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Installation Examples
Many of the CMake arguments are available via --enable-{PACKAGE}
and --disable-{PACKAGE}
, e.g. --enable-mpi
, --disable-tools
git clone https://github.com/NERSC/timemory.git
cd timemory
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install <ARGS> -- <CMAKE_ARGS>
python setup.py install --help
python setup.py install --enable-gotcha --enable-mpi -- -DTIMEMORY_BUILD_TOOLS=OFF
python -m pip install scikit-build
python -m pip install -vvv timemory
# usually easiest to specify the install options using {..} shell expansion
python -m pip install -vvv timemory --install-option=--enable-{gotcha,mpi,caliper}
PyPi usually only has the latest release. If you want to install the develop version, clone the repo and do a local pip install.
git clone https://github.com/NERSC/timemory.git
cd timemory
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install --no-build-isolation --user -vvv .
python -m pip install --no-build-isolation --user -vvv . --install-option=--enable-{cuda,gotcha,mpi}
option is required in order to import the scikit-build (i.e.skbuild
) module
spack info timemory
spack spec timemory
spack install timemory@develop%[email protected] +mpi +cuda +cupti cuda_arch=volta
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install mpich libmpich-dev
apt-get install google-perftools libgoogle-perftools-dev
apt-get install libpapi-dev papi-tools
The conda package manager is generally recommended for Python vs. apt. Conda will provide additional packages and allows for better control over versioning
wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O miniconda.sh
bash miniconda.sh -b -p ${HOME}/miniconda
export PATH="${HOME}/miniconda/bin:${PATH}"
echo 'export PATH="${HOME}/miniconda/bin:${PATH}"' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
conda create -c defaults -c conda-forge -n timemory python=3.7 pyctest scikit-build cmake numpy matplotlib pillow pip cython
$ source activate
(base) $ conda activate timemory
(timemory) $ which python
Installing MPI4Py via pip will build the Python bindings against the system MPI version installed in the APT section. This is generally recommended over the pre-built mpi4py provided by conda.
(timemory) $ pip install mpi4py
(timemory) $ git clone https://github.com/NERSC/timemory.git
(timemory) $ cd timemory
(timemory) $ python setup.py install --enable-c --enable-tools --enable-mpi --enable-papi --enable-gotcha --enable-gperftools
All the options used above are available by passing --help
to python setup.py install
(timemory) $ python setup.py install --help
usage: setup.py [-h] [--enable-c] [--disable-c] [--enable-tools]
[--disable-tools] [--enable-mpi] [--disable-mpi]
[--enable-nccl] [--disable-nccl] [--enable-upcxx]
[--disable-upcxx] [--enable-cuda] [--disable-cuda]
[--enable-cupti] [--disable-cupti] [--enable-papi]
[--disable-papi] [--enable-arch] [--disable-arch]
[--enable-ompt] [--disable-ompt] [--enable-gotcha]
[--disable-gotcha] [--enable-kokkos] [--disable-kokkos]
[--enable-dyninst] [--disable-dyninst] [--enable-tau]
[--disable-tau] [--enable-caliper] [--disable-caliper]
[--enable-likwid] [--disable-likwid] [--enable-gperftools]
[--disable-gperftools] [--enable-vtune] [--disable-vtune]
[--enable-pybind-install] [--disable-pybind-install]
[--enable-build-testing] [--disable-build-testing]
[--cxx-standard {14,17,20}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help Print help
--enable-c Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_BUILD_C build
--disable-c Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_BUILD_C build
--enable-tools Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_BUILD_TOOLS build
--disable-tools Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_BUILD_TOOLS build
--enable-mpi Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_MPI build
--disable-mpi Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_MPI build
--enable-nccl Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_NCCL build
--disable-nccl Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_NCCL build
--enable-upcxx Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_UPCXX build
--disable-upcxx Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_UPCXX build
--enable-cuda Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_CUDA build
--disable-cuda Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_CUDA build
--enable-cupti Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_CUPTI build
--disable-cupti Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_CUPTI build
--enable-papi Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_PAPI build
--disable-papi Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_PAPI build
--enable-arch Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_ARCH build
--disable-arch Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_ARCH build
--enable-ompt Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_OMPT build
--disable-ompt Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_OMPT build
--enable-gotcha Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_GOTCHA build
--disable-gotcha Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_GOTCHA build
--enable-kokkos Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_BUILD_KOKKOS_TOOLS build
--disable-kokkos Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_BUILD_KOKKOS_TOOLS build
--enable-dyninst Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_BUILD_DYNINST_TOOLS build
--disable-dyninst Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_BUILD_DYNINST_TOOLS build
--enable-tau Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_TAU build
--disable-tau Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_TAU build
--enable-caliper Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_CALIPER build
--disable-caliper Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_CALIPER build
--enable-likwid Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_LIKWID build
--disable-likwid Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_LIKWID build
--enable-gperftools Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_GPERFTOOLS build
--disable-gperftools Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_GPERFTOOLS build
--enable-vtune Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_USE_VTUNE build
--disable-vtune Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_USE_VTUNE build
Explicitly enable PYBIND11_INSTALL build
Explicitly disable PYBIND11_INSTALL build
Explicitly enable TIMEMORY_BUILD_TESTING build
Explicitly disable TIMEMORY_BUILD_TESTING build
--cxx-standard {14,17,20}
Set C++ language standard
CMake arguments: -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/home/jrmadsen/devel/c++/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu18.04-broadwell/gcc-9.3.0/python-3.7.7-tg5iie7fd7z3rn54gthtl4wts72mvhs5/bin/python -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=ON -DTIMEMORY_USE_PYTHON=ON -DTIMEMORY_BUILD_PYTHON=ON -DTIMEMORY_BUILD_TOOLS:BOOL=ON -DTIMEMORY_USE_GOTCHA:BOOL=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=14
Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more)
setup.py build will build the package underneath 'build/'
setup.py install will install the package
Global options:
--verbose (-v) run verbosely (default)
--quiet (-q) run quietly (turns verbosity off)
--dry-run (-n) don't actually do anything
--help (-h) show detailed help message
--no-user-cfg ignore pydistutils.cfg in your home directory
--hide-listing do not display list of files being included in the
--force-cmake always run CMake
--skip-cmake do not run CMake
Options for 'build' command:
--build-base (-b) base directory for build library
--build-purelib build directory for platform-neutral distributions
--build-platlib build directory for platform-specific distributions
--build-lib build directory for all distribution (defaults to either
build-purelib or build-platlib
--build-scripts build directory for scripts
--build-temp (-t) temporary build directory
--plat-name (-p) platform name to build for, if supported (default: linux-
--compiler (-c) specify the compiler type
--parallel (-j) number of parallel build jobs
--debug (-g) compile extensions and libraries with debugging
--force (-f) forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)
--executable (-e) specify final destination interpreter path (build.py)
--help-compiler list available compilers
usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
or: setup.py --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
or: setup.py --help-commands
or: setup.py cmd --help