Code repository for:
Multicenter Validated Detection of Focal Cortical Dysplasia using Deep Learning
Gill, R. S., Lee, H. M., Caldairou, B., Hong, S. J., Barba, C., Deleo, F., D'Incerti, L., Mendes Coelho, V. C., Lenge, M., Semmelroch, M., Schrader, D. V., Bartolomei, F., Guye, M., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Urbach, H., Cho, K. H., Cendes, F., Guerrini, R., Jackson, G., Hogan, R. E., … Bernasconi, A. (2021). Multicenter Validation of a Deep Learning Detection Algorithm for Focal Cortical Dysplasia. Neurology, 97(16), e1571–e1582.
title = {Multicenter Validated Detection of Focal Cortical Dysplasia using Deep Learning},
author = {Gill, Ravnoor Singh and Lee, Hyo-Min and Caldairou, Benoit and Hong, Seok-Jun and Barba, Carmen and Deleo, Francesco and D'Incerti, Ludovico and Coelho, Vanessa Cristina Mendes and Lenge, Matteo and Semmelroch, Mira and others},
journal = {Neurology},
year = {2021},
publisher = {American Academy of Neurology},
code = {\url{}},
doi = {}
0. Anaconda Python Environment
1. Python == 3.8
2. Keras == 2.2.4
3. Theano == 1.0.4
4. ANTsPy == 0.4.2 (for MRI preprocessing)
4. ANTsPyNet == 0.2.3 (for deepMask)
5. PyTorch == 1.8.2 LTS (for deepMask)
6. h5py == 2.10.0
+ app/requirements.txt
+ app/deepMask/app/requirements.txt
# clone the repo with the deepMask submodule
git clone --recurse-submodules -j2
cd deepFCD
# install Miniconda3
wget -O ~/
bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
# create and activate a Conda environment for preprocessing
conda create -n preprocess python=3.8
conda activate preprocess
# install dependencies using pip
python -m pip install -r app/deepMask/app/requirements.txt
conda deactivate
# create and activate a Conda environment for deepFCD
conda create -n deepFCD python=3.8
conda activate deepFCD
# install dependencies using pip
python -m pip install -r app/requirements.txt
conda install -c conda-forge pygpu=0.7.6
The assumed organization of the directories is specified below:
└── ${PATIENT_ID}/ # [this patient-specific directory is contained within ${IO_DIRECTORY}]
├── noel_deepFCD_dropoutMC # [deepFCD output images]
│ ├── ${PATIENT_ID}_noel_deepFCD_dropoutMC_prob_mean_0.nii.gz # [mean PROBABILITY image from CNN-1]
│ ├── ${PATIENT_ID}_noel_deepFCD_dropoutMC_prob_mean_1.nii.gz # [mean PROBABILITY image from CNN-2]
│ ├── ${PATIENT_ID}_noel_deepFCD_dropoutMC_prob_var_0.nii.gz # [mean UNCERTAINTY image from CNN-1]
│ └── ${PATIENT_ID}_noel_deepFCD_dropoutMC_prob_var_1.nii.gz # [mean UNCERTAINTY image from CNN-2]
├── ${T1_IMAGE}.nii.gz
└── ${FLAIR_IMAGE}.nii.gz
chmod +x ./app/ # make the script executable -ensure you have the requisite permissions
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=6 \ # specify number of threads to initialize when using the CPU - by default this variable is set to half the number of available logical cores
./app/ \ # the script to perform inference on the multimodal MRI images
${PATIENT_ID} \ # prefix for the filenames; for example: FCD_001 (needed for outputs only)
${T1_IMAGE} \ # T1-weighted image; for example: FCD_001_t1.nii.gz or t1.nii.gz [T1 is specified before FLAIR - order is important]
${FLAIR_IMAGE} \ # T2-weighted FLAIR image; for example: FCD_001_t2.nii.gz or flair.nii.gz [T1 is specified before FLAIR - order is important]
${IO_DIRECTORY} \ # input/output directory
cpu \ # toggle b/w CPU/GPU - string specifies CPU ('cpu') or GPU ID ('cudaX', where N is in the range (0,N), where N is the total number of installed GPUs)
1 \ # perform (`1`) or not perform (`0`) brain extraction
1 \ # perform (`1`) or not perform (`0`) image pre-processing
./app/ FCD_001 T1.nii.gz FLAIR.nii.gz /io cpu 1 1
chmod +x ./app/ # make the script executable -ensure you have the requisite permissions
./app/ \ # the script to perform inference on the multimodal MRI images
${PATIENT_ID} \ # prefix for the filenames; for example: FCD_001 (needed for outputs only)
${T1_IMAGE} \ # T1-weighted image; for example: FCD_001_t1.nii.gz or t1.nii.gz [T1 is specified before FLAIR - order is important]
${FLAIR_IMAGE} \ # T2-weighted FLAIR image; for example: FCD_001_t2.nii.gz or flair.nii.gz [T1 is specified before FLAIR - order is important]
${IO_DIRECTORY} \ # input/output directory
cuda0 \ # toggle b/w CPU/GPU - string specifies CPU ('cpu') or GPU ID ('cudaX', where N is in the range (0,N), where N is the total number of installed GPUs)
1 \ # perform (`1`) or not perform (`0`) brain extraction
1 \ # perform (`1`) or not perform (`0`) image pre-processing
./app/ FCD_001 T1.nii.gz FLAIR.nii.gz /io cuda0 1 1
3.3 Inference using Docker (GPU), requires nvidia-container-toolkit
docker run --rm -it --init \
--gpus=all \ # expose the host GPUs to the guest docker container
--user="$(id -u):$(id -g)" \ # map user permissions appropriately
--volume="${IO_DIRECTORY}:/io" \ # $PWD refers to the present working directory containing the input images, can be modified to a local host directory
noelmni/deep-fcd:latest \ # docker image containing all the necessary software dependencies
/app/ \ # the script to perform inference on the multimodal MRI images
${PATIENT_ID} \ # prefix for the filenames; for example: FCD_001 (needed for outputs only)
${T1_IMAGE} \ # T1-weighted image; for example: FCD_001_t1.nii.gz or t1.nii.gz [T1 is specified before FLAIR - order is important]
${FLAIR_IMAGE} \ # T2-weighted FLAIR image; for example: FCD_001_t2.nii.gz or flair.nii.gz [T1 is specified before FLAIR - order is important]
/io \ # input/output directory within the container mapped to ${IO_DIRECTORY} or ${PWD} [ DO NOT MODIFY]
cuda0 \ # toggle b/w CPU/GPU - string specifies CPU ('cpu') or GPU ID ('cudaX', where N is in the range (0,N), where N is the total number of installed GPUs)
1 \ # perform (`1`) or not perform (`0`) brain extraction
1 \ # perform (`1`) or not perform (`0`) image pre-processing
docker run --rm -it --init --gpus=all --volume=$PWD/io:/io noelmni/deep-fcd:latest /app/ FCD_001 T1.nii.gz FLAIR.nii.gz /io cuda0 1 1
docker run --rm -it --init \
--user="$(id -u):$(id -g)" \ # map user permissions appropriately
--volume="${IO_DIRECTORY}:/io" \ # $PWD refers to the present working directory containing the input images, can be modified to a local host directory
--env OMP_NUM_THREADS=6 \ # specify number of threads to initialize - by default this variable is set to half the number of available logical cores
noelmni/deep-fcd:latest \ # docker image containing all the necessary software dependencies
/app/ \ # the script to perform inference on the multimodal MRI images
${PATIENT_ID} \ # prefix for the filenames; for example: FCD_001 (needed for outputs only)
${T1_IMAGE} \ # T1-weighted image; for example: FCD_001_t1.nii.gz or t1.nii.gz [T1 is specified before FLAIR - order is important]
${FLAIR_IMAGE} \ # T2-weighted FLAIR image; for example: FCD_001_t2.nii.gz or flair.nii.gz [T1 is specified before FLAIR - order is important]
/io \ # input/output directory within the container mapped to ${IO_DIRECTORY} or ${PWD} [ DO NOT MODIFY]
cpu \ # toggle b/w CPU/GPU - string specifies CPU ('cpu') or GPU ID ('cudaX', where N is in the range (0,N), where N is the total number of installed GPUs)
1 \ # perform (`1`) or not perform (`0`) brain extraction
1 \ # perform (`1`) or not perform (`0`) image pre-processing
docker run --rm -it --init --env OMP_NUM_THREADS=6 --volume=$PWD/io:/io noelmni/deep-fcd:latest /app/ FCD_001 T1.nii.gz FLAIR.nii.gz /io cpu 1 1
chmod +x ./app/utils/
./app/utils/ ${PATIENT_ID} ${IO_DIRECTORY}
./app/utils/ FCD_001 /io
docker run --rm -it --init \
--user="$(id -u):$(id -g)"
--volume="${IO_DIRECTORY}:/io" noelmni/deep-fcd:latest
/app/utils/ ${PATIENT_ID} /io
docker run --rm -it --init --gpus=all --volume=$PWD/io:/io noelmni/deep-fcd:latest /app/utils/ FCD_001 /io
Copyright 2023 Neuroimaging of Epilepsy Laboratory, McGill University