline of the modules well.

After doing this: once your 'oconv' is generated (after "makeOconv"), go to your cmd.exe window, navigate to the folder where you have your RadianceScene, and do an RVU sanity check:

rvu -vf views\front.vp -e .01 Demo_Test.oct

Some common topics / explanations about how bifacial_radiance works:

Installation Video

World Coordinates

How the sensors work

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